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Posts posted by SquallLHeart

  1. For whatever reasons.. I am passing this information along to the forums.. these are not my words.

    From the person who posted the YELP review:

    This is from the person who posted the Yelp review which is now missing:

    1) I posted the Yelp review in good faith. Everything I said was legit and not fabricated.

    2) I did not make my reservations through the Renegades organization

    3) The person I shared a room with is a Marriott Platinum member

    4) We did not trash our room...we took out excessive trash to the dumpster every morning

    5) We did not smoke in our room legal or otherwise

    6) We partied plenty but there was no excessive noise complaints if we were asked to quiet down we did.

    7) i asked the general manager several times nicely if he could make accommodations with our group. Each time he countered with an untruth, as I uncovered each untruth he became excessively frustrated and honestly...rude

    7) I removed my Yelp review ONLY because instead of addressing my complaints personally the hotel and the Marriott corporation strong armed the Annapolis Business bureau and DCA to put pressure on my corps director to make me remove it.

    When my corps director asked me to remove the review I ONLY did so because he said it would help us smooth things over with DCA, and not because I did not have the legitimate right to post it. In other words I did it as a personal favor.

    People seemed to be overly concerned about my YELP review having not even read it. I have written many of them good and bad and NEVER have I had this type of negativity happen as a result of one. it honestly smacks of censorship. I DO NOT apologize for my review it was far and balanced with positive comments about the facility. I have also opted to NOT re-post it after all this hullabaloo because it is simply not a hill I want to die on, or in other words the Eagle does not hunt flies. I will stage my protest with the Marriott corporation fiscally, either that or by stealing all their Book of Mormons :winky:

    • Like 1
  2. And.. as one of the majority of the members who really had no idea what was going on.. nor one that was involved in actions that could've caused complaints.. I don't think asking for an apology is exactly the thing that should concern the rest of the organization.

    In the end.. out of everything that happened.. and what we can learn from this... is the fact there was a massive disconnect in communications for everyone involved. Can we learn from it? That's ultimately the question.. and I personally feel all sides could've handled it better. It's unfair to those who were not apart.. nor even knowledgeable about what happened.

    • Like 2
  3. Whatever the hotel rules were YOU FOLLOW THEM. Justifying it by stating that strict rules and the corps in question was a recipe for disaster is pretty telling of the overall attitude.


    Lastly, to claim that this would've occurred with any other corps and that hotel is pretty weak.

    You know how I knew of how absurd the rules were? AFTER the fact. I am the type that stays out of trouble as best as I can.. and as such, rather preferred to come back to the hotel and relax in a quiet environment after practice or a performance.

    So yeah.. knowing very well of our corps tendencies as well as the general attitude of the organization and other corps.. I dare to say it would've happened to another corps that stayed there. Calling my statement weak is an allegation that I am ignorant of the factors that were involved.. which is quite the contrary.

    But you know.. it's the Renegades.. it's OK for us to be thrown under a bus... someone needs to be made an example of.

    • Like 2
  4. so after reading the 20 or so pages of this... you can either quote me or not..

    but as a 2012 member of the Renegades.. I seriously have no idea what actions occurred that could have warranted the entire corps to be suspended.. and am seriously caught in the crossfire from the decisions made by both the members that messed up, to the DCA board coming to their decision.

    indeed the hotel we stayed at was strict, and it was perhaps a recipe just waiting for disaster... i also know of items that disappeared from members' locked rooms (from what we can only conclude was housekeeping committing thefts).. by all means, i am curious if the primary decision of the suspension was all hotel related.. and if so, if any other corps besides us would've ended in the same result if they had stayed there.

    so.. like the general public, i'm pretty much lost as far as the details.. and i will not accuse, nor speculate as to what happened... because the truth is.. not many people know the details and it seems it's going to stay that way for now.

    i'm just one of those being punished i guess... not going to Annapolis again next year (FYI, I'm a Navy Veteran.. so coming to Annapolis was pretty nostalgic)

    as far as the corps decision to do DCE? i can say i'm pretty torn upon what i'm going to do next season.

    • Like 4
  5. you know i've got to support my family.. and there's NO WAY i'm going to allow the Renegades to not be able to perform at Championships!

    i'm thinking we need to host a DCA Championships just maybe.. just maybe.. for one year.. just so everyone on the East knows how much of a struggle it is for the West coast to struggle making it over there each and every year. doubt that's going to happen though :unhappy:

    DCA Championships OR bust.


    come on guys... sacrifice a lunch or coffee for a day. that's all it takes.. along with a couple hunderd other people doing the same thing.. :music:

  6. yea.... that kinda made me upset too.... i mean... at that point.. the audience is going to react differently...

    and what about the judges?? what "wow" moments would've then be spoiled... since what they showed were pretty much highlights... right??

    playing it right before the finals performance was definitely... ugh... not a great call.

  7. yeah we learned that the hard way in 96. the key is just dont watch the board

    all i know is when the recap came on as i was marching off the field.. i couldn't even hear the bass drum that was keeping us in step... i could maybe faintly hear it.. and it was yelling out duts to try to keep everyone else in step.... but eh.. eventually it was a lost cause.

  8. WOW! The best corps won. Period. And, the BEST corps has won EVERY year.

    best is subjective and relies primarily on an individual's opinion..

    thus the "best" corps for one person.. does NOT in anyway mean that it is the best for everyone.

    there comes a point where people.. where it be judges or people in the audience... SO caught up with their opinions and are not willing to budge upon them to see that their "best" corps perhaps wasn't their "best" however it may be.. (scores, placement, pure entertainment value, etc..).. is where the arguments, drama, and bickering start..

    obviously since there seems to be some bitterness in this thread.. i would conclude such thoughts exist out there.

    it's a fact of life that there will be differences of opinion between many different people.. from many different backgrounds.

    whether or not you choose to accept that is really what matters.

    though an audience of hundreds disagreeing with a panel of 11 judges... should really be put into consideration. that's my final $.02 on the matter.

  9. if i were to only look at the prelims performances by the top 3, i would've had MBI and Statesmen above Bucs. Reading had a pretty sloppy show that night and i don't believe it was due to the misty weather conditions. Sunday on the other hand is just a different story in itself and i cannot really comment on it.

    it is what it is.

  10. yah.. there was a table of renegade stuff.. :beer: i bought a pin and patch from there saturday night even... perhaps because there wasn't a big tent or something above the table that made it stand out? i do remember them packing up a earlier compared to the other stands, so i'm not sure if it was because of that, that you missed it.

    for the record, i had Kidsgrove placed higher as well. their show was just.. wow.

  11. MBI used to be a real "renegade" corps but ever since they started "playing the game" they've been a championship contender. Is this what the Renegades need to do?

    I perhaps am a bit new to the DCA scene, but i am curious what it means to "play the game".. the shows I saw in contention with MBI and Bucs felt very DCI-ish (if there's such a thing or a difference), where Statesmen i felt was the start of what was more geared in the DCA spirit.

    (btw, I LOVED the Statesmen's show this year :beer: )

    This left me wondering what now really defines a "senior corps".. as with the Kilties, I certainly saw a much higher average age compared to other groups, which can be understandably explained that their show is not as physically demanding.

    Renegades, as i saw it from my point of view, had a better show sunday overall compared to prelims. Music wise, there seemed to be some fatigue that showed, but visually and overall it was a lot more cleaner. If no one noticed a lone baritone during retreat, there was a member that was hospitalized after prelims that did not make finals. Unsure if that had much effect on the members during finals, but i'm sure there was something.

    The point I wanted to get at is that a corps has to design a show befitting, taking into account the age and physical condition of all the members. Is it fair then for a corps that have a younger average (and thus more able to perform a more demanding show which can easily earn more points) to compete against "easier" shows that were designed for the older folks? In the two years I've been in DCA, that's the one thing I've noticed. Then again, there are also the older folks that are in great physical condition as well... so perhaps then at that point.. it'll be more appropriate to say people who aren't as athletic.

    just my $.02

    but if there's one thing i've noticed.. regardless of placement, renegades bring their evil twist to the DCA sport to entertain the audience in their own unique ways.

    Jetsons would be my favorite part of their show. i wouldn't be able to see another corps mix that with the Planets.

  12. i never marched DCI as well.. did high school stuff.. and then the year i graduated i wanted to join SCV.. but ended up not able to because i was leaving that summer for the military.

    missed my window when i came back.. and found myself with a horn in my hand again and marched in DCA last year and yet again this year.

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