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rudi man

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Posts posted by rudi man

  1. vanguard 04 was one of the best percussion sections of the decade.

    I agree 100% that Battery and Front end ensemble just freakin rocked , the first time I listened to the show on my cd CRANKED , I think

    that I peed myself a little LOL !! :thumbdown:

  2. It was Thurs. Fri, Sat, .Corps would begin to arrive as early Tues. at the bus checkpoint and prelims were at River Vally just outside of town both Thurs. and Fri. With parade Thurs night.The class A finals were always on Friday with open class on Saturday night at Harding High witch like Rv they are both gone with new bigger schools. I would always go watch class A finals that always was a huge crowd and then Saturday was open class prelims and finals.We were always on last or close to it because some corps would turn in the forms for the next year that night.Being our office was next door to the open we got ours in preatty quick.Those were the days drum corps or every corner practiceing and knowing very well if you did not place for prize money you were not going to nationals because it was not in your budget.There was no guarintee of $3000 just because of who you are you had to earn it juat like the everyone else. It could never happen with D.C.I a small town with a championship show and crowds always around 12 to 13 thousand people.

    You are correct Sir thanks for correcting me I just had the days mixed up . I think that was my favorite show of the year hands down it was so much fun !

  3. Ah yes The U.S. Open in Marion Ohio One of my fondest memories The parade on the first day , then prelims the next day the class " A " finals

    that night and if I remember right " Open class " prelims & finals were on the last day . So Friday , Saturday & Sunday a three day event that

    was in the early years of the " U.S. Open someone correct me if I'm wrong It's been so long ago that I might be mistaken on some of it but needless

    to say it was a very special time in my life forsure !!! :worthy: Dose anyone remember where prelims were held and where Finals were held ?

    I've forgotten .What was the stadium"s name ?

  4. Come on we already have Bands of America , M . B . A and a bunch of smaller band associations , why can't all of the bando's leave drum corps alone !

    I like saxes and clarinets only in an orchestral setting or big band type of setting like Paul Shaffer's band now thats cool really , as far the guitars are concerned what was Spirit thinking that didn't even make any sense that so called rock band looked more like some kids garage band from anytown U.S.A.

    Lets get back to the business of drum & BUGLE corps . I am for amps in the pit NOT on the field but NO strings or woodwinds ! :tongue:

  5. The title of the show is very exciting in it's self and I'm very glad that the Blue Stars have the staff that can produce this show successfully .

    The musical choices I'm sure will be tasteful and entertaining cant wait to see the show I really look for the Blue Stars to move up in the DCI

    rankings this year . Good luck Blue Stars ! Smitty

  6. Regiment, continuing with shows that include a “femme-fatale,” (Red Violin, Spartacus, Faust, Romeo & Juliette) will stay with classical, only, classical rock/blues performing their show – “Joplin – no, not Scott, the other Joplin – Janis.” Guard will be appropriately attired in late 60’s outfits. Musical selections to include – I Need a Man to Love, Flower in the Sun, Raise Your Hand, and Move Over!

    Madison – Anyone that didn’t predict them finishing at least in the top 10 is, well, ludicrous! The staff alone gets them into the top 12, what they do after that is just icing on the cake!

    You heard it here first folks!

    I got to agree with you Rocketman as far as Madison goes if the kids with the most talent head for Madison this year like I think thier going to

    then your absolutly right , infact I'll do you one better . We all have seen what can happen to a drum corps in one years time ie "Phantom"

    well I believe that can happen the other way also if Madison picks thier kids very carefully then I would go as far to put them in the 6th-8th

    range I know that I'll get alot of flack out of my prediction But like I said if Madisons staff chooses wisely this could happen ! I can't say anything

    about not enough info .

  7. The knife cuts both ways on this. The staff should have done a better job at checking out the corps' history. The corps ED and board should have done a better job at checking out the history of the staff.

    I do think that the OP should remember one thing....don't dump your waste where you eat. If I were running an organization I'd have second thoughts about hiring any staff member who would air dirty laundry in public - regardless of the circumstances.

    I agree with you G-Horns .

  8. Best wishes " 42 " and good luck Texas is a big state and there lots of young musicians out there that this kind of thing

    might be right up their alley no pay is tough but most organizations just starting up will do a pass the hat kind of thing ,

    you can have spagetti diners which are dirt cheap or put on bake sales and car washes so you can pay the staff something

    for their time and efforts .

  9. I don't expect a significant impact for...a very long time, if ever. Sorry I love Madison and I'm excited for them, and plan to audition there this year, but most of the people I know who know about drum corps have no idea about Madison's staff changes nor really care. I hope I'm wrong but I REALLY doubt that Madison would be stealing the Cavies' talent.
    If what you say is true then these kids that you talk about so amourously have got to be pretty dense I'll tell you what do your homework on

    Madison's staff check out each and everyones credentials and I'll think that you'll be surprised and if your not then don't waste your or thier time by auditioning . If I were a young man again and had the chance that you do right now I would do anything to march with Madison I gaurantee these guy's will make the top 12 and yes I know that I'm sticking my neck out by saying this and I don't really care what anybody thinks and thats ok I still think you will be happy if you do tryout for Madison and make it . May I ask what you will be trying out for ?

  10. When are you people gonna reallize that LOS wasn't designed for drum corps or band shows they never had that in mind and I don't blame them

    they built this place for the Colts football team and their fans not DCI . To tell you the truth I really enjoyed the place the only problem that I had

    with it was where they put all of the corps souvie stands now if they ( DCI ) can do something about that problem then I'll be happy . I like the idea

    that I can watch a drum corp show without sweating my butt off and setting on a hard seat for 4 or 5 hours with no back support so what if there's

    a little echo I hardly noticed it and I was sitting in section 359 Oh yeah the price's are way to high and they need to be lowered .

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