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Everything posted by BlueKnightMom

  1. Sorry about that! That'll teach me to read something in a post and take it for gospel without going over to corpsreps.
  2. What do you think - is drum corps not shown live (whether in HD or regular) due to a lack of interest from the sports channel people or lack of interest on the part of DCI? Because, ESPN shows some really obscure sporting events - far, far more obscure than drum corps.
  3. Gee, thanks! I assure you it looked much better in Excel when I did it...oh well, back in to add more dots if it'll let me edit this much later in the day... Thanks again!
  4. Thanks, I just figured that out through trial and error before I read your reply ...tee....hee....hee! I am really tired of adding dots...
  5. I read a post the other day that mentioned how hard a corps had worked to bring up their score from the low 60s to the placement now, and it made me wonder about who else had clawed their way up from a low score in June to where they were now. So here is a different perspective on ranking the corps by looking at the difference from the lowest score the corps posted all season to the highest score as of yesterday - not including later today, obviously. Here are some of my thoughts: Congrats to the Troopers! I think that going from having NO corps at all last year to 20th place means that Troopers vie for Most Improved! Congrats to the Madison Scouts! I think that rewriting and learning virtually an entirely NEW show mid-season, and for being so innovative as to floor us all means that Madison vies for Most Improved! Congrats to the Colts! I think that the highest placement EVER for this corps means that the Colts vie for Most Improved! Congrats to the Cadets! I think that clawing and cleaning their way up from a low score of 70.700 in June to last night's score of 97.250 -- with a difference of 26.550 from the beginning of the season, means that the Cadets vie for Most Improved! Congrats to the Blue Knights! (of course) I think that being able to win such a huge crowd response last night with such dark, relentless, CLASSICAL Russian music -- in California, no less -- shows the performance power of this artistic corps, and means that the Blue Knights vie for Most Improved! Congrats to Carolina Crown! I think that putting on a show-stopper that pushes the envelope for showmanship without branching into campiness and yet wins over both the crowds and the judges at the same time means that Carolina Crown vie for Most Improved! I could go on for days! --- Here is one way to quantify which corps improved (although I grant that scores are very subjective), but shows how much effort the staff and members put in to improving their placement on the judges' scoring sheets: Rank.......Corps...................Difference.....Low Score.......Date.....High Score.....Date 1......The Cadets....................26.550..........70.700..........6/16.......97.250.........8/10 2......Glassmen......................25.325..........61.850..........6/16.......87.175.........8/9 3......Spirit from JSU...............25.025..........60.900..........6/16.......85.925........8/9 4......Carolina Crown...............23.525.........70.350..........6/16.......93.875........8/10 5.......Blue Knights...................23.400.........67.050..........6/16.......90.450........8/10 6.......The Cavaliers.................22.875.........73.900..........6/16.......96.775........8/10 7.......Phantom Regiment..........22.600.........72.800..........6/16.......95.400........8/10 8.......Southwind......................22.250.........57.000..........6/17.......79.250........8/2 9.......Bluecoats.......................22.150.........71.600..........6/16.......93.750........8/10 10.....Blue Devils.....................21.750.........75.550..........6/17.......97.300........8/10 11.....Blue Stars......................21.700.........62.650...........6/16......84.350........8/10 12.....Colts.............................21.475..........65.600..........6/16.......87.075........8/9 13.....Madison Scouts...............21.400.........61.100..........6/20.......82.500........8/9 14.....Pioneer..........................20.175.........53.750..........6/16.......73.925.........8/4 15.....Troopers........................19.000.........61.600..........6/19.......80.600.........8/5 16.....Santa Clara Vanguard.....18.650.........75.400..........6/16.......94.050.........8/10 17.....Boston Crusaders...........18.200.........71.250..........6/23........89.450........8/10 18.....Pacific Crest...................17.150.........63.600..........6/20........80.750........8/9 19.....Seattle Cascades............17.025.........63.950..........6/29........80.975........8/5 20.....The Academy.................15.475.........69.500..........6/22.........84.975.......8/9 21.....Crossmen......................15.225.........67.950..........6/24.........83.175.......8/5 22.....Mandarins......................14.575.........63.400..........6/16.........77.975.......8/5 Scores are not the only measure of success, of course -- so join the discussion by posting other POSITIVE observations or anecdotes on your thoughts for "most improved". I love Drum Corps!! -- of course I push "post" when I meant to push "preview" so I didn't get to clean up the chart! Aaaargh. -- on edit - different sessions to add in dots to line up the data
  6. (((BLUSHING))) Thanks! Well, I am a mom first and a newbie fan second, so it comes naturally for me to think in terms of what is beneficial to the member TOTAL experience, instead of being intense about the competition or the details of the music or visual programs! I am as likely to be passionate about their laundry being dirty as about the drill being dirty, etc.
  7. I love the Crown Brass! I feel the same way about Blue Knight's brass line. They have the darkest tone and fullest sound and some major double-tonguing, and hit some amazing dynamics etc. it's the broadest, most mature tone they've ever had. They got an 18.7 in brass last night, but I feel that playing Shostikovich that well (where one judge a few days ago told them he could not find a single flaw in their brass performance) should get them up there in that caption. But yeah, yeah...I know they have to save room for the other corps, etc.. Oh well - spoken like the momma of a trumpet player!
  8. I think calling Blue Knights as Phantom Regiment Lite is a fantastic compliment for a corps like Blue Knights that is getting to the top of a long rebuilding phase. PR is a great corps! BK has placed well - surprisingly well to some -- in the last two years (assuming they hold on to 8th or even 9th at Finals - not far-fetched), and are doing well financially/infrastructure-wise and have great dedicated staff. At 8th place, you're ahead of 14 other corps. BK has so many strong, strong members this year (they posted 18.7 in brass last night - phenomenal) and have had many recaps with very strong percussion numbers (but not last night) and really strong Vis and GE at other times - so they are working on bringing the whole package. I understand that Blue Knights will have more age-outs this year than any other corps! Ouch! But we have some really strong young ones. Send us more!
  9. Hi there DC Vets and Fans, My daughter is playing trumpet for her second year with the Blue Knights. This will be her senior year in high school, so if she goes all the way (and she is hardcore so I think she will) then she will be able to get 7 years. I gotta tell you the truth; we have raised a princess (she is perhaps a little spoiled by her parents). But I have been blown away these two years with how tough that little (4'11") chick is!!! This activity really helps people find their inner discipline and stamina. These are lessons she will take into any other situation for the rest of life (dealing with discomfort and exhaustion, dealing with physical pain, dealing with negative, grumpy people, dealing with unfavorable scoring (grades) and critiques, dealing with the bus ride that will never end, etc. etc.) Of course, the other side of the experience is there too (these young people are laughing until they almost bust a gut, they are having all the "inside jokes", they are part of a team, and something bigger, and they are having the time of their lives.) This is also a girl to whom playing trumpet came rather easily (she always had great, dark tone), and so...she coasted and never really practiced until drum corps. Now she's becoming a screamer. And the lung power is fantastic for a kid who used to go to the hospital for her asthma attacks - another reason to be glad for drum corps. I only just found this forum a few weeks ago, but I've been lurking constantly, and I really feel that I have learned so much. My daughter was fairly impressed with me the other night when I was able to use terms like "music book" and "box 5" and "cleaning drill", etc. I really enjoy the reviews so much (even though I realize that a few people on the board do not really "get" the BK, but that's another post altogether and I totally understand that). I love the creativity in the posts (the five word description of the shows and that hilarious review of the rained out show) and how good everyone's memories are for the shows they've seen. I took my vacation to watch two shows when some of the corps did the "Texas Swing" (in Dallas and San Antonio) - so I won't get to go to Finals this year. I will be watching the Quarters at a movie theater in two days, though, so I am really pumped. I hope you all will say a quick (or lengthy) hello to me, especially any other drum corps parents out there! Warmest, BlueKnightMom
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