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Posts posted by mellodcd

  1. If you are in the area of Brazil in your travels,...stop by the school, feel free to help if you like in anyway, watch a practice, enjoy the company. You will also be able to tell your friends next week when they ask you what you did on vacation,..."I went to Brazil".

    Ya, you can stop by the Rose-Hulman campus while you're there (it's just down the street from Brazil). The Colts (football) are having their pre-season camp there!

  2. There is a guy that posts on these boards by the name of "mellos" that marched a few seasons with the Cadets. He joined Crown on Aug. 5th (exactly 10 years ago today) and learned the entire show and did the mello solo during our ballad. Not bad for 10 days.

    mucho respect for that guy! (he was probably an engineer too. . .ha)

  3. How very true! I experienced first hand how hard it was when I had a hard time finding housing for a corps that came through my town to practice. I found this out THIS SUMMER, while calling local schools Not only do alot have band camps during the last months of July, but prior experiences with housing drum corps have left very bad tastes in band directors and principals mouths and they refuse to house corps again. Some have explained that they were down right disrespected or that the facilities were left a mess. A drum corps left my local High school in a MESS and now they flat out REFUSE to house anyone EVER again!

    I had to resort to very colorful measures to help this other corps out. Our local beautiful park has a sports complex and the local YMCA to shower.

    What happened to administration teaching kids to leave the place better then they found it? What happened to kids having respect? What happened?

    Man...we were taught "Leave it better then you found it." It is a perfect opportunity for a corps to be TAUGHT life skills. I mean this is supposed to be an educational experience right? :tongue:

    This shouldn't be something that needs to be "taught". . .it's common decency. Leaving housing sites in any other condition than better than you found it should not be tolerated. No excuses.

  4. Totally agree! When you perform there, you are right in the crowds face without those huge tracks! AND The crowd is always so eager to applaud! Great venue, I hope this show stays around for a very long time!

    And the grass is oh so nice! DCI should partner up with MLS and have shows at soccer stadiums from now on.

  5. 1 The Cavaliers 92.400

    2 Santa Clara Vanguard 91.700

    3 Carolina Crown 91.150

    4 Blue Stars 86.200

    5 Blue Knights 83.800

    6 Troopers 80.350

    7 Colts 80.200

    8 Spirit 78.100

    9 Madison Scouts 78.000

    10 Pacific Crest 74.550

    11 Jersey Surf 71.450

  6. quick question: how large is the market for this app?

    I would buy this app (I have an ipod touch).

    There have been some really good suggestions to add to it, but I think the simpler you/someone can make it the better.

    I think it should be directly related to DCI, so that it's the FIRST place to get scores. If it's not the first place to get accurate scores then I will use something that's faster (ie. twitter, facebook, dci.org).

  7. I would just like to take this opportunity to take full credit for Troop making top 12. While in my closet this morning as I was choosing my attire for the day, destiny was calling as I reached in and pulled out my Troop tshirt. The power of my shirt traveled several hundred miles to the southwest to propel Americas Corps to victory tonight!!! :shutup:

    Congrats Troopers!!! Keep up the good work!

    Please where your Troopers t shirt on August 7th, kthnxbai!

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