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Posts posted by CorpsPhan

  1. assuming you are refering to last night in Madison...i don't know about the Troopers souvies, but i heard a couple of corps had to move their souvie booths to the Kohls Center to fit the Scouts down center next to the DCI booth. not sure what caused all the movement, but maybe it was DCI's way of making it up to the Scouts for not putting them on last at their own home show.

    just saying what i heard from someone :tongue:

    Don't know why the move, seeing as how they were all set up next to us early on. And from my vantage point, Cap Sound moved their tent, which was next to the DCI tent, and Madison moved into that spot. I didn't see any other booths moved on account of this, but in all fairness, I was busy acting as a paperweight trying to hold down our tent for most of the afternoon.... :thumbup:

  2. Aurora to Racine, about 100 miles, one-way. What helps me is that if I time it right, I can gas up in Racine for about 15-cents/gallon cheaper (last weekend the station near my house was $4.15, and the BP near Gilmore MS in Racine was $3.99).

    Time is difficult to compute as Chicago traffic is just plain nuts. Saturday I had to miss the morning parade so I went straight to Racine and what should have been about an hour and 45 minute trip took me over 3 hours.

    Farthest I'll actually drive will be our trip to MN, about 450 miles, one-way.

    I managed to use one of my Frequent Flier tickets on United for the trip to Rochester, so I'll be making that trip for, sit down for this one, $5, round-trip.

  3. Well, apparently others don't...... :tongue: And per MikeN's instructions, someone opened another thread to ask for specifics rather than to continue rehashing the he-said/she-said arguments.

    Personally, I'm curious. I don't need to know names, but I'd like to know what the powers-that-be apparently had to say about it. And people who don't can either move on or hang around this thread whining about dead horses and call for its closing. Whatever...... :bla:

  4. I'd be pretty ticked if a news reporter printed a story about how my hockey team was actually a figure skating team. But that's just me.

    We have a right to be a little ticked, but it is also understandable that people mess it up.

    No, it shouldn't be just you. Hockey Teams and figure-skating teams are pretty easily differentiated.

    Now Band vs. corps? Well, let's see one runs around on a football field playing music and making forms, and the other runs around on football fields playing music and making forms. One uses mixed-key instruments and the other uses mixed-key instruments (for the most part). And so on, and so on, and so on. Unless a reporter takes the time to dig deep and ask the right questions, assuming they even know the right questions to ask, it's all going to look the same to him -- "potato" vs. "potAto". And chances are that said reporter is ticked at having to write a fluff piece about some kids in band instead of something that'll blow up and make him the next Woodward and/or Bernstein......

  5. All good points. I guess I was just focused on the fact that the corps puts together a production counting on certain bodies being there. Now at the last minute someone just leaves. What do you do about the drill? Someone has to spend a lot of time (and therefore money) possibly rewriting drill. I also realize that drill rewrites happen all the time, so maybe it's not that big a deal. I don't know, I guess it's just my opinion that if you commit to a corps, you shouldn't just leave and go to another one so late in the process.

    I think just quitting and going home is a little different. Yeah, you're still putting the corps out, but at least you are not going to another corps.

    Like I said in my original post, maybe they should be "punished" by making them sit out for the Summer. But then again if they know they will be punished, then maybe they won't leave, and then the above quotes come into play. Catch 22.

    Drill is rewritten and tweaked through the season. A corps will march the hole until it's filled. I've seen many corps advertise openings at their souvie table during the season.

  6. I would say 'no' only because I do not think you can force a person to do something and expect that person to be a happy and productive member...you can't make them do the right thing, so to speak, along the lines of "you can't legislate morality."

    IMO a corps with such a person is better off without them in the long run. They would just be divisive to the overall membership in general.

    One of the few times I agree with Mike; if the member is unhappy, does anyone think that they're going to put forth their best effort? As painful as it is to fill the hole, better that than to deal with a leaker.

    Now, to climb on my soapbox; I have heard of several instances where a corps cut a committed member because someone else that the corps wanted to have in the spot came along; either a vet that wanted to come back but hadn't been around most of the winter, or someone from out of the country that was able to finally commit. And in the spirit of not dragging any corps names through the mud, I won't name names, but trust me that there are 2 bona-fide instances where I personally know the person/people involved, and I'm not repeating a friend-of-a-cousin-of-a-friend rumor. :smile:

    If corps have no qualms about doing this to members, then can they really expect anything different from the membership? Just something to think about.

    *edited because it's Monday and I can't spell....*

  7. Here's another point that needs reiterating, I believe:

    Just because no penalties were issued and BD continued to use the technique does not necessarily mean that DCI or the judges expressly or even tacitly concurred with the legalilty of it. Maybe they did, maybe they didn't. To assume that the lack of repercussions is "proof" that the technique was deemed proper is just that -- an assumption -- no more valid than the assumption that the lack of repercussions is "proof" of a conspiracy or a double-standard of some sort. A third assumption is that simply no one noticed or gave the matter any heed until now.

    Example: Bellicheck was apparently using cameras at practices for years. No one really noticed or thought anything of it until last year. Much of what he was filming was probably proper under the rules. Maybe some of it wasn't. But it wasn't until recently that it became an issue that the league looked into and attempted to clarify. Bellicheck may have legitimate defenses to this actions but two that are not legitimate are:

    1) "Well, no one said anything about it last year, so therefore it is deemed acceptable by the powers that be"


    2) "Well, it's only 1 guy complaining, so therefore it can't be considered an 'issue' "

    Look, for the most part, I couldn't care less what rules DCI chooses to pass or not pass. All I ask, is that the rules are clearly defined and interpreted consistently and revised/clarified when there is confusion. I would ask the same of any organization that I give my money to. I'm not going to just "assume" that "well, everything must be okay or we would have heard something" anymore than I assume that of companies I do business with or other orgs I give money to. How big of a deal is it? Not super big. Not big enough for me to stop supporting this, but big enough that I think it's worthwhile to present some comments here in an appropriate way.


    Especially the last paragraph.

  8. You know, something occured to me while I was waiting for a document to come off of the printer, and I'll probably regret this post, but since I'll be offline the rest of the afternoon, I don't really care. :thumbup: I believe there was a corps either from Canada or the Northeast, late '80's or early 90's, who marched an overage member, and "got away with it" for the entire season. It came to light after the fact and if I remember correctly, DCI removed all hints that the corps ever competed that season.

    So those who say "it's too late now", well, I guess it really isn't if someone wants to make an issue of it. Whether it'll stick for a Championship corps vs. a non-finalist I don't know......just something to keep in mind.

  9. I was at the Florida State HS Championships in Orlando a few years ago when a band played The Planets and the Space Shuttle took off during their show. Lit up the entire sky! Talk about a cosmic cooincidence.

    Bet that GE score was out of this world..... :thumbup:

    And to Sam, thanks for the clarification. Didn't remember the year and don't have the video.

  10. ....The source of annoyance, for me, is that that was an effect that so easily could have been achieved by the corps, thus heightening the impact. (Santa Clara's incredibly realistic helicopter sounds, anyone?) Without commenting on the original claim in this thread (which I haven't seen anyone authoritatively prove or disprove yet), that's been my main frustration with electronics in general, is that they open the door for so much of this stuff that isn't really created by anyone in the corps; it's generated electronically. Which, in an activity that focuses so heavily on human performance, generally fails to impress me.

    Very well put.

    Somewhere on the board I remember someone commenting about BD using a train sound effect, electrically generated, in 2006's show I think? I read that and was thinking, "Hello, Magic did a train effectively in '98 without electronics."

    Seems to me that a designer seeking challenge would find more of it making sound-effects using the basic instruments and things like propane tanks and pans, instead of digitally. But then, I'm not a designer, so what do I know..... :thumbup:

  11. I was thinking, that can't be right, it's gotta be less than that, but I looked it up on maps.yahoo.com, and it is right. They quote 3:54 city-to-city, and that doesn't take into account summer resort and road construction delays, which could easily add an hour. Boy, that didn't work out too well, in terms of planning, did it?

    And don't forget that Indianapolis is in another timezone than Michigan City. Goodbye one more hour......

  12. It's interesting to me how divisive this particular design element is. It seems like people either love or hate the dots, no in between. I really liked the dots; I felt they gave the corps a clean, distinctive appearance, and I've missed them ever since they stopped being used.

    That's kind of what I was getting at in my reply the other day. I felt it gave them a unique spin on the "classic" cadet style uniform.

    Now you can't tell the players without a scorecard..... :bluedevil:

    Which reminds me, I wonder where I packed my "dots" t-shirts?

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