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Posts posted by rockinbrass

  1. And as noted before....not the entire staff left. Actually, we are talking about 4 maybe 5 people. The entire brass staff is intact as well as the guard staff. Several members of the percussion staff and visual staff are actually still around. A new assistant corps director is in place and giving guidance as well. Sometimes people don't understand that creative differences and deadlines sometimes cause us to walk in different directions.


    you are on staff and you really aren't giving accurate information. The brass staff JUST went through a transition in the past month with the leaving of a caption head and addition of new techs in that area. There is NO visual staff left and as was stated above... 1 percussion tech left

    Randy.... you are being fed what they want you to hear. Not a reality

  2. Pam is interim director for the moment

    and when people don't answer the phone... or call anyone on the board.... or accomplish things in an orderly manner....

    that's ground for dismissal

    not the board's fault.... if someone doesn't live up to the job and refuses to contact anyone regarding their job and the moves they are making

    and if you really want to go there... i too know two people who applied for the job

  3. you really ought to bone up on your drum corps before you start making ludicrous statements and passing them off as facts. check out the following:

    star 1990 (closer)

    star 1991 (constantly; especially the last 30 seconds)

    blue devils 1996 (the last move)

    cadets 1997 (end of the opener)

    cadets 1999 (hell's kitchen, before the drum solo)

    that move looked ridiculous and made no sense compared to the others i've cited.

    watched all those videos and my point still stands...

    not one of those had EVERY person jazz running while playing.... someone on the field was straight legging or whatever at some point...

    I didn't think the move was ridiculous... and I thought it made perfect sense

  4. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Pointing your toe on the move may make it a jazz "run", but it does not mean they are moving at a 4 to 5.

    This is easy to resolve. Count the number of steps in the move and the distance they traveled in the move. Find those numbers and you'll see it's not a 4 to 5 but a 6 to 5.

    I know this

    I'm not stupid

    I never said EVERYONE was doing a 4 to 5

    just simply that everyone was jazz running, with a good bit at the front half of the flocking doing a 4 to 5 or bigger

    if you look at the euphs and tubas they are doing a 5 to 5 or 6 to 5

    Jazz running by definition is not only a 4 to 5 or bigger

    and there IS something new about the entire hornline jazz running and playing...

    this has not been attempted up to this point, and if it has...show me and I'll retract my statement

    That move was innovative and will be repeated by others in some form

  5. Even though I had already seen the show a couple of times live and several times online I just went to youtube and watched the ending about 4 times from different shows and counted many people "jazz running" at a 5 to 5 or even a few at 6 to 5. Sorry, you're wrong.

    Many things Phantom did this year I liked. The opener was really neat.

    But that ending was rough, especially from a sound standpoint. I guess it is all about philosophy. I like control, even when loud.

    I never claimed everyone was doing a 4 to 5, just a good bit

    jazz running is jazz running and EVERYONE was doing this... and I to just watched youtube multiple times :)

    the point still remains that nobody has tried this sort of visual and musical idea and that I believe it will become more prevalent after this year, with people looking back to this show as the first example

    And to me, I hear control

    But then again, not everyone is a follower of the TX school of sound....

    again, different strokes for different folks

  6. and as far as the last minute of the show...

    and I know I risk being labeled a honk, but whatever

    I know for a fact that the biggest quality of sound guru David Bertman (Cavaliers Brass Caption Head) said he loved the end... especially the mellos holding the note and that it sounded fantastic

    I think you guys are trying to find a weakness and latch onto it

    seriously, great performances all around

    great year for DCI and MANY wow moments

  7. I never once saw the entire corps doing a full out jazz run, although many had large step sizes. I also do not think they sounded like they were standing still. I think you are giving more credit than is due.

    Just because you haven't taken the time to watch.. doesn't mean it didn't happen

    The entire hornline was jazz running

    and if you listen to the point when they reach the box

    and listen through the running

    you will find that the quality of sound doesn't diminish, the volume doesn't suffer

    The sound is exactly the same throughout the whole phrase, start to finish

    I'm not easily impressed, but this move took the cake

  8. Are you meaning to say that no other corps in history has done a pseudo/semi jazz run while playing loudly?

    I call honk.

    I'm saying that nowhere in the history of dci has a full corps done a flat out jazz run... EVERYONE included... while playing

    much less while playing an extended musical phrase and sounding like they are standing still

    If it has... show me...

    no honk.... just able to recognize achievement of the highest level and innovation

  9. No, no they weren't.

    The tempo was about 25 beats under 200 and about 4 members were running a 4 to 5. the rest were at about 6 to 5. OooOooOoo.....

    There is no defense. Your sound should be good throughout your drill, regardless of demand. If you can't do it while sounding good, then you need to break out the water hose on something.

    Not to be a homer


    You cannot make the claim that only 4 people were going a 4 to 5

    I saw that show plenty of times last season and if you even look at the video you can see that a good majority of the corps is taking a 4 to 5 at least especially the first bit of the block that leaves

    and as far as the tone...

    I thought it sounded amazing and was an innovative approach to marching and playing that NOBODY has tried in this activity. Years down the road, people will look back and say that that group did it first.

    Different strokes for different folks

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