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Posts posted by Jyri

  1. And as an old-timer, although the Blue Stars helmets were a cool look back in the day, as a visual person I have to say that shakos are a much cleaner look. And, the hot pants and white boots would be just a bit.....dated.

    Best of luck to the Blue Stars.

    Hot pants DATED?


    I'm trying to find a pic of the Blue Stars 07 guard on family day... Hot pants and all.

  2. What's your favorite uniform design for this passed season?

    I'm gonna go with Blue Devils. I love the extended sash and the white plumes. SCV used to be my favorite, but that's because I mainly liked their uniforms in 2007. Those are my favorite for SCV. I like them now too, just not as much. My second favorite this season would probably be Crown. I know people called it "puke green" a lot, but I liked them, and especially how well it went with the finish on the drums. I also love bluecoats uniform design. Part of me wants them to go back to wearing white and blue, because there's already enough black. But part of me wants to have them stay the way they are.

    EDIT: I'm not sure what happened... I had a poll all set up. Not sure what happened to it.... haha.

    ON topic

    BAC mos def.

    Bridgemen a close second.

  3. As part of our 100 year anniversary, Kidsgrove Scouts will visit the USA for two weeks before completing the tour at the Drum Corps Associates World Championships in Rochester, New York. The full schedule is now available and can be downloaded from our download area.The tour has been planned to...

    ... Read the rest of the article here - http://www.drumcorpsplanet.com/index.php?o...2&Itemid=39

    Wow, a 2 week US tour + round trip flight for ~ $1,130

  4. When I saw the topic I started thinking about what is the same from BITD and today.

    Came down to experience of working together





    and the name "Drum & Bugle Corps"

    PS - I didn't vote cuz I like the option "Change the name and start over from scratch".....

    IDK about starting from scratch, but at the pt. where Drum & BUGLE Corps becomes marching band,

    well then its Elite Marching Band. They already have a system for SHOW BANDS set up in Europe, S. America and parts of Asia. No need to reinvent the wheel.

    I've already come to terms with the fact that though D&BC is unique kids can take the same lessons away from another activity.


  5. How much does vet retention play into this numbers game?

    Looking at the pic set up on FB there are 4/5 purple shorts [contra vets?] and one yellow short [bari/euph vet?] 15 rooks, or members switch to contra from another section...

    Can a 20 contra line be made up entirely of tuba players?

    Experts talks to me.

  6. That ketchup thing may have been for those brass folks who carry their instruments around in their cases and never take them outdoors.

    Windex?! The only thing eco-friendly about that stuff is the two talking Blackbirds they have in their commercials.

    Try a chamois cloth. Little more elbow grease but you also get the "wax on, wax off" benefits.


    elbow grease?! blackbirds?! karate kid two mantras?! Puppets?!

    this the same thread I started? :worthy:

    any liquid will get the dirt off the horn pretty much is what it seems like responses have said. vinegar or a chamois cloth work well for shine.

    Would you consider a horn to be more like a mirror that just needs to be cleaned or like a leather shoe that can be buffed to a very high gloss?

  7. I recently posed the question to a Black Gold alumn, and added:

    I've marched baritone/euphonium for a few years now. I though haven't seen corps really impact my 'real world' life. I end tour and come home, have some cool memories, but dont feel that I have changed.

    I'm curious if the filter of time adds a different degree to the experience.

    The response he gave me blew me away. I though, being young and of course always quick to assume those older then me live in islands of emotional solitude that only rarely open to let in light when coaxed very gingery thought 'oh thats one person'. So I pose the question to the community. Mayhaps this belongs on the historical corps discussion as the filter of time is 5+ plus in my minds eye, but anyone can answer. I'd also like to clarify a smidge, I'm asking more so, does the impact Corps has on you increase with time. I've yet to come across a senile old man who's eyes rekindle with joy when asked about his days marching, but maybe I'm not looking in the right places.

  8. I recently came across and article stating ketchup can be used as a tarnish remover... tried it on my horn... not so much. Toothpaste worked well though.

    What are some eco friendly polishes/oils that can be used on a horn without compromising World class calibre performance and appearance?

  9. Dude, based on the tour fee payment schedule and the "NON-REFUNDABLE" clause, you owe the fee regardless of how many weeks you actually marched. If it goes to court, the judge will simply ask for the written contract, ask you if that is your signature on the original (which the corps most likely has), and then it's all over but the crying.

    It would be like trying to get out of an apartment lease by saying you only actually lived there two weeks.....what counts is the contract that YOU signed.

    Sorry.....welcome to the real world.

    ait, thanks for the info guys.

    Great to know DCI is prepping for the real world.

  10. /snip/

    you will probably need to get a lawyer involved because most corps will not let you audition (or they'll let you audition, but won't accept you) if you have outstanding fees to another corps, so you're gonna want to get this settled now!

    Yes, What really bothers me about the matter is that I had heard nothing since august. Now a week before auditions this pops up. I've already paid for audition materials from corps I was planning on auditioning for.

    Not cool.


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