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Posts posted by clonnyandbyde

  1. Come to think of it - that was unfair of me. Feel free to cheer as loud as you want.

    In fact, as long as you're staying in hotels that are part of the Greater Rochester Visitors Bureau - have a great time. We welcome you with open arms.

    But admit it, the dude in the Cap'n Crunch costume was over the top.

    too funny.

    I return 24 hours later to see that you've managed to stick your foot in your mouth two more times.

    wow did i hit a nerve

    i need to play this game more often!

    it's obvious you can't contain your disdain for the Bucc's, not sure what that's all about, perhaps a pirate pee'd in your oatmeal or some buccaneer barbecued your ego.

    i saw that guy dressed up at championships last year, more power to him, but at least he's not here on DCP gaffing all over the place like sourpuss

    the kicker is i'd have pegged Tom D'Bomb for a whining 17y.o. kid on these boards were it not for his profile. just goes to show ya.

    who is this kendadrin character? he sounds like someone else who might gaff too. (can't wait)

    what entertainment!

    i'll be content waiting for your next gaff.

    tic tock tic tock

  2. The scores of those "lower tier" corps are important because on DCP everybody has an equal say. Everybody's sweat is just as sweaty whether it's for the last spot in A Class Finals or an Open Class Four-Peat.

    If some corps feels uninspired by the lack of worthy competition, then please accept our apology - we'll all try to provide a competitive atmosphere that is worthy of floating your boat.

    The guys with the Bowties will be carrying the fight that Vince Bruni started 25 years ago to put the activity back in the hands of (1) the fans, and (2) the thousands of drum corps participants who just want a fair shot to build their corps to highest level.

    I encourage all of you to stop and say hello to any member of the Empire Statesmen you see at I&E this Friday. They'll be there to soak up every ounce of excitement of this wonderful activity offers - we're all in this together.

    goodness me. what subversive bitterness.

    you and VOReason need to get a room together. but taking shots at *other* corps, no matter how subtle is very unbecoming especially when you put your name behind it. makes you look like A$#.

    i don't see any other Empire or Bucs representin' here, nor would i expect to, only a gaff-maker and a troll.

    i expect you both to clap for all the corps out there.

  3. The exemption rule for Corps not having enough August show, mainly Cal Corps has been in effect for a dew years. I believe it says they can tke the spot they had last year.

    Sound like a trick the NE Corps are trying to play. They couldn't be helping these Corps prosper.

    oh my.

    time to remember where i left my tinfoil hat.

  4. I won't be the genius but I do think that ES will take it in the end.

    nicely put


    is this a wish poll or a prediction poll?

    now we know why people are asked to back-up their statements with $

    it kinda changes your outlook.

    since im not betting either youll have to figure out if it is a wish list or a genuine prediction

    my top10 predictions











    most east corps are are leaving the door wide open this season for opportunity - scores and spreads are irrelevant

    there is a big sweet spot for mbi and renegades to move into

    i am guessing they have been tweaking their programming to be more competitive this year.

    the gap between 2nd and 8th is very small and much will happen there.

    rank first then rate.

    in some cases the spread wont be large as the should be

    look for guard caption and visual to be key for mbi or renegades success or failure

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