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Posts posted by CavAlum

  1. it's a cool tradition, but wasn't it better in the old days because it was kind of word-of-mouth and it caught on over the course of the summer? it seemed more spontaneous.

    with the internet describing exactly when to do it, it seems sort of artificial and ingenuine. am I wrong?

    You are right. Magic happens, gimics are planned.

  2. Some traditions still exist: Uniform design, corps songs, "signature" sets and songs, colors. Others, sadly, have been forced out by the G.E. Giant. With subjective judging and the emphasis on G.E. outweighing simply excellence in performance, many things go by the wayside when it comes to design time. This is why I really enjoy the corps that stick to the basics. With only minor changes to jacket length and sash color placement, The Cavaliers have been in the same Uniform since 1984. The Cadets also have kep the same basic uniform (minus the altered uniform backs in '05 and '06. There are others, these are just two examples. I like the groups that have kept something about their corps constant for a substantial length of time.

    This is one of the reasons I like the regiments return to All White. I did like the Black Years, bu there is something comforting about seeing the all white uni's and plumes take the field.

  3. Still too close to call, for almost everyone. Which means finals week should be a real race to the finish.

    I couldn't agree more, and that is what makes seasons like this great. Undefeated seasons are great, but I enjoy more a close, CLOSE, season. It's entertaining and exciting to wonder how it will go.

    As to the issue of same night at different show, think about this: If the "top six" were together every night leading up to finals, would there be the same supsense and excitement. I think it is good planing to bring them together then spread them apart to see what can happen when they are head to head again.

  4. But don't the Blue Devils, based on their show theme this year, "know people who know people".... so to speak? A well-placed phone call or two.....perhaps an "accident" is arranged...... and WHAM!!! The Devils get the edge on the Cavies. B)


    Ooooh, no friends who know people please. Just becase Godfather is the theme doesn't mean we have to start calling in favors with the family.

    Best of luck to all!

  5. Ouch! I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry. I could have worded it a lot differently. I didn't mean to make it sound like you guys got lucky or anything. Let me rephrase. During the last week, no one saw improvement like the Cadets! You guys definitely deserved your win. I was merely saying it was one of the better races because the top 3 were all so close.

    You burned me! We did just hold on. We had a 1.2 lead over Devils after Semis and a 1.5 lead over Vanguard. We had our best show in Semis. We were lucky to have held on by just enough to win.

    No mean to burn. I apologize. I'm just sensative about '92. A friend of mine marched suncoast and was a huge corps fan. He was a bit older than I. I saw him for the first time after finals 92 at a band show in November. I stood up and screamed Hey as he walked by on the track. He yelled back, "The Cadets should have won."

    I apologize for the burn.

  6. That was great, but when I think of 1992 retreat - I'll never forget St. Angel flipping off the judges from within the Regiment ranks. Not very classy, but I loved it! Sometimes, the judges deserve the bird! Personally, I don't think 1992 was one of those times, but it was nice to see a director have the courage to do it publically, because we all know they all must do it privately.

    Didn't he get fined for that because of the live T.V.? It was editied out of the version DCI sold in the 2 vid set, but My dad taped it live on PBS and you could see it clear as day during retreat.

  7. I'm sorry, but I disagree. Their finals performance was not their best of the week. I notice you marched with Cavaliers in 92. How is it that you know how they performed? Wouldn't you have been warming up?

    Well let's see, first I wore out my video tape of finals. Then I bought the dvd's. I have watched and rewatched '92. I can't speak to whether or not it was their best performance of the week, and wasn't trying to. I simply think from what I have seen of all the corps that year, that phantom DID play with plenty of power. I also feel that they were poorly slotted in the end.

    And no, we wern't warming up when Phantom was on - we were probably unloading the truck.

  8. Just curious.

    Where you on DCP two summers ago for the numerous threads regarding the Cavaliers green guard uniforms?

    If so, did you feel the same about healthy critiques then?

    Yes and Yes. I have read the forum since I joined 4 years ago. I post in spurts as I have more time to read during the summers.

    I didn't mind the healthy critiques of the lime green biker drawers. I even made some critiques on the Corps' forum. My actual thoughts were that they had finally found a guard uniform worse than '94's.

    They used a cycle outift to reinforce the theme, but hey - not everybody is built for one of those. (instert your own pun here).

  9. Amazing Grace was incredible. Now if only the corps had performed their show with that much power and emotion inFfinals, the corps would not have dropped two places that night. :blink:

    That's harsh. I thought they played with a lot of emotion and power that night. The judging was wacky, the performance was on.

  10. To address the question of all corps directors being hung up on winning: I would say no. Think of the corps in the top 12 that have Never won a championship. After 30 plus years they would give up and fold or go nuts right? Wrong. The reward is being together all summer, producing a product together, performing for crowds, touring, seeing the country . . the benifits of membership are sufficient without the medal and ring. I had as much a blast in '91 as I did in '92. Winning was nice, but never the core goal of membership. It was the same when I worked Div III. It was a joy just to be there.

  11. "Regarding the Star comparison, that didn't happen in 1993, it happened between 1985 and 1993. The more successful they were, the more negative people became. 1993 was just the glorious tip of the iceberg."

    True, people gave Star a hard time form the onset. But that was people that were jealous that Star got corporate start up money and didn't have to rise up from the streets out of the local neighborhoods.

    1993 was a year of particular criticism on a single individual show design. People took sides. They either loved it and thought it should have one, or hated it and thought it was out of reach to the mass audience. Maybe the fact that it was "star" caused more criticism. Who knows?

    Sound alot like this year? How about last year? I certainly hope that no individual on DCP is trying to hurt individuals personally by their remarks. But I do think that healthy critiques of the product are called for, even if it includes wardrobe, or wardrobe malfunctions.

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