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Posts posted by bandocommando

  1. Where would these ads run? How much would the ad campaign cost? Who's the audience? What's the message? What's the desired result?

    Not the traditional ads that run on TV, newspaper.... Something viral-There is no cost... Photographs can be turned into large prints used at DCI tabling events at BOA, USSBA etc.

    The idea of calendar is great, 12 corps- 12 months.

    This is not so much to separate Marching band from drum corps, but to rid the notion that drum corps is somehow 'an easy' activity to people outside of the community who do not understand it. have you tried explaining to someone who has never marched what Drum Corps is? If this would to exist, I can show the photos, point out that its something b*dass, somthing that it is physically & emotionally demanding.

    A picture of a guy holding a Contra with 8 packs for abs that reads 'Drum Corps International' would get to the point quick and simple. Like PETA's ads that depict eating healthy as Sexy, This ads message will be Drum Corps=Sexy

    I was hoping people on this forum can help brainstorm the questions you asked- @Tusayan read my entire post.

  2. 28514_120855907935755_120855854602427_197188_8187936_n.jpg

    Image rights reserved to whoever took this at the Scouts. I can give you credit just PM me


    A relatively new FB group surfaced this past season called 'Body by Drum Corps.' It is popular amongst Corps members this past year.

    The group allows members to post pictures of their summer endeavors/achievements (physically) on the website.

    This sparked a new idea....As a possible ad campaign (using the physically fit as a theme) one could run an ad campaign about Drum Corps that is more out of the box/unconventional.

    I want to point out/draw parallel to an ad campaign by PETA where they used 'skin' and 'physically fit' to draw attention (and it obviously worked b/c it caught national headlines)




    If shot correctly with the right member/models from the drum corps community, 'Sportraits' of Drum Corps capturing elements of the 'Sport' part of drum corps and portraits illustrating a 'tough look' of members can appeal to more than just the marching community.

    The idea that 'Marching Band geeks can in fact be as fit as Olympic Athletes' is out of the characterization/labels that outsiders have on DCI- sparking an interesting and perhaps draw attention.

    These photo/multimedia will be VERY different than the straight up 'Action' photos that DCI currently uses. Which, to an outsider, appears simply as band people walking around on a football field with their band horns.

    Examples of Sportrait.






    What are your thoughts? Please help expand.

    Where would these ads run? How much would the ad campaign cost? Who's the audience? What's the message? What's the desired result?

    Not the traditional ads that run on TV, newspaper.... Something viral-There is no cost... Photographs can be turned into large prints used at DCI tabling events at BOA, USSBA etc.


    I would TOTALLY buy a calendar of "Body by Drum Corps".....21 year olds only of course...

    The idea of calendar is great: 12 corps-12 months.

    i think any new avenue to set drum corps apart from marchig band in the public eye is worth considering. cool idea! :-)

    This is not so much to separate Marching band from drum corps, but to rid the notion that drum corps is somehow 'an easy' activity to people outside of the community who do not understand it.

    Have you tried explaining to someone who has never marched what Drum Corps is? If this would to exist, I can show the photos, point out that its something b*dass, somthing that it is physically & emotionally demanding.

    A picture of a guy holding a Contra with 8 packs for abs that reads 'Drum Corps International' would get to the point quick and simple.

    Like PETA's ads that depict eating healthy as Sexy, This ads message will be Drum Corps=Sexy

    This is unique in that people don't usually find 'fitness/skin/sexy' when they think of Music.

    the more clicks on these pictures online will generate volume through DCI website, which in turn can translate to revenue through selling Ads on DCI.org.

  3. So are you saying people who are not marching in a top ten corps are wasting their summer :tongue::worthy: ?

    Most of the bottom 13 probably still have spots, but are they just not up to your standards? Maybe if you march for them, your talents and hard work could make them top ten.....

  4. So I have to pay 3000 dollars to march for the summer and another 100 dollars in November to DCI to watch why I spent 3000 dollars over the summer.

    No thanks. From a person who marched and is still marching during the age of facebook and youtube, PLEASE DON"T TURN THE GUY NEXT TO YOU IN with a video/audio/picture capturing device.

    or I'll personally stop during a performance and find you.



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