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Posts posted by INTfanatic

  1. Cavaliers technique: What technique? Pick em' up and put em' down. Judges will imagine that they see a technique and give us credit for it because the drill is clean.

    Cadets technique: cut out your knees and insert springs (although their technique is starting to become the crown technique) (the majority of the falls I see during the season come from the Cadets, but to their credit, their drill is pretty ridiculous most of the time)

    Blue Devils technique: straight legs, no bounce, and no dirt. they march the hardest drill in dci, and make it look the easiest because of the minimalistic approach of their technique

    SCV technique: unique. that's about it, it's bent leg, but not at all like Cavaliers. How they manage to define that technique is beyond me, but they make it work

    Phantom technique: same as crown, but with a really "low" or more squatted jazz run

    Crown and most of the other corps in World Class: straight leg, with slight bending between downbeats. Legs are kept "long" or "extended." Classic, looks great, and is easier to clean than most of the other techniques.

    This is an extreme oversimplification of the different techniques, but if you sit in the stands and watch all the corps, this is what you will see.

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    If your corps requires you to get a 1 gallon jug or bigger, get a two gallon jug.

    Bring flip flops for after rehearsal.

    snacks for the bus (power bars and gatorade)

    At least two pairs of shoes (it will rain, maybe even several days in a row. You will want a wet and a dry pair you can keep switching out)

    Way too many pairs of socks.

    Don't pack too much. You need lots of socks and underwear, but not much else. You probably won't need more than 5 pairs of shorts. Wear them for like 4 or 5 days in a row, trust me, no one will judge you. For shirts go out and buy a couple of the 20 packs of the plain white cotton shirts. Wear a shirt for a day or two, then throw it away.

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  3. This proposal is disappointing to say the least. It seems like these 7 corps directors have inflated their egos to the point where they whole-heatedly believe they are, "the show." [begin sarcasm] Obviously they are at the top because they work harder and are naturally superior to all the other corps, if the other corps wanted to win they would. Because of this all audience members come to watch them, and them alone. All other corps are a nuisance, an intermission, a warm-up act to giggle at and say, "how cute!" Because of the G7's obvious overall and permanent superiority, DCI should give them more money, and all the power to make decisions. Of course they are the only ones who should have a say, because they are better than everyone else, and since audiences only care about them, it doesn't matter what is best for everyone. Competition, screw it. It's not like anyone could ever beat a G7 corps anyway, just give all the money, sponsorships, and interested members to the G7. what's best for the G7 is best for everyone, because the G7 is everyone. (everyone that matters anyway). [end sarcasm] How sad. I can't see how these directors could discount the quality education given at other corps, even corps that are currently classified as "world class." This is a power grab and nothing else, however these directors convinced themselves that this is best for everyone is a mystery to me.

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