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Posts posted by 72Bach

  1. I don't think there is really that much of an advantage to capping the age limit of a corps.

    Sure the younger "kids" might be able to do more physically and fitness wise, but then you lack the maturity, musicality, and experience you would get from "adults."

    So is it really that big of an "advantage" against the typical all-age corps?

    Honestly, I can't answer that. But I'm sure we will get quite of few opinions on this forum! :bigsmile:

  2. So the season so far for Kdets has been


    When was the last time Cadets were beat by SCV? BK? Madison? It all could happen this year.

    We're just going to have to accept, as other corps have, that Cadets are going to fall out of the top 5. Hop's inane designs and poor leadership are driving top talent away. Why would you want to march Christmas music or a with Little Jeffrey when you can take your talents to Bluecoats, Crown, etc?

    For all the "WHY ARE YOU SUCH A HATER" people, look: the kids know the show sucks. They know the props are a disaster and the concept is weak. They will pour their hearts into the work, but it is hard to put that extra bit of effort into something that you know is bad from the blueprints.


    Well folks there you have it. I guess the season and the results of this year are already written in the book. Don't even bother booking those plane tickets and hotel rooms for Championships, because clearly nothing will change from the first week of performances.

    Also, really the kids know the show sucks? Strange haven't heard that from any of the members that I know who are currently in that corps... But perhaps we should take your word on that, because you clearly already know how the season is going to end.

    Are there issues with the current design of the show? Yes. But it is still very early and many groups have some things to work out. As a designer, you never know what is going to work until you put that show out there on a performance with adjudication. Then you realize what is working and what is not. Design aside, this is still a very talented ensemble. Both the hornline and drumline are cranking right now at a very high level.


  3. It's been a long time since I've even posted on this thing...

    Sigh... Every year we go through this topic and still there are people who fail to understand a very simple concept...

    I am going to point out one word in the next phrase that should illuminate the reason as to why C2 is mainly 22 and under...

    Cadets2 is a performing ensemble that is run under an organization called... YOUTH Education in the Arts.

    When the group was formed in 2012 with no veteran base, no previous success, it was brand spanking new. In order to field a successful large corps, they stretched their age limit to help them grow and establish themselves. Even with the expanded age limit, they still had to fill in about a dozen Cadets at the end of the year. So it really didn't help that much.

    Now they are retaining membership, they have been successful and are able to sustain their own corps without bringing on a slew of Cadets at the end of tour. They are bringing the age limit down, because they are technically a YOUTH group. In order to be run by YEA, they need to have a status of being a YOUTH centered group.

    The End. It has nothing to do with some conspiracy theory that somehow kids are easier to manipulate and to essentially brain-wash. It is simply, because they are part of YOUTH Education in the Arts.

    I hope I presented my point clearly for all.

    • Like 2
  4. It still seems like people don't get it.

    Renegades embarrassed the drum corps activity to a sufficient enough level to get banned. I can't imagine DCUK, DCE, or DC Left Coast is excited about hosting a banned drum corps. The reasons they would want them are?

    Chaos? Yes.

    Stupid? Occasionally. See "Chaos" and their ban if questioned.

    Europe? Yes. Don't worry about the past, it's behind us. Blah. Double the travel, half the cost. Marketing wise sounds great. Practically? Tick Tock. Wait.


    What drum corps has been banned from competing. Are there any? No drum corps that I've ever heard of in the history of the activity has ever been banned.


    Perhaps I'm making a big deal about this. What would happen if say Phantom were banned from competing at DCI?

    Would this forum / thread really be this silent?

    Or is it people really don't care?

    I completely agree.

    • Like 1
  5. I've been a supporter of Renegades over the years (emotionally, not financially). Wrote glowing reviews, chose not to write anything when things looked bleak at performances. I'm struggling with battling the rhetoric and positive stream blah on this current episode.

    Allegedly? The corps is suspended.

    This is an alleged act? The corps is suspended, ultimately, banned to financial ruin on an alleged event.

    Sounds like a conviction. So...a few members DID SCREW UP BAD ENOUGH that the corps is not allowed to compete. This is real. This is valid. This is what DCA wants more than seeing the Renegades.

    Immediately, this is what drives me nuts.

    I have no involvement with the Renegades, no influence, simply a fan who likes to see them. There is no witch hunt. The Renegades Drum & Bugle Corps simply refuses to acknowledge they've been kicked out of drum corps. DCA does not want the Renegades for their past transgressions. Renegades don't seem to get that. I was a fan. I wrote raving reviews. I'm extremely disappointed.


    You screwed up. You represent drum corps and don't get it. You represent the brainiacs that decided they needed to be 'chaotic....NATO...' whatever and stupidly enough got the corps kicked out of DCA.

    First time ever? Novel release etc.

    Proud drum corps moment.

    The more I think about it. The more pathetic the situation is.

    You guys going to perform at BD home show?

    If so - I'll withdraw my support of the sponsor of that show. If it's BD. I'll donate when it's confirmed corps that are performing are corps supported by their sponsoring organization.

    I agree. The whole "we're going to Europe cause we got kicked out of DCA" isn't going to help public support or image.

    Your corps, or members of the corps, screwed up. Screwed up bad enough to get banned DCA for a year. The corps tone shouldn't be "we are gonna have a blast in Europe". It should be more, we are working on creating a solution on our apparent conduct of our organization and our representing members.

    It's just strange that the renegades seem not to comprehend that something happened that should not have happened in the first place.

    • Like 3
  6. It's just as easy to get a rule passed now as when he was on the board. George has just as much ability to bully, cajole, browbeat, and wear down as he ever did. As Jeff has pointed out, he beat the A&E drum until his dream came true. It didn't save drum corps. Neither will woodwinds. But they all will drive away audience and raise costs.

    I don't ever remember there being a vote in DCI that was won by only George voting for it. I wonder why.....

    CAUSE OTHER DIRECTORS VOTED FOR IT TOO! Not just George Hopkins. There has to be a majority vote for it pass. Sheesh...

  7. Crowns been doing hard shows. And did I say ANYTHING about giving crap to Cadets and Cavies? NO. Don't criticize a person if you don't know the full story.

    I was not trying to single you out, but rather to make an overall point.

    Crown does hard show = People love Crown because they are doing hard show

    Cadets/Cavies/SCV does hard show = its not clean enough, its dirty.

    and no, Jazz running anything that is remotely large does qualify as difficult. Just sayin. I would have loved to jazz run half of my sets, but I had to step it out for all of my sets.

    • Like 1
  8. see above. DCI had a band division. it failed....why? People didn't like it.

    And maybe some of us are doing things about it....we're just quieter


    The Band division of DCI probably failed because brass version was still around. Like I said, I prefer drum corps the way it is now(no woodwinds).

    Also, times are different now, maybe now a DCI style band circuit might be successful since BOA has become big.

    But I wouldn't start a different circuit now, having it compete against DCI would not be helpful to both sides. Kinda like when IndyCar spilt in two. With fans divided, the popularity faltered.

    I don't know the right answer, but I'm sure the people in charge have a better understanding of the sitiuation than those of us sitting behind a computer on these forums.

    • Like 2
  9. page 60 and still no real evidence on one of the cornerstones of the "drum corps is declining" argument. (Not pointing fingers at Mike D because he's looking for numbers too)


    This is a major premise of the argument that might not be true. Any one else think this might be a problem? Most seem to accept this as fact. But when you add up big regional shows + expanded finals week + fan network + youtube + drum corps planet + DCI fieldpass + individual corps websites, it seems like the reach of drum corps in this era stands up pretty well against the 70s, 80s, and 90s.


    Although I have no real evidence, I'm pretty sure that the attendance of Championships have been on the decline for the past couple of years...with the exception of last year, from which I heard was a increase of attendance from the years before.

  10. I love all of Crown's show. The simple fact of it being hard as hell is a turn on for me. Once the show gets clean it will blow peoples minds.

    Wait, so Crown does a hard show for once and gets all praise, but Cadets and Cavies have been doing harder shows for years and gets crapped on for not being clean enough!?

    Seriously, get our priorities in sync... Crown "bandwagon" much?

    Just because Crown finally does a difficult show doesn't mean they are getting my praises yet.

    • Like 5
  11. You like George fail to see one thing...those that fail to learn from the past are doomed to make the same mistakes

    you mean like the diminishing Fan base of DCI?

    Those that see the fading popularity of an activity and do nothing to change or alter it, only pushes it further down the course it's heading.

    Look, I don't want woodwinds as much as the next guy, but I'd rather a DCI style band than nothing. And why must we crucify a person who is trying to come up with ideas to prolong the end of the activity, even if you don't agree with their ideas? At least he is doing something about it. I dont see you or the majority of people on these forums doing anything.

    • Like 2
  12. Why do we continue to argue about Woodwinds in DCI? I'm going to guess that around 90% of the people posting on these forums are brass players, and of course none of us would really want woodwinds or to change the activity that we love so much that we waste time creating profiles on DCP and post in forums like this one...

    Now I'm not saying that WWs belong in DCI or I'm not saying they don't belong either...

    But last time I checked, I never heard about a major change in the rules of DCI due to arguements or debates that happen on DCP. So then why do we continue to debate over this topic?

  13. Why does everyone continue to blame Hopkins for all of these changes in DCI? Don't you people know that other directors had vote these changes in? Apparently all the other corps directors felt the changes would benefit the activity, otherwise they wouldn't have voted for it. Seriously, you "Hopkins is ruining drum corps" people need to chill out and find a new topic to complain about.

    • Like 1
  14. Depends on the corps and class. It is rare for a top world class corps to take anyone under 16, an open class corps would probably be a better fit for that age level. It is not the old days where people can march in a corps since they where 11 or 14. The activity has evovled so much, especially in the physical area. What the corps do today and what they did 20 years ago are completely different.

  15. Most Innovative- The Cadets

    Most Entertaining- Carolina Crown


    Most "cheese"- Carolina Crown

    a little over the top with the "Rach Star" for my tastes. I got it, you are rock stars, now march and play!

    Most improved- Blue Knights or Spirit

    Most disappointing- SCV and Blue Stars

    Most traditional- Phantom Regiment

    Most overhyped- Bluecoats

    Most Enternaining year of DCI- 2011

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