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Posts posted by pitmomma

  1. Where is this "entitlement" from Crown or their fans? No one wants Crown to win without beating BD fair and square, least of all the members of Crown themselves. No one thinks their "love" of the show has any bearing on the scores.

    Any corps that's been running a close second this late in the season will be excited about the prospect of winning. And judging is subjective enough that it's inevitable there will be disagreements over what should be scored how. There's still plenty of retrospective complaints about how Cadets 2011 or Phantom 2008 won despite being "dirty". And Crown this year is called out, even by its fans, for being "dirty"--when the judges appear to think they're pretty #### clean.

    In the end, I don't really see the point of starting a new topic on this. The only thing you seem to have added to the discussion is the accusation that Crown and its fans think they deserve to win, regardless of their performance level. Nothing could be further from the truth.

    Dangit, you make a great point in your last two paras but for the first, please see facebook, tumblr and a lot of posts on here. There are MANY, countless people who think that because Crown's show is "harder' it should win. And because they don't like BD's show, it should not. And because people don't lose their ish and jump up and down like maniacs (or for that matter, clap), Crown should win. True story. Sorry.

    Case in point: http://www.drumcorpsplanet.com/forums/index.php/topic/152848-i-have-real-issues-with-the-blue-devils/page__p__3187519__hl__hint__fromsearch__1#entry3187519

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  2. Yes i do. Another thread about BD and CC which could be in any of the other 10234872079374902834 other topics of these two.





    Mods, can we PLEASE create a thread called "the Great BD v Crown 2012 debate" and let people have at it on there? Why is it that every other thread gets to be about these two? Don't get me wrong, they are both fan-FREAKING-tastic. But they aren't the only ones.

    But this forum is honestly, quickly turning into very little but topics created about these two. Or topics created about other things (ie, shows) melt into it really fast.

    RIght now half the "trending" threads are about this battle and how ###### people are regarding each's performance in it.

    Don't get me wrong- these corps are great- but this is getting tiring.

    Also, I do need to make a point here. MANY have made the argument that BD is "not engaging" the crowd. But MAN have I seen a lot of arguing over their show! Obviously they've engaged enough people to actually make pull out the phone at the show or post when they got home. Engagement =/= entertainment.

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  3. All IMO...

    Design drives the score. Clean or not will only move you around in your little grouping of corps.

    Each year there are only 1 or 2 shows that can win DCI (very rarely there are 3) based on design.

    This year, a perfectly clean BD beats everyone, with the possible exception of a perfectly clean Crown.

    A perfectly clean Madison might move up 1 spot.

    What he said.

    (and no, he's not talking about slotting)

    DCI does NOT reward attempt- they reward performance- in design, musicality and proficiency (I'm paraphrasing here- I know of the subcaptions). They judge each show individually based upon it's merits in the captions provided. In this activity, you better darn well bring it on ALL fronts. You better be clean. You better have a well designed show *that your performers can ACTUALLY MARCH AND PLAY CLEAN*. Your drumline needs to be squeaky, your brass musical and in tune, your visual **very** cleverly designed and impeccable, and your performers need to sell it to those judges. If you can do all that better than everyone else, you win!

    I personally have seen corps win this that were NOT the cleanest on the field, but in other areas were superior. It's extremely important to remember that at the end of the day, the corps that can do the most things right, in the eyes of the judges, wins.

  4. Because this is a competitive activity, I would never expect a message board dedicated to it to be all positive, all the time.

    However, I really identified with what you posted here and you TOTALLY hit the nail on the head. These kids are doing INCREDIBLE THINGS- SHEESH! The level of individual talent is unreal, and the level of talent amongst staff to get the kids to work together one day after the next is equally amazing. My goodness people, what more do you want?????? Life changes, people change, activities change. These kids paid for- and from what I'm seeing are receiving- one HECK of an education, whether they are first or last in WC or OC.

    I have some negative comments, but you didn't ask for those so I will stow it for now.

    /end mini rant

    Start rave:


    BD- the individual level of talent is unbelievable. This show is just crazy good. Wow. As a music educator and percussionist, this show is fullll of win. Congratulations to you for your consistent performances, selecting a show that fits the talent of your members, and being a cohesive organization for a VERY long time.

    Crown- brass is incredible. So different from BD in performance and substance. What a great top 2 shows to duke it out ftw.

    PR- beautiful show!!!! Def one of my faves.

    Cadets- I'm not a fan of this show at all, but am a fan of how extremely well they play in tune. From a technical standpoint, they get it.

    SCV- incredibly tough source material. They make it look so easy

    Bluecoats- usual Bluecoats quality and consistency. Such great percussion.

    BAC- One of my very fave shows this year and probably ever, but I'm an *enormous* fan of their source material.

    Cavies- obviously having an off year but from what I see they are nowhere NEAR ready to give up. Keep fighting! I know you will.

    Madison- always a fan fave. So glad to see them putting their rough patch firmly in their past. I am not a big fan of this show at all but respect the organization and the effort.

    Bstars- this show is rough but the kids are plowing through.

    BK- this show is great! Again, a bunch of kids taking on a bunch of hard music, translating it, and performing it beautifully

    SOA- facemelting brass and selling a show that just fits them so well. LOVE seeing them back in the finalist mix, where they belong.

    Crossmen- making a run to finals. They won't stop running til the very end. C'mon Crossmen!

    I could go on all night but I'm tired, so I'll stop there. I agree that ALL the corps this year are really bringing it on and they should be proud. So should their educators and parents.

    So there you have it. My $.02 that probably isn't even worth that much.

  5. I guess I am confused. Here all this time, a few seasons and thousands of dollars later paying for my kid to march, I thought that drum corps was ******not***** about making excuses, cutting corners, or short-changing students who want to jump for the brass ring. The timpani are an incredibly difficult instrument to learn, play, drag around, tune and most of all, pay for- agreed. But, it is sad to see so many be so willing to just wave this instrument off because it is "difficult" to find good players. There are, believe it or not, still kids out there who not only WANT to play this instrument, but teachers willing to teach them, and people willing to mentor. The statement that this is still a requirement to get into most college percussion programs is very accurate. Timpani is a unique instrument that requires a lot of skill, talent, patience and very hard work. And silly me, here I've sat a drum corps fan/parent all these years thinking that these traits were what drum corps was all about. Thanks for correcting that perception today.

    To me, timpani is the metaphor of what drum corps is all about today.

    < /sopabox>

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