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Posts posted by Robine

  1. Anyone gotten their rebate yet? Haven't received anything from them, and I filled out the form the day it was sent out?

    I also haven't gotten anything. They said in the email we'd get it upon 'receipt' but I would have thought it would have been automatic. Now, I have gotten refunds before and sometimes it takes up to 10 days depending on your bank so that may be the hiccup. Since I only filled out the form last Thursday, I'll give them another few days for the money to appear in my account before I write them a letter.

  2. It did look to me like they are re-writing their ending, so ended up with just a park and blow last night which is also what they did earlier in the season. They had a new pre-show which, in my opinion, was stronger so I see them making improvements. I'm sure they will clean it up and when you see the show in August it will be completely different from what's on the field right now. The interesting thing will be to see how they do against EVERYONE in Minnesota next weekend.

  3. What does the guard costume beneath that red coat look like ....

    Well since it was only a dress rehearsal, the one guard member who's coat popped open during the performance was wearing a "Turandot" tank top that all the "Phantomettes" have been wearing to parades this year. There was a buzz about a possible costume change going on, but we didn't see it. At one point the girls all let down their hair, which is quite dramatic. We'll have to wait and see if anything changes as the season goes on.

  4. I notice a lot of people on DCP not understanding the BD "props" this year. Now maybe, it's too many years of being an English major and reading into things literally. They are playing music from Burt Bacharach and they open with "A House is Not a Home" if you know the lyrics to this song, the last part is:

    "Darling, have a heart,

    Don't let one mistake keep us apart.

    I'm not meant to live alone. Turn this house into a home.

    When I climb the stair and turn the key,

    Oh, please be there still in love with me."

    If you look at those lyrics "literally" then the props make PERFECT SENSE. That's why they are using empty PVC frames and build a staircase and in the end build a house. It may look clunky but IMO it is more understandable than the mirrors last year.

    Same with Phantom using an all female colorguard this year. The show is called "JULIET" so we don't need male Romeos. The story is told from Juliet's perspective and if you know the play...Romeo and Juliet meet at a party, they have once scene at the balcony and then they kill themselves so in actuality they aren't together very much.

    I don't mean to be preaching, just wanted to explain how I see it.

    • Like 8
  5. I'm getting a little annoyed that some of these corps value gimmicks and use them to sell their show... not just to the audience but to the judges as well. Here is our society.. getting all pumped for people playing upside down and swinging their horns around like guitars. It's a shame that those kind of things get rewarded by judges and fans more than the part where they make incredible music. Listen to crown play a major chord and make it sound like an organ. Listen to Bluecoats make more music in their opener than most corps make in their whole show. Listen to Blue Devils string beautiful thick harmonies together one after another. That's where the REAL magic is in drum corps. Those are the things that make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. I guess I'm on a different wavelength than most... and I'm okay with that.

    I have to agree with you and I'm sorry that other people gave you negatives for saying what you believe. Gimmicks are crowd pleasers and perhaps they are trying to increase the popularity of drum corps, but I also believe that drum corps should be about the MUSIC. Phantom's show this year brings tears to my eyes and it's all because of the music.

    • Like 3
  6. I will not be surprised if every corps has stuff to 'add'. That is irrelevant. The point everyone is making is that six of eight corps managed to perform their shows without a standstill at the end. That's all. No ones trying to say "you must march your final completed product."

    It's only the circumstances that make this an issue (at least for me). This event was given DCI's maximum hype (including suggestions that corps would somewhat prepared for this weekend). I have to say I'm not quite as excited about attending the theater event knowing I'm going to pay for standstill closers from two corps...

    Has anyone even taken a second to consider the fact that maybe the Cavaliers and the BD stopped with a minute left in their routine in order to save the kids from the heat? Several people have said that the BD horn players were having to stop and pick up props so that no one tripped over them and that their PVC props were blowing all over the field. That's going to tire anyone out, especially in the beginning of the season when you are dealing with extreme weather conditions and the kids aren't as physically fit as they may be in July or August.

    Last year in Minneapolis Phantom Regiment sat out on the field for a full 8 minutes before they pulled them off the field and then eventually cancelled the rest of the show due to the weather. When I complained that Phantom would have already been more than halfway through their show before they stopped them, I got several nasty comments that if I had had a son/daughter out there on the field that I wouldn't have wanted them in any danger. DCI and the Corps are looking after the safety of the kids.

    Having lived in New Mexico for several years and being involved in horse shows where several people fell off their horses due to heat exhaustion in extreme temperatures, I just thought I might bring up the idea that perhaps it wasn't a unfinished product, but rather a safety measure.

    Also, don't you think the corps know that tonight's competition is the one that will be broadcast in the theaters on Monday night? I think we all need to reserve judgement until we know that the two corps are going to "park and blow" again tonight. We might all be pleasantly surprised.

    • Like 1
  7. You told us to run with it...so here goes:

    Phantom Regiment's food truck will not only end corps hunger but will end World hunger.

    The Seal Team 6 planned their operation from watching Phantom Regiment's "Spartacus" show and using some of the same moves in the Bin Laden compound.

    Phantom Regiment chevron tattoos have special healing powers.

    Brides pick Elsa's Procession to the Cathedral as their music to walk down the aisle only after they've heard it played by Phantom Regiment.

    Phantom Phans are Phenominal and Phabulous! (Try finding a alliterative adjectives for any of the fans of other corps).

    Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Baileys Circus has given away the title of "The Greatest Show on Earth" to Phantom Regiment so they can change the name of the Show of Shows.

    • Like 2
  8. If people have not figured out Crown's philosophy on programming and culture you probably will never get it. Even when I marched in the early 90's, it was about performing your best and having a great time, entertaining. (well, and early on for survival) The core values have not changed. They have just gotten stronger and better.

    They will be in the mix in the end. They always are. The title is an awesome goal for any corps. However, I think some corps get lost in the fever of title chases and forget about what the activity is really about. Entertainment, especially in today's climate.

    Crown is gonna "rock!" every stadium they are in this season, and I am looking forward to watching every other corps give it their all and let the best corps win.

    I agree. Even if it's not a judges favorite, after listening to this (and I understand that this is "pre-season") I think Crown will be a fan favorite with this selection. I am looking forward to seeing them on the big screen on Monday night and again in Minneapolis halfway through the season.

    • Like 2
  9. I'm saving my vote until after Monday when I can see all top 8 from last year. I'm an avid Phan and I've seen Phantom in person and they are good, but I don't believe as they are as strong as they were last year...YET. I also heard that Phantom has no vets on their drumline this year so it might be hard for them to win with an entirely new crew. I've only heard the Blue Devils and while their drums don't seem as strong as their horns, they sound good as well. I'll have more of an idea Monday night and I'll have an even better idea after I go to DCI Minneapolis.

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