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And in first place~

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Posts posted by And in first place~

  1. I was floored when I saw that live. I bought the Drum Corps Miniatures of the Bridgemen drumline (with the blindfolds) for just that reason. WOW!!!!! (and I loved the homage to that fantastic moment in Blast's show, too)

    Hello TT...I saw it live once as well. It was unbelievable, especially when I did not know they did it. That and SCV's bottle dance. Annnnnnnnnnd, a certain corps' sunburst????? Another all time classic....and another WOW

  2. I wish J Birney Crum was big enough :sad:

    It would not matter because they shoved Indy down our throats. Indy is very aggressive and extremely good at bringing in big time events such as the NCAA Finals Men and Womens basketball championships. At least you have the two August shows in Allentown. I live near Pittsburgh and our season is already over as of June 23, where we had a whopping total of five corps at a show. There is only one show anywhere near here.

  3. I think when you're young the trip to see DCI Finals is more about the performances and you could care less where you are getting to see it, providing you get decent seats and the sound is pretty good.

    I was probably more like this when I was traveling to a ton of shows in the 80s and 90s. So for the younger fans today, they probably don't mind Indianapolis too much, but I am sure they are not thrilled with the sound.

    For those my age (mid 40s) and older, there simply are more variables to consider. We only get so much time away from work. We are on fixed budgets because we have families, bills, investments, repairs around home, and we need to plan for retirement. We can't just take off at a moment's notice, and we are certainly not going to spend valuable vacation time going to the same city for DCI Finals just because we happen to love Drum Corps. I do love drum corps, no doubt, but it was best when Finals moved around the country, and it's always BEST when the stadium actually sounds good, where the acoustics are perfect for outdoor performance.

    Great post. Too bad you are not Executive Director and CEO of DCI. I am so sick and tired of some of the decisions they make. No wonder Finals attendance has decreased by about 10,000 over the past decade. And the younger crowd thinks things are all hunky dory....

  4. I know that she was taken care of and that the corps had a small vehicle stay behind so to transport her back with the corps when everything was said and done. I also know that most corps if not all operate like this because they know that injuries and a long time in the hospital are possible.

    Thank you for the information. I hope she is ok and back on the field. I went down to the fence for my annual " in your face" encore enjoyment and saw her in the ambulance. There was no sense of urgency, so I assumed it was not that serious. Another girl who was wearing a walking cast or boot walked over to the ambulance probably to check on her. They cancelled the encore and I lurked around for a while to see how soon they would transport her. I got tired of waiting and then meandered around the corps, busses and trucks. I do crazy things like that since I love being the corps in my own goofy way.

    Several years ago, a guy from Boston Crusaders was driving a tractor hauling pit equipment down the paved walkway at Baldwin on the other side of the field. It is a steep hill. I happened to be watching him and near the bottom, the tractor sped up for whatever reason and it tipped over. Equipment fell all over the place. It seemed like he was hurt in some way. People came to help him and he was taken to a hospital. I read somewhere where he suffered a broken leg.

  5. At the Baldwin (Pittsburgh) show a Bluecoats guard member was injured near the end of their show. She was near the sideline when it happened and managed to get to the sideline where she sat until the end of their show. She was placed in an ambulance and I assume transported to a local hospital. Hopefully, she was ok. I am wondering how situations like that are handled. A corps member gets injured or sick and the corps is soon off to another show. If the corps member has to be hospitalized, how does he or she get back with the corps after discharge? Does anyone stay with them while they are being treated? I could not help but worry about that girl and am curious as to how corps deal with unfortunate things like that.

  6. Oh yeah! I forgot about Spirit - they wowed me most of the show - was impressed with how they came out of the gate this year compared to years past - not necessarily their score, but their music and drill - was an insta-standing-o for me.

    Same here....Spirit came out on fire at Baldwin (Pittsburgh). They have a great show. Now if they could only sneak some "Georgia" in there.....

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