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Posts posted by jdmello

  1. Sort of how the Yankees or Miami Heat get hate, the winning team will always get hate. It's a part of any competitive activity. Different things can affect it (Who plays on the team / What show they are performing) but the main issue that people have is that they are winning so much.

    • Like 1
  2. Did you hear the brass line in 02 and 03? Talk about setting a new standard for what brass on a field should sound like.

    I still think that 02 brass line is the best brass line I have seen including this year. I'm still blown away by how perfect that show/brass were.

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  3. I agree, although I would say the same of horn soloists as well. Show where they are on the field (something the broadcast did not do with SCVC's opening soloists), give us a brief close-up, and then quickly cut to something moving!

    YES. There is too much going on to stick to a soloist for a whole song. I'm surprised the camera guy doesn't sit on the BD trumpet soloist for the whole show. They just don't get it sometimes.

  4. Am I the only one who doesn't enjoy seeing the people narrating or singing in the mics? we need to hear them, not see closeups of them. =\

    I mentioned this in another thread, but every time I see it, it just gets to me.

    Edit: Why did I get a - ? I was just asking a question. Not saying a certain corps. I enjoy all the shows this year, just saying I want to see the drill. or the guard or the drumline. Not someone whistling for a minute like on my 05 cadets dvd. missed some of the best drill.

    • Like 1
  5. Its great to see that some BD fans are just as pathetic as Crown fans (and cadets and others) when their corps isn't winning. Sure, there are classy fans out there that will be cool either way, (Plan9, etc...), but its good to see that it only takes one result you dont agree with to make the true colors come out. And the fact that you predicted it a week ago doesn't make you look smart...it makes you look sad because you were trying to set yourself up to look smart no matter what happened, and make crown look undeserving, no matter what happened.

    so....Good Job! Frankly, i'm not sure if tonights results are repeatable either, but i'll be there myself tomorrow to see it. I know what I'd hope for, but i wont be thinking about conspiracy theories when they announce the scores either way. If it makes you feel better though...

    So much of THIS!!! no matter what result people will go crazy. BD loses people freak out. Crown loses and we get the same @#$@. I'm just glad we have a competition near the end. Enjoy the show and enjoy the intense finals. top 2 are close 3-4 are close. God I couldn't ask for anything better.

    Oh and everyone be nice =)

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  6. I actually liked those shots. It made sense since they spent so much time telling us about it before the show. I can see though how it'd be like pouring salt in the wound of anyone who is apposed to the narration.

    I don't mind most narration. I'm just saying I can hear them speak, don't need to see them speak. It's great they tell us why they are doing it, but it adds nothing to just show them speaking. There is some great drum corps going on behind them, give it some love and show them how it relates to the words being spoken.

  7. I have no doubt you're correct. However, my point is specifically related to those two drum lines. To me, it was all about instruction, design, writing, overall approach, etc. and not talent.

    I understand that. I could see that happening. I feel there are a few corps out there who could definitely be in a different grouping then they are in right now with the proper staffing.

  8. From my perspective, it was the philosophy of each staff. I can't speak for Brass or Guard or Visual or Administrative, I can only speak to percussion. Totally different philosophies. And after bearing witness to each drum line that year. I can say without question that Spirt's drum line had more talent in it than Star's did. Yet, look at where each drum line scored. So from my perspective, I don't buy that all the top tier corps have more talent in them, I saw first hand, and honestly was surprised at what saw in Star's line compared to Spirit's. Spirit was vet laden across the board, Star had a 16 year old marching tenors. So, what was the difference? Why did Star's line score points ahead of Spirit's that year? My opinion, the philosophy as it relates to teaching, expectations, professionalism, positive reinforcement, confidence, etc. It was NOT about talent or experience.

    I feel nowadays the talent gap is HUGE. Teaching does make a big difference, but I marched in 3 corps all with large gaps in their score placement. Each group was on a completely different level from day 1. Not even the teachers can cover the gap to make that 12th place corps top 3. The talent is just not there yet.

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