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Posts posted by Sanitape

  1. Hello DCP,

    So I've seen quite a few people on YouTube transcribe a recording of a drum corps show into sheet music using software like Finale or Sibelius and upload a video of the music so others can enjoy/read it. If you don't get what I mean, search YouTube for "e=mc score" and the first result should be a good example.

    I like to do the same sometimes but have not posted anything as I'm sure that some writers would not like their work reproduced in that way. I would also assume it is in violation of copyright laws to share it.


    I was wondering if anyone knew what the laws would be regarding this since it is not an official production of the corps. Is posting it legal? Is posting a video of someone playing it legal? Is transcribing for personal use okay?

    Also, what are the possible effects it has on the composer or arranger when someone does this?

  2. The left side seems to see more high brass if that's what you're going for. Solos tend to happen on the right, however.

    I just attended a show with a similar lineup and the left side was a great experience. A lot of the Bluecoats stuff was on the left side, plus the field was "tilted" towards us. A bunch of percussion features were right in front of us. Bones's opener started with the high brass right in our face. Crown also has a bunch of nice trumpet playing on that side towards the beginning of the show.

  3. That Caravan ending is awesome!!!

    Pretty happy with the drill design even from the point of view this video was shot. There are some spots where I want to see more movement but the design team usually fixes that kind of thing before the end of the season. However, at 9:56-10:04 I think it is tasteful for them to be standing still. And I hope I see what I think I see which is a cross at the final set. Also, those unis move well on the field. I like them. They look clean and fierce.

    Brass sounds good. The score has some good difficulty in it and I bet you there will be some rewrites that will add even more. It's easy to sound thin at this point in the season and they've avoided that pretty well.

    They will do well with this show.

  4. Funny story: There was this corps in 2011 who were notorious for their overuse of sub frequencies in a part of their show. I once saw a judge walk past the corps' subs during a sustained chord, point at the speakers, and say something into his tape recorder. So if anyone was wondering about this being judged, it very possibly was at that show in 2011.

  5. Last night's results were disappointing but not shocking.

    Visual judges K. Giese and J. Carlisle tend to score Crossmen lower relative to a few other corps than other judges do.

    It was the lowest Visual Proficiency score since July 18th.

    On the positive side, there were season high scores in Brass, GE-Music, and Percussion. Color Guard tied the season high from Thursday.

    I'm not surprised either and I'm happy to see that they're still so close to 12th. Once all the stuff they're adding is finally cleaned up and the show sees it's potential, they can take it straight to finals.

  6. Excuse me if I missed it, but have we already brushed past the possibility of them just setting a lower fixed level in order to ensure the proper capture of dynamics without clipping in the recording? If I'm recalling correctly, they did have some issues with the audio peaking in earlier broadcasts this season. Maybe they're just playing it safe?

    Hopefully they'll figure something out.

  7. By the way, if anyone was wondering why there were so few corps there this year, here is a possible answer. There is some construction going on in the parking lot where they park the buses. When I went over there it looked kinda cramped for all the vehicles. I'm assuming they knew they wouldn't have a lot of space ahead of time and planned to have fewer corps perform.

    We'll see next year I guess.

  8. Man I was actually looking for this topic to post to while I was at the show but I couldn't find it. Oh well might as well post my pictures!


    Surf! Entertaining. A lot of great things. I liked the different unis per section and of course the DM uni. Wish they were a little cleaner but I have faith in them.



    Academy. Good stuff. Had my applause for sure. First time seeing the show so I don't have much to say about it yet.




    BK. Liked the show. Liked the rep. Good vis as my friend pointed out.



    Was this part of the show?




    Bones taking the field! I enjoy the show more and more every time I watch it. Perhaps because of all the recent changes. New closer WORKS.




    Bluecoats. Good stuff. LOUD that's for sure. Blooooooooooooo!!!



    And of course the SCV. Swept the captions. Definitely wanting a medal. They did everything right this year. Much respect to the writers for respecting the original music.


    Ahh the Van(guard) set...



    Welp that wraps it up. Good show. Only 6 corps but no doubt still worth the money!

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  9. Isn't there is a rankings page on DCP...it's under "scores and stats" on top of the page.

    I can't seem to get the weighted feature to work. That was what I liked about DCI's rankings.

    Hostrauser has a thread on here somewhere including something like that.

  10. I find it funny how the early-season scoring goes, especially where you now see Cavaliers and the Madison Scouts ahead of Phantom and Bluecoats. For example, Cavaliers have been at three shows with the Bluecoats this year, with the spread between the two growing each time (3.3, 4.65, and most recently, 5.1) But hey, I guess that's what we get early on where corps are not competing head to head every night.

    Kinda how the Crossmen dug themselves into 8th last year but ended up 13th come the first regional. However, the scores were definitely not as jumpy around this time last year.

  11. Hmm interesting what we're seeing today. Cavaliers seem to have gotten up in the mix despite not having a score from last night. BaC seems to have fallen out of top 12 for the day (we'll see about that tomorrow night) while BK to 12th even with West coast inflation. Maybe our suspected inflation is starting to go down?

    It's gonna be a long time until we see Pacific Crest perform again. I'm curious if they'll keep up what they've been up to lately. Those other corps better watch out.

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