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Posts posted by Jeremy!

  1. Maybe I'm cheesy but Cadets 2002 "An American Revival" gives me goosebumps. They do an incredible job connecting with the crowed in this show.

    Phantom 1996 is a ride so is 2003.

    Most emotional thing ever has to be Santa Clara Vanguard 2000, specifically the ballad - Adagio for Strings. It's seriously heart wrenching.

    http://www.myspace.com/video/2-pro-4-u/santa-clara-vanguard-2000/1009687 unfortunately this is the only link I could find unless you have the Fan Network but go to around 5:40 and watch!!!

  2. You're not alone as far as I am concerned.

    As much as I am rooting for anything that Ralph Hardimon is involved with (He's EASILY my favorite personality of all my past instructors), I was not too impressed with BK either. The science fiction sounds were...well...comical.

    It is definitely a maturely designed show with a lot of artistic elemements and demand. But, it was distracting and to me. I lump them in with Cadets (edited: and Cavaliers), with shows that show off talent in the corps, but don't hit me in the heart.

    And I am not a big fan of the seemng 5 minutes at the beginning of the show (pre-judged portion) where the horn line isn't even carrying their instruments. There are moments of greatness, but overall it was not my cup of tea.

    What about the squeezy duck noises in BD? I feel these noises fit in with the themes of their shows.

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