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Posts posted by shhmatt

  1. I think it’s about the marketing; it’s sold as the Finals DVD so it should be a document of that show. They could easily change it to Finalist Corps DVD and edit away

    They don't market it as a Finals DVD...

    2013 World Championship Blu-Ray

    Order the 2013 World Championship Blu-ray today featuring the top 12 placing corps.

    This Blu-ray Disc is only available to customers who live within the United States due to music licensing and permissions that are unavailable for international distribution.

    This blu-ray disc contains performance edits due to music licensing and permissions that are not available for distribution:

    The World Champpionships of DCI is the entire weekend. The event titles: DCI World Championship Prelims, DCI World Championship Semifinals, DCI World Championships World Class Finals. Hence, "2013 World Championship Blu-Ray" does not specify a single event, but rather a collection of events. Thus the marketing is for exactly what the disc already are.

  2. The performances are judged, so that should be reason enough to keep them as they are, right? to edit them after the fact seems contradictory to me to the critical nature of the activity,

    The nature of the activity is to be viewed in person. The judges are not judging a video of the corps performance, they are judging the performance in person.

  3. Based on the description and marketing of the DCI championships discs, I get no impression that the video and audio for the DVDs and BluRays are only from Finals. I would hazard a guess that the video clips are spliced from all available photoage. Using that stradegy allows for the camera crews to focus on different parts of the show each night and gives the editor the most choices for the final cut.

    DCI corps are so well practiced and consistant at their shows, that I would also guess that there is inter-song audio mixing going on, not just inter-show, but I can't be sure. I don't think it is false advertising or detertrimental to DCI or the corps featured, since it is impossible for the video to live up to the live viewing. There just aren't enough pixels and fast enough bit streams to support that deep a level of interaction right now.

    The high-camera video (not audio) is the only photoage that I can think of that is most likely entirly from one night.

  4. Go to most rehearsal sites (of any corps) and wait at the food truck for a meal to occur. WATCH the members during their time off the field. Most of them are buried in their phones, and do not interact with their fellow members... It is sad to see (having been involved before the cell explosion and after), but then again, this is how lots of people operate in public nowadays. What The Cavaliers are doing is unique (by not allowing personal cell phone use) and I absolutely love it. Armchair drum corps fans can proclaim to know what is best for the group, but the Cavaliers experience IS different from the other groups and I do not think it is rooted competitively, but more in the FRATERNAL aspect. They want their members to bond...and yes other groups DO bond, but not with the same consistency of interaction that is desired from those that are in charge of the Cavalier experience (staff, admin, and member leadership.)

    When I visited Spirit during a lunch break, they were more interested in eating with their friends and showing off what had just arrived in the mail, than checking their phones. In fact, members were having such vigorous conversations, that it was hard to understand anyone standing more than a few steps away.

    • Like 1
  5. It comes down to the host corps making less money on a show that's their fundraiser than some of the other competing corps are being paid to be there. You never know how many people will buy a ticket, so you're putting it on the line every time you run a show. Corps are sticking their necks out sponsoring shows, and corps are sticking their necks out going to shows that may not make enough money to pay them. Imagine traveling 18 hours to a show, then finding that spectators didn't show up, so your corps goes home without a check?

    1. I don't think every corps considers their home show an income for a corps. I think it would be safe to say that some corps consider their home show a success if it comes out even or only slightly over budget.

    2. I thought DCA required that the corps be payed if they perform, even if the show didn't make enough money to pay them. In other words, the show sponsor would lose money if they didn't get enough ticket sales to pay the corps.

  6. Perhaps other nations should loosen up their ridiculously strict copyright laws? (Well, U.S. copyright terms are already ridiculous: thank you, Disney. So perhaps the international codes should be termed "absurd". Nothing should be under copyright a century after its creation.)

    Their system is just different, it is not really better or worse. There are works that are public domain outside of the US, that are still under copyright in the US. The Rite of Spring just happens to fall into the class of works that are public domain in the US and not outside the US. In just 8 years, The Rite of Spring (along with all of Stravinsky's works) will be public domain in Canada, the EU, and Japan (assuming that international copyright laws don't change by then)

  7. A few weeks ago, someone said that while Rite of Spring is in the public domain in the U.S., it's still under copyright in Europe. It seems ludicrous to me that a work should be protected 100 years after it appeared, but there you have it.

    From the IMSLP's entry for Rite of Spring (http://imslp.org/wik...vinsky,_Igor%29)

    This work is most likely NOT public domain in either Canada and other countries where the term is life+50 years (like China, Japan, Korea and many others worldwide), or the EU and in countries where the copyright term is life+70 years. However, as this work was first published before 1923 or failed to meet notice or renewal requirements, it is almost certainly public domain in the USA ...
  8. I'm pretty sure it was 2004 Statesmen. At that time, only one brass line in DCA was on Bb, and that was Cabs in their first year. Bucs, Minnesota, and I believe Bush went Bb in 2005, with Bucs winning the first championship on any-key instruments. Unless Cabs went to Bb in 2003 and won with it? But the last G line was indeed Statesmen.

    I know that it was in Class A, but the Govenaires won on G horns in 2006 as well.

    • Like 1
  9. I know, but I always rather own than lease, plus I'm not sure how much the corps themselves get from resale.

    Based on the preliminary quotes that I got from Yamaha last fall for their marching horns, Crown is selling their used horns for more than the quoted price I got. (And I only looked at Crown's store today, the last time I looked at all of the used DCI horns on sale, they were pretty much the same price)

    But take those preliminary quotes with a grain of salt, we never got past the preliminary stages of looking at horns.

  10. If you have Fan Network, be sure to check out Pioneer's show this year. They moved the pit, including speakers, onto the field and the brass actually uses the pit area to march in during features. Pretty slick.

    That has been done multiple times before by other corps, and I agree that it is a wonderful tool to have the ability to use.

  11. This is the 2nd year of the Friday/Saturday experiment here in Minne..Last year, Friday was in St. Peter (I think) and Saturday was in So. St. Paul..So they're switched this year..

    This is the 2nd year of the Friday/Saturday format. It did not switch though, last year was S. St. Paul followed by St. Peter.

    This format also provides a huge turnout at the Drum Corps Bar.

  12. We, as a society, have gone through a paradigm shift concerning the acceptance of poor service, and we just have to deal with it.

    That, and people who have some idea of how the back side of the fan network is working, figure out work-arounds for the problems, without telling anyone how they got around it. For example, my feed for Finals kept freezing up until I put in a 5 minute delay from the live action. While I didn't get to see every corps in the exact moment it was happening, I didn't have to reload the website. (I did switch back to 'live' for scores though cool.gif/>)

  13. I do appreciate the response, but we only have finals performances available to us for the bvp productions. As of last Friday the number was:

    2009 10/10

    2008 10/10

    2007 10/10

    2006 6/10

    2005 6/10, 1 class a

    2004 6/10

    2003 6/10

    2002 10/10

    We continue to try and secure older performances, but our main goal is to expand our future coverage

    We thank you for your interest in DCA


    They do show up for me now, they weren't when I posted that.... strange... oh well.

    Are there plans to get more of the Class A Finals that BVP recorded up as well, or just the Open Class corps?

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