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Posts posted by Crazykid

  1. Oh... and I'm a pit guy, and SCVs pit is light years beyond Cadets in my eyes.


    I see that you have commented on Cadets pit much on DCP.

    BUt the thing that I dont fullu understand is why? You say things like you look for stuff other tha cleanliness and runs. What do you look for, and do you see them as light years ahead?

    Many judges didnt feel that way at the end...and I know you dont agree with judges, and to each his own, but what is it exactly that makes a good pit to you, and vanguard's pit better than cbc's to YOU?

    I think that Vanguards Book is mysterio and has more oooo moments as far as "neat" sounding..that sounds dumb the way I worded it, but I think you know what I mean.,

    And as far as battery to pit communication...Cadets have it there...they play sooooo many linear parts lined up exactly front to back. That is communication to me. If people were at finals week, vanguards pit had a blowout it the first 30 seconds in the pit..I think it was during quarters..maybe semis?? I dont remember.

    Just Curious..not meaning to be rude in any way shape or form!

    Jason B.

  2. Also, watch the basses only video on vicfirth.com, they incorrectly play alot of rythms for a drumline that is so head and shoulders above everyone else. Now, I know it is the total package but in my opinion Phantom should have won drums.

    I guess people didnt know that the video was taken in Dallas if Im correct...they were losing then...3rd it drums all the way until Allentown in early August...then they surged.


  3. Totally biased opinion but yea... BAC 03 definatly underrated.

    I think we moved more than than anyone cept cavies, and our book was definatly a lot harder than theirs. Oh well, i'll get to see for myself in a few months when i get my DVD! =D


    BAC 03-05

    HAHA...moved more than Cadets and Cavies?? HAHA...HAHA.....HAHA...well...maybe more as in time wise since cavies did sit and had a long ballad...and Cadets had the jam session in Malahguena ..but difficulty while moving ?? NO WAY!


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