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Posts posted by Aké

  1. Similar question... did I hear correctly at the theater that one of the guard members for BD who aged out had spent 15 years in the organization? Jeff Kievit marched with the Muchachos for 14 years and thought he had the longest tenure in Jr. Corps history, but that was all actual field and parade time. Did someone actually spend 15 years marching in the C, B, and A corps???

    Yup! I this saw on my Tumblr feed few weeks ago


    (credit to user @itsme-pencilsteve)

    I assume she started in BDC when she was around 6 and just worked her way up through the years, very cool!

    • Like 2
  2. Little kid, or not...People marching a season with one corps and being able to join with another corps? I can't stand behind that rule. Because of the fact it's BDC vs BDA doesn't change my opinion on the matter. One corps, one season.

    With this logic then Glassmen shouldn't have taken in members of Teal Sound in 2012 when they folded nor SOA this year when Coastal Surge folded.

    It's sad you feel this way, but hey its your opinion I guess, more power to you.

    • Like 2
  3. I didn't understand the connection between Sweeney Todd and Snow White. Do you?

    Uh both Into The Woods and Sweeney Todd are highly praised musicals scores both written by Sondheim, and they blended together perfectly, my opinion of course.

    Sweeney Todd is definitely a "darker" musical and the opening hit is when the witch came out for snow white, they weren't exactly trying to have a "happy" moment there.

    • Like 1
  4. Why don't more BD fans participate here? Seems odd that the preeminent organization in the activity would have more fans than anyone else.

    Not sure what threads you've been reading, but we're here I promise :P and for the most part most of us say nice things and enjoy plenty of corps along with BD

    • Like 1
  5. If that forces BD to play something entertaining to the crowd, would that be a bad thing? I found BD's show as incomprehensible as their placement. A cultural stream-of-consciousness soup, performed clean as a whistle - meh. Am I just too simple-minded to appreciate BD, or are all the other shows too simplistic to compete? The idea of other corps going that way in order to compete and having to watch an entire evening of super-sophisticated Dada is not appealing. What the audience thinks should matter at least a little.

    If you're too "simple minded" (just quoting you here) to understand Cinderella, Snow White, Jack and the beanstalk, ect. then I don't think theres much anyone can do to help you.

    BD had one of the least esoteric shows of the year, especially when looking at other top shows like the Bluecoats and Blue knights(both of which I loved)

    Actually IMO this year was the least esoteric show BD has done since 2006

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