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Posts posted by Gbassman5

  1. The staff was not fired. The caption head resigned to focus on his job and the rest of the staff was not considered for for his replacement, so they left. As most of you know, when there is a change in caption head the tech staff lives and dies by who is named as the replacement.

    If you ask me, they should have given the gig to Stuart Shulman. He is more than capable and has been there for some time and knows the corps from being a member, drum major, and instructor. I think he would have been great, but that is just my opinion....

    looks like this year is going to be a "rebuilding" year for SCV then... still curious as to what the percussion staff will look like w/ Rennick as the caption head

  2. If you thought Crown 04, Cadets 06 or 07 were great uses of voice.........I can't even relate to you. These are my least favorite 3 shows in the history of the activity because of their horrible use of voice. What a waste of really good corps! I would have liked to enjoy them but these annoying people wouldn't shut up and stop singing/talking/scat-rapping.

    also, BD 05....GOD that was AWFUL

  3. I'll go back and change my statement.

    Here's what I'll do.

    I'll go to the lot at the first show after WW are brought into the fold.

    I'll see which corps are using them and which aren't.

    If I find a show on the schedule that has enough corps that I want to see who don't use WW, I'll go.

    If a corps at that show uses them, I will wait until the opening note and then stand up and walk out.

    I will then go to their souvie booth and pull out a $100 bill and set it on the counter.

    I will then tell them, "Oh I'm sorry, you're not a drum corps." and then remove my money and walk away.

    Better yet, maybe I'll bring monopoly money and demand them to let me purchase souvies with it.

    I'll go a step further ... I'll demand a refund from the corps for their portion of my ticket price.

    If there were ever reason for drum corps fan$ to bring forward a class action lawsuit in seeking an injunction against the voting membership for changing our beloved activity beyond the point of recognition ......... this would be one of those times.


    well, if i could come up w/ $100, i would TOTALLY join you

  4. As a former Director, and a High School Band Director NOW!!!! Scheduling is a major issues. But I am sure for a fan they don't see the problems faced with this. IE schools are usually "closed" to outsiders for end of year cleaning and "school year prep".

    You totally blow your "proposal" out of the water with LOOK AT BD AND THEIR PROPS. Go ahead and add MORE cost to construct, haul and store "PROPS" so that they look smaller.

    No one said do the same thing. However telling me to limit a corps to 60, when I personally had the ability to pull in 100 is totally silly on your part. Not my fault that I knew and still do know how to run a good group.

    I don't know what shows yo uare attending, but I can tell you this. If you walked in front of ANY of the OC corps and tell them they are "in limp, under-rehearsed, overly-long shows where they necessarily look small and weak next to the WC corps" you might not leave that field.

    16 hour rehearsal days don't happen... Where have you taught at, or managed that rehearses 16 hours a day?

    Most EVERY corps gets min of 6 hours of sleep...

    3 hours of "feeding" time at MIN

    2 hours of Shower relax time

    1 hour of break time throughout day

    that leaves 12 hours of rehearsal.

    And creating dumb'd down... hosed shows will make them feel sooooo much better about being the "lower" level kids. Well I for one believe in molding kids for the future....preparing them for life...... creating memories that will last a life time....... and giving them a sense of home.......

    NOT telling them... sorry you are in a smaller corps, we have to do easier things to make up appear and sound bigger, which you cannot fix the sounding bigger..... And OH BTW I need you to pay an addition $300 to build and haul props so we can make you look bigger.... But for your information I've now made it JUST as expensive to march WC...


    I'm thinking working on a drum corps staff is not in your future... I'm just being real about that one.


    as a member of an open class corps for 5 years, i can definitely say that i would have HATED to march in something like that person was proposing...#### that

  5. He performs in a variety of musical ensembles. We saw him in Indianapolis with West Point's drum line. I believe he also teaches the ensemble. He certainly has the credentials.

    if he DOES go to Phantom, that'll be a big loss for the DCI judging community. he's one of, if not THE, top percussion judge(s)

  6. I disagree entirely. Innovative's tapered bass mallets (NOT the fulcrum notch ones) are the reason I changed my battery to IP. EASILY the best bass mallets out there, in my opinion.

    unfortunately, i haven't gotten to try out those newer IP ones... so, i guess my opinion can't include those...

    i think if Rennick got rid of the cymbal line at SCV, every single cymbal alumni (if not, ALL alumni) would revolt and murder him. lol

    SCV cymbals are NOT someone you want to anger

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