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Posts posted by emphan

  1. I am a long time reader, but a first-time poster on this message forum. I live in the Chicago area, and was introduced to DCI by my dad when we watched my uncle perform at a show in Michigan City, Indiana several years ago. I really enjoyed last nights show. I think every corps did a great job entertaining a large crowd at NIU. I was seated on the forty, left of the fifty, about 33 rows up so I had a great view of the drill. I thougt the preshow ensembles were a nice bonus to an exceptional lineup.

    First of all, the Blue Devils set the bar high. I love the trumpet fanfare at the beginning of the show, and the drill looked really challenging. There is so much going on all at once in their show, just like last year, that I will have to watch this show several times to get everything. Beautiful use of Italian film music to get the Fellini theme across. And I love the props and how the guard utilizes them.

    The Bluecoats followed with a really fun and fast-paced show that was intense. I thought that they had the loudest horn line last year, and they are again one of the loudest in my opinion. The guards orange costumes contrast nicely with the dark blue brass and drum uniforms. I really enjoyed the drum solo in the middle of the show. I couldn't take my eyes off the snares as they were moving along the front sideline. Props, tarp and corps movements help bring out the Tilt theme.

    The Blue Stars show about Home, has a lot going on visually to drive the point across. Guard has a pretty demanding book that they are executing much better than they were in Rockford, but still a lot of room for cleaning it up. I really liked the paint swatch and bubble wrap flags. They kind of remind me of the Blue Devils since they have so much going on visually, but BD takes a more minimalist approach with props, usually keeping them all painted white.

    Carolina Crown has made some changes to their show since I saw them in Rockford. The opening rocket launch sound effects are very loud, and effective. I think the guard is making better use of the trampolines now. Love the colors and designs used in the flags and hoops/rings. I think the frisbee/ flying saucers fit the music perfectly. There was a beautiful moment in the ballad where there are four soloists standing on the trampolines, trading off lines of the melody. Gave me goosebumps. Love everything about this show.

    I thought the Cadets show was seamless. It was hard to clap for a solo or moment because the music and drill effortlessly flowed from one moment to the next. I am surprised to say that I don't mind the narration. The interaction between the narrator and the recorded quotes is effective with the music and gave me chills at one point. I don't understand why some of the guard poses on the stage near the end of the program. Overall a great show, and can;t wait to see what they add to the end of the show since it seems incomplete right now.

    The Cavaliers have so much general effect in their Immortal show. I think the drill writer does an amazing job staging the guard. I always liked how he included the guard in the drill when he wrote for the Bluecoats, especially in 05 and 06. Great drumline and pit, improved brass, and kaleidoscopic drill. One of my favorite shows this year.

    My favorite corps, Phantom Regiment closed out the show with Swan Lake. I enjoy the show. The music is pretty. I like how the guard enters in from the corner at the beginning. The mid and low brass are very powerful. I was surprised about how much louder they were compared to their show in Rockford. They are louder than last years hornline but I feel like the book is easier this year. There were a couple of moments where the brass, especially trumpets sounded a little rough/ crass and other times where they sounded great. I think the percussion writing/ tuning is better this year. The transition from the opener to the percussion solo is much better than it was earlier this season. I am happy that I can hear the different tones in the bass drums this year. Guard flags and costumes are gorgeous. Enjoyed the new closer. What happens to the prince? I notice that he longer lies dead on the field at the end of the show. Does he transform into a black Swan?

    Thank you Phantom Regiment and DCI for hosting another great show at NIU. I will definitely be back next year.

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