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Posts posted by Rheller1000

  1. If you don’t already know me, my name is Ryan Heller and this June I graduated from Robbinsville High School. I’ve been a member of the marching band at my school for four years and have played quads every year. My last two years I was chosen to be the section leader of the drumline. After high school I will be attending University of New Haven studying forensic science.

    It is the that time of the year where I must begin seeking financial assistance for the upcoming drum corps season. With drum corps fees, winter percussion fees, and college coming up, my financial burden is getting bigger. This summer I will be returning as a member of the Cadets2 Drum Corps for my third season. This is their 4th season since being founded in 2012. Drum Corps is an activity similar to marching band that consists of brass, percussion, and color guard members. Specifically, Cadets2 is a member of the DCA (Drum Corps Associates) competitive circuit. For more detailed information on what drum corps is, you can visit this website: http://www.dci.org/news/view.cfm?news_id=ae59a1ff-4dd6-4e48-bd8b-70887cd1b828. Over the summer, I’ll be rehearsing every weekend, Friday night through Sunday afternoon, in and around Allentown, PA. I was a member of the cymbal line in 2013, played auxiliary percussion in the front ensemble in 2014, and will be returning as a member of the cymbal line for the 2015 season. I am very excited for this season, especially since I just finished an amazing season with the world-class group, Cadets Winter Percussion, where we took 6th place in the Independent World Class group. However I would rather not deal with the stress that the price tag brings all by myself. Therefore, I am reaching out to you, to consider donating to my funding.

    Something people don't realize is that Drum Corps isn’t just an activity about playing music and competing. The number of lessons I've learned through marching drum corps is unbelievable. I’ve be taught values such as perseverance, teamwork, and maintaining focus on the task at hand. Because rehearsals are every weekend it can get tiring and difficult to push through at times. I’ve learned how to push past what I thought were my limits, and discovered I can do so much more than I thought. The lessons I have made from this activity will truly last me a lifetime. Not only will these lessons last me a lifetime, but the friendships I have made will as well. Since I'm living with the same group of people all summer and sleeping on gym floors alongside them they’ve become like a family to me.

    I have seen all these values connect to real life. Pushing myself past limits in school with writing papers or taking tests. Always trying to make it just a little better. Using teamwork skills with my coworkers at the restaurant I work at, or in group assignments at school. And staying on task with the assignments I am responsible for throughout my life in work, school, at home, etc. These are only a select few of the tons of life lessons I've learned through marching in a drum corps. I am beyond excited for this upcoming season and cant wait for the lessons I’ll learn, and friendships I’ll make.

    Marching Cadets2 this season will cost me about $1850 in tuition fees, this doesn't even include expenses like gas and tolls. Every dollar counts. Whether you give me $5 or $500, it will help enormously and I will appreciate it very much.

    Hello, please consider giving some so I may finish paying off my Cadets2 fees:


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