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Posts posted by Crownfan33

  1. I now exactly what it means and it was apt in this situation. The fact that some attach importance to something that does not warrant such importance, is the definition of pretentiousness. I also didn't realize that a harmless critique was somehow being "vile". But to each his or her own. I will continue to read all posts whether I agree with them or not. I won't just limit myself to those comport with my way of thinking and stifle any kind of learning or growth

    Why do you get to decide what is important and what is not? Now that is pretentious if you ask me. Everyone is entitled to their opinion whether it be positive or negative and that's fine. However,the wishes of the corps shouldn't be a matter of opinion. They have given information and showed show content to people that have decided to donate and support them in their endeavors and I think that's fantastic. Keeping that information private at their request is the least I can do.

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  2. 1. Crown (trying not to be a homer but everything I've seen so far.....wow!)

    2. Blooooo

    3. BD

    4. Cadets

    5. BK (Maybe wishful thinking bit I think they will continue to move up.)

    6. SCV

    7. Scouts

    8. Cavaliers

    9. Blue stars

    10. Phantom

    11. Boston

    12. Crossmen

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  3. Actually, I did figure it out. DCI had a camera team on the back sideline last night to video the banner. All the guard members appear to be holding the banner poles upright or slightly back over the shoulder. The guard member 2nd from the left in the video is running with the pole decidedly pointed forward which pulls that section down somewhat. Hope they get it corrected for tonight if they think it needs correcting.

    Edit: for clarity

    I noticed that in the video too. I hope crown saw the video and make the corrections needed! Go Crown!
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