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Posts posted by buzz16

  1. Show was GREAT last night! Lots of energy, color guard looks better than recent memory, and the horn sound was phenomenal. Not surprised they beat Blue Stars. 


    QUESTION: I know "The Maze" movement is original material by Warkworth, but it *has* to take the main melody from another piece of music... I have a vague memory of another group playing it, but I can't remember who it was, or if it was HS or DCI. Anyone have an idea? It's the part of the show that leads to them making the tight block in the bottom left corner. 

  2. 3 hours ago, Cadevilina Crown said:

    Academy's DM last year used a baton. I believe SCV and Madison have also used batons in the past. Not sure if any of those three corps still use them. Phantom may very well be the only one now.

    The Cavaliers' drum majors have used one for the past couple years as well.

  3. 5 hours ago, jjeffeory said:

    Why would it freak you out?

    It is cool.  They're being different.  I'm not sure why they do that, but there's isn't a rule that says conductors have to be any place, right?

    I dunno.

    Maybe freak out is too strong of a term - it's just so far away from all of the performers that timing would get wonky, especially in domes. Also the old stadiums along the east coast don't have that much sideline space. I'm just curious as to why they made that decision. 


  4. Question: Anyone else notice, or know why, the conductor podiums are SO FAR BACK from the field? I understand moving them to get out of the line of sight from the 50 and/or to allow the front ensemble to engage with the audience more... but it seems like for every show available online, the podium is a good 30 yards away from the sideline, and it's freaking me out! :unsure:

  5. On 6/26/2017 at 8:34 AM, barigirl78 said:

    Congratulations to Blue Stars for slipping ahead.  The results of these shows with a 5-judge panel could depend on which 3 captions other than GE are being judged.

    The only judges that cycle are brass, color guard, and percussion. Visual Analysis and Music Analysis, along with GE judges, are always present. 

  6. 5 hours ago, Cadevilina Crown said:

    I'm listening to the Field Pass Podcast now, and I guess I was wrong on the pronunciation all along. Cesario pronounced it OH-roh-BOH-rohs.

    He pronounced Quixotic wrong last year on the podcast, unfortunately. It should be "quick-zotic" but he said "key-otic". I remember him even saying it should sound like "chaotic"... Tomato, tomato I guess. 

  7. 44 minutes ago, scvphan said:

    Though I've heard peripherally about this I can't recall much in the way of details about that scrapped show. No repertoire was ever revealed, right?! Would be interesting to learn more about the concept and what led to it being replaced that year (perhaps licensing?). I wonder if there's any chance of the concept re-emerging.

    It was either Sal Salas or JD Shaw that mentioned in some interview that one of the staple pieces of that circus show fell through because of licensing, and since they had already batted the idea of a Scheherazade show around, they just went with it. 

    At the SCV birthday dinner that year (so, 2014?), I remember DCP having a mini heart attack when a new version of Send in the Clowns was performed by SCV... that was allegedly the ballad, but it never made it to the field. I can't find that video, but it was a very interesting arrangement. 

    • Like 1
  8. Interesting thing Hopkins said... "We're gonna be here for a while, the next couple of years, which is one reason why this has taken so long."

    Could be really cool to have a "trilogy" or "series" similar to Blue Knights of 2014-196, but focusing on one famous American, New York-based composer. 


    I'm excited!

  9. I am always way impressed that many of you on DCP know (or remember) the shows, drills, music selections of so many corps over so many years. Would be great to have an easily accessible site or database of all that info. Type in a corp, year, and up comes details. Or type in a theme or music, and up comes all the corps that have touched on or near those things.

    Of course, maybe that kind of place exists and I am too much a drum corps peasant to know about it.

    corpsreps.com is a resource I use often.

    • Like 2
  10. As a non-drummer, I question why percussion is the only section to get 2 judges.

    CG only gets 1 judge, and you can learn a lot more from being close up to the guard (hand placements, feet position, posture, etc.) than you can from observing them from the box ... and yet, they are judged on their presentation from the Box. Yes you can see those things from far enough away (the figure skating analogy applies here), and yet, in the box those judges stay. Same applies for the brass.

    Do we maybe over emphasize percussion judging, compared to the other sections of the corps?

  11. Apparently the housing site they were assigned didn't have a practice facility so they were moved to a housing site 2 hours away in Fort Worth. Ironic since Genesis started this show years ago and it's their hometown. But such is the fate of open class corps....

    I don't believe that Genesis "started this show years ago" since this show is only 2 years old. Maybe you're referring to another show, but the "Austin" show used to occur right outside of Austin in Round Rock. It even had a great, very early season show there in 2011 with the top 8 or so going head-to-head.

    I think this show is run/sponsored by the Boston Crusaders and Band Shoppe now, which might be why they changed location.

    How far is Austin from there.

    It's about an hour, without traffic.

  12. If you don't know Kenton, Ellis, or Hank Levy i feed bad for you. Their writing inspired many a great modern big bands to form like Big Phat Band, New York Big Band, or paved the way for guys like Alan Baylock to write what he does. Again, go look em up. Man. It's like some of you simply refuse to expand your brains and open up to new ideas. I have middle school kids coming in to high school who know who the heck John Adams the composer is. He's still alive. Go look him up.

    One of the reasons I really enjoyed 2014 was because it introduced me (a member of the 20-something DCI fan base) to a lot of jazz music that I hadn't been exposed to before... I think they tried to fit too many tunes in, but for me, it was a great introduction to the "greats".

  13. The closers in 2003 and 2007 were otherworldly. Let's see if Will Pitts can work some magic this year

    I think one of the reasons that 2003 and 2007 worked so well was the blending of classical and percussion (more modern) music and timbres. I believe that's why most fans find those shows "fresh" and "new" because they were indeed adding layers to classical music that were not originally written, and the Rennicks were instrumental to this through their writing.

    I don't think that classical music needs to be abandoned, and there are certainly pieces we aren't tired of yet (re: Young Person's Guide), but I would like them to explore the unplayed classics and introduce the audience to pieces not yet heard on the field. Example: a, if not the, musical highlight of 2014 was the "Fanfare from La Peri" - evidence of this can be found in the concerts of college and high school bands, who programmed the piece in their fall concerts.

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