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Katie Roe Ryan

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Posts posted by Katie Roe Ryan

  1. Katie,

    I live in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area, so I am quite familiar with your Dad. I have hundreds of 8 X 10 glossy photos, but they are from the years just after your Dad was active, so I wouldn't have any with him. I'm sure I saw the Indians and Scouts when he marched with them, since they always appeared in my hometown 4th of July parades in the late 50s and early 60s. That was how I first got exposed to drum corps.

    I'll check to see if I can find anything.

    Thank you! That means so much to me. :)

  2. Hi everyone,

    If anyone can help me, it's you guys! My dad, Tom Roe, participated in, taught and judged drum corps for 40+ years and I don't have one single photo of him in uniform. I'm in the process of putting together a family wall with photos/memorabilia in my home, and I'd like a photo for next to his practice snare pad.

    He was in the '65 Royal Airs, St. Paul Scouts and Hamm's Indians (not sure which years). Even the group pictures I've seen of the '65 Royal Airs, my dad seems to be absent.

    Any help I can get would be tremendously helpful! Thank you!


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