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Posts posted by Dynames

  1. 3 minutes ago, KVG_DC said:

    Good to know.  I figured they’d look better on the field 150 strong than th awkwardness of that photo. 


    Someday, the uniform designers may get over themselves enough to provide photos that show how they look in use and sketches that approximate humans (rather than imply that the slenderman is marching Cadets this year). 

    I hope so! I went in thinking I was gonna be disappointed in the uniform and walked out thinking it may be my favorite of the season. People will be surprised by The Academy's show once again this year IMO

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  2. It was fantastic!

    Strongest horn line I've heard, and the visual design was perfect IMO. The show works extremely well as whole package and every one I went to the event with did not expect such a drastic improvement over last year. The show is not as "happy go-lucky" as previous years per say, but has an Academy flair to it. My friends and I thought they have an extremely strong shot at finals for a second year.

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  3. I would love to see more appreciation for this stunning show, but I can understand the muted/confused audience. The show has so much more traction when you really dig into it than any other show thrown on the field, but you have to be willing to search yourself for it and let the show guide you.

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  4. For what it's worth to both Cadets players and fans:

    I can honestly say that this is my favorite program of the year and I have so much respect and admiration for the corps members for being able to keep pushing through all of the competitive and design hardships and still be an amazing group. Seeing the program grow and evolve has been one of my favorite aspects of the year, and while "competitively" it may not be desirable, the performance last night really showed me that the theme and show is starting to come together. Others might look back to this year and see a failed stalling ship struggling to stay afloat, but I instead see an awesome show that kicks some serious *** that was put forth by a group of super talented and hard working individuals. Keep going and put every bit of love into the show you can, and I promise it'll give back to you!

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    The Cadets low season scores and "poorly designed" show was actually on purpose to create drama for that one reality show!... Lol joking aside, if they can pull that together, I think the theme and talent in that corps will drive them places that some think are done and over with.

    Speaking of which, when is that show supposed to air?

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