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Posts posted by LisaLisaMoMeesa

  1. Wait, so you just got new uniforms 4 years ago and now want to go BACK to the old style ones?

    and to quote the campaign page: "proceeds will be spent on new (badly needed) uniforms"

    How can that be after only a few seasons?


    You're assuming the only reason a new uniform is "badly needed" would be because the other one is old and falling apart.

    It's all good. Hope you can come out and enjoy a show.

    Rock on.

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I see that Lee has responded in a much more eloquent fashion.

    Ok..NOW rock on. LOL

    • Like 3
  2. So glad to know DCP hasn't lost it's appeal to those that love to nitpick things to death. While we're at it, I'd like to discuss the font that was used in their announcement. A bit "in your face" if you ask me. I mean....really....if you're gonna be askin' for bucks.....((rolling my eyes)) :doh:/>

    Oh Please....Ryan....you've been around long enough to know when it comes to the Renegades..... if they found the cure for cancer, they'd be criticized for not doing it quick enough.

    Good to see nothing's changed.

    Same as it ever was

    Same as it ever was






    • Like 4
  3. ...and still no apology. And barely even an acknowledgement that something bad actually happened aside from a throw-away line.

    Honestly, Lee, we know you disagree and are not happy with the decision (right or wrong). But since DCP isn't where the DCA Board of Directors meet, and you clearly know that, what's the point of posting this here? If you are trying to get the masses on your side, I'm not sure it's working. It seems to me your efforts, well-meaning as they are, would be better spent behind the scenes directly with DCA.

    Unless this is just a cry for publicity...

    A. You're wrong in thinking that the powers that be in DCA do not read this.

    B. You're wrong if you think Lee hasn't discussed this already with the powers that be

    and most importantly:

    C. It was important to post it here because here is where this is being gossiped about. People so bent on "looking" important, passing along untruths and lies just so they can look like they're "in the know". It was shocking to see what was getting passed as "fact" around here.

    I'm glad he did it.

    Rock on.

    • Like 8
  4. Lee, I'm glad you wrote this letter. It pained me to see people who had such a screwed up "understanding" of what happened. I hope this clarifies who threw the corps under the bus and who is here, standing behind the corps, fighting FOR the corps.

    As an alum, both of the corps and of the Board of Directors, I am PROUD to have you speak for me.

    Good luck. I hope cooler heads prevail.


    • Like 5
  5. I was thinking maybe this thread would be best to keep it as a place where we could all mourn together, but as anyone who knows Rich knows....at some time it's time to belch and say something funny, so I started the thread "Belch" in the off topic forums. Would love for Rich's friends to remember funny things Rich said and did. He would want us laughing our ##### off, even if it's through tears.

  6. When Rich was alive, he was there. "There". In the corps, at the parties, right there to give a handshake to a new member, share a few beers, what ever. It's strange, he was one of the most popular members of the Corps, but wasn't showy, he wasn't the guy wearing the lampshade. He was the guy in the garage at the corps hall to just greet you and hand you a beer. But somehow, in his passing, he's left a HUGE hole. A huge vacancy that just won't ever be filled. I'm just so completely befuddled that he's gone. Rich can't be GONE....he's always there....isn't he?

    Maybe I'm just grasping because I didn't respond to his last messge to me as I wanted to. As I wished I would have. He reached out to me not long ago and told me he missed our "Land of Misfit Toys" Christmas parties and he missed me and "Some Random Guy". (Roy). I tapped back a quick response, a thanks..miss you too type of thing. You know....because Rich is always going to be there. Surely I'd always have time to give a more fuller response. I mean, Rich had been my friend for 20 years. Surely we'd have 20 more....and then 20 more......

    I got an email from my friend Kanika with "Rich Skare" in the subject line. My first thing I said to myself was "Oh ####, what kind of hell is he raising on facebook". Never in one million years would I have guessed what Kanika had to say next. "Rich passed away yesterday".

    I haven't seen him since our last Christmas party right before we moved out to Tenn, almost 2 years ago now. But we chit chatted on Facebook..responding randomly to each other's posts over the last couple of years.... I just can't believe he's gone.

    Ok...I know I'm just repeating myself, which is what I do when I'm upset. I'm also sad for all my Renengade brothers and sisters, still in the corps, who will experience the gaping hole left behind every day they're at rehearsal.

    I heard this song on the radio yesterday and it usually reminds me of my mother in law that passed, but it was just appropriate to hear as I was rifling through my memories of Rich....

    I've seen fire and I've seen rain

    I've seen sunny days that I thought would never end

    I've seen lonely times when I could not find a friend

    But I always thought that I'd see you again

    Rest in Peace, my friend. I will miss you.

  7. if a slate of judges who never judged ANY of the Corps were to judge just DCA Prelims & Finals only, and no other shows, would that be fair?

    How would it be UNfair? The show that is being put on the field THAT night is what's being judged. Isn't that what should be done?

    As for the slings and arrows....trust me, the Renegades don't spend that much money to come clear across the country year after year to not know how to deal with slings and arrows. :guinesssmilie:

    It should be noted that (unless the few heare w/o any identifying names in their signature and I don't know who they are, which is entirely possible) there aren't any 2010 Renegade performers in this thread "whinning" about their placement.

  8. Further....was just reading in a Kidsgrove Scouts thread about how they would have placed higher "had the judges seen them more times than just prelims and finals".

    I don't even get what that means. As a judge, are you judging for "improvement over the last time you saw them"? Don't you judge the show you see on the field before you?

    Can somebody explain this to me?

  9. I don't think the Renegades have yet to turn in a first place performance. I also don't think there has been a Renegade performer or fan here who has yet to turn in an opinion that they have.

    That being said, the fact that people say "Well, they haven't paid thier dues yet" or "it's hard to judge them because the judges don't see them all year" (I don't even know what that means) tells me that the 10 or 11 corps that are marching on that field THAT NIGHT are not being judged based on their performance THAT NIGHT and THAT NIGHT alone.

    I've known, since my first day of involvement, that the Renegades is alot of people's favorite corps to hate. Why? There's not enough hours in a day. :guinesssmilie: And I'm certainly not the final authority on this. But the things I'm going to list below may be actual fact or they may just be perception, or both.

    1) They fly in the face of tradition.

    2) They all think they're beautiful rock stars.

    3) The "evil" "vampire" "Seven" thing is over done.

    4) They're from California.

    5) They haven't paid their dues.

    6) They have (or had) too many rabble rousers in the corps.

    7) They turn out messy (insert here: horns, marching, battery, pit, guard, what ever)

    What ever the reason, for some folks, the Renegades could find the cure for cancer and they'd still hate the Renegades.

    Truth be told, with the exception of 2003, I don't think the corps has ever turned in a better than Top 3 performance, but I also don't think the Renegades have ever gotten a placement they deserved . And there are tons upon tons folks that agree with me (tho many of them do it in private because if their corps ever knew they were a supporter, they'd be disowned. LOL).

    It's just the way it is.

    Rock on.

  10. *shakes head* Lisa, Lisa, Lisa


    2003- 91.800 (6th, 4th w/o the penalty :devil:)

    2004- 91.225 (6th)

    2005- 93.738 (5th)

    Don't forget 2002. 10th place. I DO remember that one. Our first appearance as a field corps and we broke top 10. In the months leading up to that night, we were everyone's cute little cousins from the west coast. After that night, it was "Marsha Marsha Marsha!!!!".


  11. It seems like whether you knew him very personally or just met a few times at a drum corps show, no one will be the same now that he's gone.

    The words I read here, especially of those who marched with him or knew him very closely, seem desperate...like trying to reach out and bring him back. It's like no one can believe he's gone.

    But he is.

    The only true way we can "keep" him around, to even just have a little bit of that feeling we had when we hung with Cozy in the parkinglot before/after a show is to emulate him.

    Keep him around by doing the things he did that we loved about him. Love and honor your corps. Realize that from the moment we stop onto the field to the moment we step off, we are all competitors, but other than that, we are all brothers and sisters, not related by blood by what sometimes seems stronger and deeper than blood: a love for an activity that transcends everything: time, race, wars, poor economy. Really love the activity and your fellow corps mates. Its seems to be one of the many personality traits that everyone loved about Cozy.

    We are all lucky to know him, to have read his articles, marched with him, competed against him.

    Lets all try to be "Cozy" if even just a little bit. It's the best way to keep him around and close to us forever.

  12. For Cozy's caregivers:

    My mother in law was on a "trach" and we had a hard time understanding her mouthing words as she was too weak to really demonstatively move her mouth. When she was too shaky to write I came up with a "Communication Folder". Just a regular file folder, but I glued pictures of things: TV, Radio, and "Up" arrow "Down" arrow (good for volume and the bed) "toilet" "Blanket" "warm" "pain" various body parts so if she's in pain, she can point to the "pain" icon and then the body part. I also put pictures of the family members so she could point to them. Basically it just give you the subject matter and then you can ask further questions.

    Worked like a charm.

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