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Posts posted by Spinninchick63

  1. Colorguard. However def. the flag line more than the weapons. My first summer I marched in the flag line, second in the weapon line. A lot of times the flags are just shoved in the back of the field doing some lame work while the weapons are front and center. However I noticed more so during winterguard....rarely does anyone really go nuts for a perfect, clean, flag toss done by the flag line. ( excluding flag statements with the whole guard) But next time you are @ a show see how many times you hear people clap for the flag line.

  2. It does seem pretty late for there to be no information. And even if they do make a camp date in the next few weeks, I am sure this is going to really impact the turnout. When I marched my plans to go to camp were made in the middle of September. I guess we will have to wait some more and see what is going on.

  3. It is a shame that a corps with so much potential has so many problems. I marched in the CR colorguard in 2003 and most of 2004. In 2003 I marched in a colorguard with 32 members, in 2004 we had 6 vets in our guard. 6 out of 32 and we only had about 3 people age out. I was someone who wanted to stay and march with the same corps my whole entire marching career, that obviously didn't happen. Let's just say the problems that are happening now are nothing new. I had a fabulous staff in 2003, they now teach at a top 4 drum corps. For almost the whole summer of 04 I rode a bus with no airconditioning, yes it happens I know, but for the majority of the summer? We got off the bus in Louisana and it was cooler outside than on that bus. There were days when after the show the meal we were fed was chocolate pudding, so I would go meet up with some friends from other corps to get some decent food. I had a fantastic colorguard instructor have to leave the corps mid July in 2004, someone I greatly respected,someone that had been with the organization for quite a few seasons, someone that had the ability to make us fantastic. I felt cheated then, I feel cheated now. I truly love drum corps, I love to watch it, I love the feeling of performing, I only wish I could say I loved marching. I wish I had marched somewhere else so I could have the experience that so many of my friends from other corps have had. After everything in 2004 I have felt like I have no place in this activity and that saddens me as it is something I truly love.

    I have never wished anything bad on CR. I have hoped things would end up good for them. I had watched all season and hoped that this would be the year they would make finals. But it is hard to make finals when over half of your members don't come back.

    I hope there is something that can be done to save this corps. I wish it was a corps that members would want to stay at. I also wish it didn't make so many people doubt this activity and what it is about as it did at one time to me, as well as many other talented people I marched with.

    I guess we will see what happens from here.

  4. QUOTE(Spinninchick63 @ Jun 20 2006, 01:57 PM)

    Anyways to answer the question. The guard guys were walking behind the green screens onto the field. A horn player was holding it up while they walked behind it. They then layed on the ground with the green screen over top of them.

    Yes...I knew this already...my question is though how do they enter into the drill in the middle of the field where they first make their presence known to the audience?

    When I was watching in Toledo,they just came out from under the screens. Maybe you just didn't notice till they were all together?

  5. I was @ the Toledo show and I also spent about 2 hours watching Cavies practice. I have a few friends marching but besides that I have never really been a huge cavaliers fan. But I must say I LOVE this show. I loved everything about it. I hope I get a chance to catch them later in the season when things are more fine tuned and more is added. A very entertaining show! :)

  6. There is a difference between working hard and it being taken to a different level. My first summer we worked very hard,this past summer was something different. It wasn't working, we often had people having hospital trips,and letting the staff know they were exhausted. Oh well I am not going to go into it much more on here, as I will not name the corps or the staff. But just because drum corps is about working hard, it doesn't mean that everything that happens at corps is okay. I wasn't some naive 15 year old kid marching. I have been involved in wg for 7 seasons and drum corps for 2 and I know about working hard and yes I can hack it. But I am also old enough to where I am not going to let someone treat me like a bag of crap everyday for 3 months.

  7. the answer to your question..is yes.

    i was a veteran member of a div 1 corps this summer, being that i marched before i do know what corps is suppose to be like but things were taken to a extreme, so i didn't end the season with this corps.

    Yes drum corps is suppose to be hard work...but is it suppose to be beating the kids into the ground? IMO,no.

    My advice would be to make sure you really research who will be teaching at the corps,where did they teach before? talk to someone who has marched under them before. Just try to find out as much as you can.

  8. The Capital Regiment Colorguard still has spots open for this upcoming season! Our next camp is May 28-31 ( Memorial Day Weekend) move in is on June 4. If your school will still be going on after June 4th, usually you can work something out with the staff.

    I marched CR last season as well, we just had a camp this past weekend and I can say it was one of the most fun times I have had @ corps. We are learning a ton and everyone in the guard is so friendly. We also got outside and learned drill with the corps. They played and marched the drill and sound fantastic. It is gonna be a great summer!

    If you are interested at all please email our Caption Head, Michael Floyd at michaelfloyd@capitalregiment.org

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