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Posts posted by BCC99Man

  1. It's probably really hard for BD fans to admit that. But I think it's even harder for people on all sides to be okay with it.

    I don't think the mark of a great show is necessarily its universal appeal. And I don't think every top show has to be universally appealing. And I don't think BD and Cadets fans should waste so much time arguing about this, because both corps have been fan-friendly and alienating to similar degrees in recent memory.

    What I think we all tend to overlook is the ways that these corps depend on each other. BD should be thanking the Cadets this year (and last year). Its because of fan-friendly shows like what the Cadets are offering that BD can afford to be a little alienating without the risk of alienating people from the entire activity. BD can risk pushing some people away in the name of experimentation because they know the Cadets and other corps are having the opposite effect on the audience. And they also know that they'll be appealing to a specific group of people in that audience, and have become okay with the inevitable fact that not every show will appeal to everybody.

    And in previous years, the reverse has been true -- we all remember Cadets' experimental phase, because that's all this ever is: a phase -- and the same thing happened: there were always corps reigning fans back in when the Cadets risked pushing them away. I don't think it's a coincidence that the Cadets' weird period saw the resurgence of PR and the rise of BC and CC, who've both epitomized audience-friendly, high-performance drum corps lately, and who're both due to start experimenting (like SCV currently). And other corps will be there to pick up the slack of audience appeal, when they do.

    This is an activity premised on diversity. BD isn't changing the direction of drum corps. BD is changing the direction of BD. Cadets have done, are doing, will do the same. Among the top 5, these are the two corps that have most risked being alienating, sometimes with stunning results. As fans of them each (or both), let's stop arguing and start celebrating.

    Nomination for post of the season?

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  2. Blue Devils - In the end, it's all going to come down to execution. Blue Devils had somewhat of a slow start but I knew they would catch up and go for the top 2. If you look at the clarity of the visual package (they win the best jazz-running of 2011 EVER), it's undeniable. Although General Effect is their weakest area, they know how to execute. It's that simple, and we could see a 3-peat in progress.


  3. And the C corps, not many people get to see them perform because they only stay on the west coast, but when you look at the age of these kids and see what they are doing.....it is just as impressive in it's own right.

    In fact, the C Corps is still undefeated at the Blue Devils' Family Day show. They will never EVER lose that show :-)

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  4. during the encore in 2007, the entire drumline turned around and started conducting with the one snare that was supposed to, just to have fun during that one last time playing the show.

    if I remember correctly, they also started dancing with each other at one point

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