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Posts posted by MikeBishop

  1. I have just finished watching Crown from last season. I can't believe how difficult the drill was. Amazing! I am, however, SICK and TIRED of Leon May and his body movements. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE stop doing body movements at almost every point someone is standing still or barely moving. It gets old really fast and is too difficult to clean. How many disappointing scores is Crown going to have to get in Visual before May gets this fact. Drill is hard enough to clean by itself without adding the further complication of body movement to every other set.

    Nuff Said.

    Leon May doesn't write the body work for Crown. Just the drill.

  2. Yeah, I never will forget in '08 when I made the mistake of mentioning that you were toying with using naration (particularly in the middle slow section) and setting off a firestorm of discussion for and especially against micced vocals. I was afraid to show my face around campus for a few days afterward. :ph34r: The scary part was when I realized that some of you guys had actually identified who I was :smile: Nothing like opening the windows and going to sleep listining to that hornline. :tongue:

    We knew exactly who you were... :smile:

  3. I would love to see DCI World Championships at Lincoln Financial Field in Philadelphia, PA, where the Philadelphia Eagles play.

    Here is some more information:




    EDIT: I know finals are in the new Lucas Oil Staidum in Indianapolis, IN for the next ten years, I'm just saying I would like to see it in Philly. World Championships haven't been in Philadelphia since 1976, at Franklin Field.

  4. Easy. Coldplay's "The Scientist". I haven't been able to listen to that song without crying and thinking about my Jonz family since 2003. It's the second to last song on our pit video (Clowns is last, of course). We listened to music while loading/unloading the truck, and we always forgot to bring new CD's to the truck. Coldplay was in there for about 2 weeks, and we all got really attached to this song. We also went through an emo Dashboard Confessional phase, but luckily Radiohead saved us. :P

    Just a little snippet of lyrics:

    Nobody said it was easy

    It's such a shame for us to part

    Nobody said it was easy

    No one ever said it would be this hard

    Oh take me back to the start

    The Crown Pit plays that as a warm-up this year. It's one of my fav's too. :P

  5. Actually Mike, yes, I do get the point of the proposal. I'm not an expert in sound management but I'm a pretty clever girl and can figure stuff out pretty well on my own.

    The point of the proposal is that having someone designated to run the sound board means that one performing member is removed from the field of performance. The way I see it is, if you are going to use amps and can't balance them from ON the field while you're performing.. and must move them OFF the field to achieve "perfect balance in every venue" then you're going to have to accept that you will march 134 members and your 135th member will be a sound tech. It's not taking a spot away from any kid because the corps already knows they are using amps.. they can "audition" a sound tech who can serve as an ADM when he or she is not running the board. If the sound technician is designated as a "drum major" then he or she CAN cross the field boundaries with no penalty. So he or she conducts for a few measures here and there.. so be it.

    The bottom line and the reason why I oppose the rule change is that everything that happens on the field during a drum corps performance should be generated by eligible members. PERIOD. If that means singing.. if that means drumspeak.. if that means amped pits.. if that means teching the sound balance.. it should be done by an eligible member. This is a youth activity, afterall, is it not?

    Teach the kids to do it. IMO, having a staff member do it is a cop out.


    You do understand the proposal. I was referring to a group of people towards the beginning of this thread.

    I like the drum major thing. One of the best ideas I've heard yet. ^OO^

  6. I am getting the point.

    I hate to tell you this but having the sound board off the field is not going to achieve perfect balance in any environment. It's not where the sound board is located but who is running it. A good sound tech can run a board from anywhere and with the correct knowlege in any environment. And the enviornment issues I pointed out do contribute to the problems. As I recall they had some issues at the bigger shows last year for those very reasons. That's just basic Sound 101..have you ever taken a recording engineering class or studied live sound or run a sound board before? I have..and I'm just curious why you say that...

    Are they gonna run a chord all the way up from the seats? Are they gonna mix from the judges booth? :sshh:

    This really shouldn't even be an argument, there shouldn't be amps in drum corps period. We didn't need them for all those years to hear the front line and now we don't need them now over powering the horn line. That's why I won't buy the DVD's of today. It's just ridiculous to me.

    And I have run live sound before and do so now at my Church. And I have extensive knowledge of it since I was in the music business for years, and my husband was a sound tech for many years at Universal. Just a little fyi for those who want to attack my credibility instead of discussing the issues (before it gets started).

    Your points are valid, but so it mine. If the godo soundtech can't hear the whole ensemble, how can the good sound tech make any corrections?

  7. I, too, thought it was cool to do the mixed arc thing sometimes. But I kind of missed the retreat blocks... :(

    Another rule I didn't really like was the "no practicing after the last corps leaves the warm-up site" rule. Why? Because first of all, I like practicing during that time...and second of all...it didn't seem like some of the other corps were really following that rule anyway. <**>

    This rule was strictly enofrced in the corps I marched in. In smaller shows, usually in small, residential, areas; members of some corps wouldn't just practice, they'd have loud 'jam sessions' after shows, which was usually well into the night, and caused public desturbances. <**>

  8. Most of you are missing the point on the first rule change.

    The point of the soundboard being off the field is so that the corps can achieve perfect balance in what ever environment it may be in, because the person working the board will be in front of the speakers and be able to hear the entire ensemble.

    For those of you who say it was balanced before amplification, you're wrong. Amplification was brought on to better balance front ensembles with the large brass and marching percussion sections they had to fight with for sound, and to not force the members to have to overplay and sacrafice technique for sound.

    The only way to get a true balance is from in front of the ensemble. If members cant cross the boundary lines, then a non-member must handle the board, which would probably make them a staff person. This staff person would have no communication with anyone. He/she would in of themselves be controlling the soundboard, and adjusting it so that the balance is perfect in whatever stadium the corps may be performing in. There's no staff member to staff member communication or coordination, nor staff member to corps member communication or coordination.

    I don't see a problem with the second rule, I don't know much about guard, but it makes sense to me.

    I think the third rule will pass, two feet isn't a big deal, it lines up with other circuits, and it accommodates to the size of growing front ensembles.

  9. ...but a score is a score and you can't be choosey on what the score is. And isn't the the DCA scoring very similar to Div II/III level scores?

    If not, what's the difference?

    Actually, it does matter. The sheets are all different, and the judging panels judge under different criteria. It all depends on what circuit you're in and what Division or Class you are in within that circuit.

    It's not just ticks anymore.

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