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Posts posted by Ex VK DM

  1. CLIP... Also throwing onto the wonderful complicated situation is that some of these Open corps are charging tour fees similar to their World counterparts. ... CLIP


    Being on the west coast, it cost a LOT more to compete on a National level in Open class. I know TONS of kids that would like to march but just can't afford it. Either you stay local and not back to champships to keep the fees down or raise fees and limit the number of marchers to go to Nats. My belief is if you could get tour fees to $1,000 or less you would have full corps all over the place in So Cal.

    I too think there are too many corps in the area. Recruiting is a problem in a rich competitive band area in which when these kids see a potential corps they're thinking about marching, (early season shows) they're not that good. So a kid thinks "My band is better than that" and then will think about marching PC.

    I've seen PC's auditions and they have A LOT of So Cal kids, but these same kids wouldn't march any of the other local corps. Perceived value for the money I guess.

    On top of all this Kingsmen have said they want to restart their Jr. corps. It's just too much. Having 5 corps with 15-30 horns is not fun to me. I would much rather see 2 large corps comete nationaly every year. So. Cal CAN NOT support more than one competitive national touring corps at a time. Never has never will.

    In the 70s it was Kingmen, 80s & 90s VK, Since PC.

  2. Org Rankings for the week.


    P.S. Anyone know the HTML code to make linked IMG files larger without actually changing the image? Something like [20%>] or whatever. I've done this with various font sizes yet it always imports at the same size. Just curious.

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