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Posts posted by dci_chica_no1

  1. There are a bunch of losers in the world, but i'm in my last class and he (the one who lied) is in this class with me *cough barf cough* but he aint in here right now but I'd write this in front of him, because he knows that I know that he's lying but I think he got the picture when I said that He didn't really march if he didn't march durning tour season.

  2. sorry, but it's color guar drecruitign season... so we're tring to get them... but it is dry in here.

    It don't bother me, it just bothers me that that's the only think that was new if you know what I mean.

  3. Yeah, it's around 3:30 on Saturday and I'm probably the only teenager in Florida that isn't at the beach or the mall or the movies, so this poll was pretty much made out of boredism but anyways...

    I just wondered which part of the show you guys like the best. My vote goes to the opener. B)

    Trust me you weren't the only one at home, but I'm with my one true love. The Internet. WooWhoo! But I picked the opener because that really is the only one I really heard.

  4. Yep....I've seen it happen many times and it does tick me off when they "believe it" themselves! One girl (back in the '90s) went to most of Crossmen's spring camps until she broke her arm......that pretty much did her in as far as marching guard. Anyway, she told members of her high school guard that she was an "alumni." :whip:

    I asked her did she get to march in a uniform or in competition? Of course her answer was no, BUT she insisted she was an alumni.....yeah, whatever!

    All I know is you ain't a "alumni" unless you march a whole season! ;)^

    I know thats so what I'm saying. I'm like if you didn't march tour season then ya didn't march period. You can tell people you made it passed the first camp but that's pretty much it. We actually picked up a mellophone player on tour, so that's why I said tour season and not full season.

  5. It was so funny because I said someone wouldn't hate him if he didn't lie about marching cavies, and then he said, I didn't lie I just got cut half away through the season because i was late to a camp. Then I said Well then ya didn't exactly march cavies now did ya. <_< he hasn't said a thing about it since.

  6. I'm sorry but the only recent post that I see are post promoting other corps and getting people to join. That's all fine and all but I don't do that because I don't only wanna see them post and everything. Come on yall lets just post random stuff for the fun of it. Besides wheres everyone at.


  7. It's probably not the best topic to talk about online when the only people that get it are in the corps. Oh well, no big deal.

    Yea, I guess so but I thought that it was funny so we could hint about it without actually saying anything about it.



  8. I'm with you on that one. No bus to this one. Bring sun block, really, like the strong stuff too. None of the SPF 8 junk. If not, I'll introduce you to my bottle of liquid shirt... B)

    Hey Peter,

    I think I'll need some of that liquid TShirt, You know how white I am.


  9. I went back and reread all of the pages and now wander Majorettes hate us because yall are acting like they don't work hard to do what they do. I personally respect anyone who has the corage to do anything. Expectually where their uniforms in public, because I'm not sure if I could do it. But the Majorettes I know have been doing what they do for their whole lives and they are some of the best in the state. I think that They work very hard to do what the do even if it is called twirling because I've seen some things that They've done and I thought it was cool and I couldn't do it. Like tossing her baton and doing a cartwheel under it then catching it and doing a leg extension. Plus just to keep their program running they are willing to learn to spin Flag and Spabre for field season. I think that they are very hard working so I'm not sure if I like some of the stuff that I've heard yall say. I don't think that it's far that yall give your selves all the credit in the world but I'm not sure if you'd learn to twirl just to keep the guard program running and wear their uniforms.

    Plus the girls on my guard that are the best have never twirled in our lives. and We like Majorettes because they are nice. Yall say that they complain but yall complain when someone says twirl and they don't even know what they are talking about so just say we spin and get on with your lives.

  10. i spin......i hate the word twirl, it's sooo dumb!! i always correct someone when they say twirl.......it's so girly.....ick....

    Well most all of my instructors say twirl and they say silks. I correct someone who don't know what they are talking about but it's not normally a big deal if they say it wrong because they know what they are talking about anyways. I don't think it's the fact that the word twirl is girly, because I think it sounds more wimpy than anything.

  11. I Think That if one person wears gloves that it is only uniform that everyone wears gloves. Not that they need them but if everyone is on flag at a point in time in there show they dont' need the gloves then but they dont' have enought time to take them off. It would look ununiform unless everyone wore them. I personally don't need them and my coach thinks they are a crutch too and they are for wimps so I don't ever use them but I find them useful if it's cold outside because our hands can be very fragile when they are cold. I only use mine if it's cold or I want to practice with them on for Corps.

    Also for Twirl / Spin it used to seem like such a big Idea but alot of my instructors say twirl so i'm used to hearing it from them. but I still do think that guard spins and majorettes twirl but it's not a big deal. we also say flags and silks and I never notices one of my instructors saying silks until someone brought it up on hear.

    I like Ultimate Sabres, I think they are better to spin because the help make you stronger because they are heavier like rifles.


  12. I've been working on it. And last year's contra line all learned how. To me it was never much more than a parlor trick. Neat to be able to do, but not absolutely needed.

    You might be able to do it once or twice on Contra ,but after that Im ready to pass out.

    My girlfriend says that people who play the Didgery-doo (yeah I know ...) circular breath exclusively.

    The contra line That Phirefenix was talking about their section leader could circular breath for a pretty long time.

  13. I would say if not handled properly, it could cause some damage to your body parts......gloves are a must when catching those babies.....so I've been told.

    The blades look flimsier and much narrower than what you see most guards using.

    Anyone out there familar with these, please chime in.

    Um, well, I'm using those sabres this summer. If gloves are a must, then somebody should tell my instructor :) They hurt, no question about it. I've spun both the white coated ones and the spanish ones. The spanish ones hurt a lot more, but they're weighted much better and therefore easier to spin. btw, they may look flimsy, but solid metal, no matter how thin, is far from flimsy.

    Hmm....someone needs to put a bug in your instructors ear....letting him or her know by wearing gloves, especially the proper ones, will help make your catches more solid AND help you from getting injured. B)

    I've never used gloves. It's easier to not use them, but I learned without gloves. I hear everyone say they have to have gloves and I toss 5s on Rifle and Sabre solid with out gloves. I personally think Ultimates are better because they make you stronger because of penny weights. Spanish Blades are as light as a feather and I would never need a gloves for them. I know people who say they hate them because they are so light.

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