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Posts posted by Sportster

  1. And then they wonder why people ignore or are angry about this bs and download illegally. It's idiot crap like this that pisses you off! I've contacted Tresona twice asking them about this and this is their response:

    'We are a music licensing agency, we are not the copyright owners. We issue licenses on behalf of rights holders to anyone group or entity who wants or needs a license. If the rights holders approve of issuance of license, we issue the licenses. If there's a problem obtaining something you need as far as media is concerned, perhaps DCI would be able to be more helpful to you. ( as if THEY'RE the problem...what bs...). Cordially, Mark Greenberg, President The licensing exchange tresonamusic.com

    Can't possibly be they acquired a ####load of rights and want to exploit it to the last penny, huh. Next year I'll have no qualms about recording with my phone any performance I'd like to keep due to their intransigence allowing lawful purchase of DCI's products. They can stuff it.....

  2. How is this any different from recording it off a album? Or taping it? Or whatever. If you bought the thing, it's yours to listen to at your pleasure. Unless these companies now want you to pay per listening or to squeeze every last dime out of your wallet, which is what it seems here. Still ridiculous. Make it available, figure this bs out because folks would really like to hear those performances again. Stop with the bs already.....

  3. Are we sure this is the right company?? I got a email back

    Dear sir, I am not sure what this is in reference to. I believe you have contacted the wrong company. Cordially, Mark Greenburg, President, The Licensing Exchange, Tresonamusic.com

    Got a feeling there's a chicken in the hen house here and he doesn't want to acknowledge it. This is Tresona that's been talked about......

  4. Too late, looking elsewhere. Not DCI's fault but I sure as hades don't want to support a lawyer driven corporation who's attempting to extort more $$ from DCI, a organization who does great things for the youth of this nation. Screw them....eat your recording contracts, pal.....there are other means to a end. And if I were DCI, I would attempt to find ways, legal ways, around this company that's extorting them so as to not have to deal with them in the future. Because I sure as hell want not one red cent from me to go to this firm!

  5. Think they should average the scores the last three nights. Had they done this, Crown would be the winner. This would make every show count, not just the last night. And it would be nice to add more of a entertainment factor in the scoring. Cavaliers won multiple times with some very crowd pleasing shows. They actually CAN be entertaining and winning at the same time. Devils show this year was better for me than the last few, but it still fell well short of being called 'crowd pleasing' by the VERY vociferous negative response they received when it was announced at Finals night. Think folks definitely want more entertainment value factored in in scoring. Had they had a very entertaining show, those people in the stands would have been happy to see them win...IMO...

  6. How the flip did some company get the rights to DCI related music/videos?!? That is akin to producing something and then having that taken right out from under your nose and held hostage! This company has no rights to do that! I hope this goes to court sometime in the near future and DCI wins a huge settlement. DCI IS Drum Corps and has every right to the music IT promotes and has helped to create and sustain! This is such BS it's unreal. And folks wonder why people look to the black market. It's BS like this when greedy companies act in this manner..... I haven't purchased APD's in a few years now and sadly was considering it this season with all the excellent shows being produced and then I find this nonsense..... guess I'm forced to look elsewhere. Greed is destructive everywhere it's propagated....

  7. Saw Cadets in Michigan City and was blown away. What a show! Love the high stepping and lines. Music selection is fantastic! Glad to see they're back.

    Cavaliers impressed me as well. Their hornline is powerful and it's a aggressive show. The overall theme lacks a bit of direction but talking to some at the show it will fall into place as the season progresses.

    I am not a fan of Blue Devils, at all. Hate the direction this traditional jazz powerhouse has gone. Used to love them to death. I think the last show I liked was nighttrain back in 04'. Last year was terrible as were too dang many of the recent years from them. I used to go to shows just to see them. No longer. Now I avoid them...

  8. Like Jjeff said, I used to love BD. They were my fav Corps. Their style,execution and music were fantastic. 88' was one of their pinnacle years for me. Absolutely loved that show. There have been a few since I liked as well, the 04' train show was good as were a couple since. But they have gotten really bizarre and 'hollywood'ized in recent years. Just off the wall weird. There were very very brief elements of this show I somewhat liked. The rest, forget it. The guy on the tables dragging his leg, Quasimoto, you can keep it. All the crap on the field, coat racks AGAIN. So friggin much clutter and crap. I don't believe their drill is difficult at all. They park and blow a ton. I've been through this over and over. They get the benefit of the doubt with the judges. And I saw 93' Star in personal a few times. Loved that show. It was difficult. It was darned near flawless! But at least it wasn't off the friggin wall bizarro world like Devils is headed. They're in some strange class by themselves. And believe me, I ain't the only one noticing. Heard many former marchers mention it the last few years. You either love them or hate what they're doing.....don't hate them myself, because I know they could put out one helluva killer show and they don't and THAT is what pisses me off the most. Rant over....

  9. Used to buy the CD's and even a couple DVD's here/there when the season merits it, but sadly haven't had a season like that in quite sometime. Can't remember the last time I bought the entire CD. Now I buy individual performances. 08' Spartacus, the Cavies successful 007, Machine shows. I'm still listening to the 70's, 80's and 90's shows too, when Corps was Corps. The direction Devils are dragging this activity to me is unappealing completely. I wouldn't pay ten bucks to see that show again. But I do love Crown and that unbelievable horn line, and SCV's percussion. Their show was meh to me this year, though. Even Phantom's was a bit flat. Anymore I'm becoming more and more disappointed with these shows. I've seen better shows at my kids high school band competitions! Now how pathetic is that?? One show that did impress me this season, though, was Coats. Phenomenal!!

  10. Boy oh boy,trying to get the squirrels going and digging up the memories....let's see....of the shows I've seen personally...

    80' Spirit of Atlanta....that horn line, hoo wee! LOUD!

    88' Devils....love the music!

    91' Star...what a hornline!

    92' Cavies...Their percussion section was out of this world. Very well written and played book.

    93' Phantom and Cadets. Really liked both shows alot.

    93' Star...man, were they clean!

    94' Devils...finally back to winning after improving their percussion section

    95' Scouts...one of the most intense, holy cow, drum corps shows ever.

    96' Phantom....one of the cleanest, prettiest soprano sections I've ever heard.

    00' Cadets...a fun and well done show.

    Love Cavies Machine, 007, heck they've had a ton of great shows! Most recently, really love Crown and that otherworldly hornline. Devils have fallen out of grace for me, getting weirder and weirder and losing what made them great- playing great music. (No more stupid coat racks, for the love of all that is right and just!!!!!!!)

  11. Definately not. There was nothing memorable or impressive about this season. To consider this along great shows like Cavies Machine or their record setting 02' year or Cadets record year or even Phantom's Spartacus show, doesn't even come close. Heck, it doesn't even come close when compared with Bluecoats show this year! This season had more of a feeling like the judges were determined to put this on top. Watching it definately didn't leave that sort of feeling at all for me. For me, there are many many better years BD had, even non winning ones, that were more memorable than this years. And honestly, to think this was they show that set a record, to me, is absolutely laughable. Where is the level of difficulty to even compare with those shows of the Cavies and Cadets when they set their records?? Not even comparable, especially in drill. Cavies drill was unreal! This years Devils was alot of plodding, park and blow, and simple drill movements. Just does not compare, at all.

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  12. Having seen all of the high scoring Corps shows multiple times during their winning seasons, I have to say this years BD show is the weakest of the three. Cadets and Cavies marched the HELL out of their shows. Their drills were extremely demanding. I saw a lot of plodding in this years BD show. And show designs were stronger for both Cavies and Cadets as were the demands on the guard. I just do not at all see that high score mark this year. I do not believe it compares to those other high scores at all.

  13. Madison to do their 95' show again. Let the kids that haven't experienced a real exciting Drum Corps show see what one is. Multiple standing ovations, had the crowds in a frenzy. Never seen anything like it. Drum Corps BADLY needs a injection of intensity and excitement again, get the people off their butts! I don't go to DC shows to see whatever BS that was that Devils put on the field this year. (Sorry, seriously NOT a fan of it...at all....).

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  14. Just for the heck of it I went on over to Youtube and checked out Devs show and SCV's, who I have yet to see. Just in the opening number it looks like SCV outmarched Devils entire show. There's more movement there. SCV does more forms and more difficult ones. Devs park and blow a lot and plod much of the time. I think we're at the stage where reputation is getting points instead of performance. Yes Devs are good musical performers but I definitely wouldn't put them at the top marching wise.

  15. I keep hearing Devils are 'pushing the boundary' and 'so innovative' this season and I would love to have a clear explanation of that, because I am not seeing it, at all. Is the catwalk innovative? The stage lights??? I see nothing innovative drill wise, certainly nothing even close to what Cavies used to do drill wise. That was insane. They always have a solid guard, a given. Same with brass. Percussion is good one day, not so the next. If it's in the GE phase, that's too subjective to really be fair across the board, IMO. I'm dead serious about this. I'm going to prelims and finals and will be watching with a eagle eye what they do to try to access this 'innovation'. Seen em twice and have seen nothing innovative. So please splain, tanx!

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