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Posts posted by Directorofbands

  1. First, any day that there's an announcement that a corps has went inactive is a sad day for everyone in this activity that we all love. Best of luck Kiwanis on making it back to the field in 07.

    For any of the Kiwanis family that are still in need of a home, Memphis Sound currently has a (very) few openings in the color guard (with a top notch staff - watching these guys work is mucho fun!) and one opening for a 3rd soprano. We possibly have one euph spot open. If you're looking for a home, Elvis welcomes you to his home with open arms. Contact corps director Trey Moore - he's the man. His info can be found on the Uber - cool ($1 to Heather) Memphis Sound website at www.memphisdrumcorps.org or www.mempho.org.

    With new horns, new front ensemble equipment, a great staff in place and some of the coolest, dedicated kids, this promises to be the most exciting year yet for Memphis.

    Wherever you decide to march this summer, please march somewhere! You can never get those few years back that you are able to march. Hope to see everyone that was involved with Kiwanis, Troopers, Marion, Canos, Bandettes, Allegiance Elite, Lake Erie Regiment, Pride of the Lions or any other unit that will not make it back to the DCI arena this season on the field somewhere soon. Best of luck to all of these units in their future endeavors.

    Bobby Patrick

    Memphis Sound Visual Caption Head

  2. I just listened to the Mandarins iMix and put one together for Memphis Sound.

    The link:


    I agree, I'd love to see one for everycorps. Ours is missing the closer "Scootin' on Hardrock", but this will definitely give a taste of things to come.

    MP3 samples of the first two selections are available on the Memphis Sound website at www.mempho.org

    Click the 2006 show announcement and scroll to the bottom.

    Memphis Sound still has limited positions available for baritones and contra, as well as color guard. Interested parties can apply online.


  3. Keep and eye on Memphis Sound. Lots of things have fallen into place over the winter with the addition of a few new faces and some other things that have yet to be annouced and I won't annouce yet. Scott Koter will be certain to keep the Sound on top of the game and the show will be very fan friendly and is certain to be one of the most enjoyable of all the corps in Div. 2. The entire staff has a totally new metality entering this new season and this will carry down to the kids. Expect Memphis to shake some water this season.....Look what happened to the Cavaliers when Koter took over there..........

    Now if only they could get off those Jupiter horns :)


    Consider them "replaced".

  4. Great review of everyone, thanks!! Wish I'd known you were there, I'd have looked you up. Would have been great to chat for a little bit.

    You are right about Gin, always has been the better looking one, certainly no reason for that to change after all these years. :)

    Glad you enjoyed the show, and we have some visual changes coming that I think will enhance the product even more. Basically I'm just hoping our design team (all us old farts) can keep up with the teaching staff and these kids so that we give them a product worthy of their effort.

    Hope you can see the show later in the season after we get the "fixes" in and I think you'll enjoy it even more. One thing lot's of folks I hope will appreciate is that we will ALWAYS try to place entertainment at the forefront of our programming. I think the changes we make to this years show will enhance both the entertainment value and the chance for the kids to perform more effectively.

    Next time you are at a show, make sure to look me up, love to see you again.

    I'll be sure to pass on your compliment to our Bari kid.... He's one of mine... came through 5 years of my HS program and then marched for me at Spirit in 2001 before originally serving as a staffer/member last year for this corps. He asked me this year if he "HAD to teach" or could he just perform. Had to laugh..... Great kid and you are right a wonderful player. He'll be genuinely flattered by your thoughts.

    Take care and thanks again for the kind words.

    Later, AA

    I would have tracked you guys down, but the rain.... well, we watched and then got out of there. Don't worry, between SCGC in the winter and the shows coming up, our paths will cross.

    Please pass on to the kids at CoH - They have a new fan in Alabama.

    Best of luck and see you soon.


  5. And by the way, our Soprano line consists of Scott Rhodes, Brenda Kurtz, Regi Jones, Laurie Mills, Ed Mason and one absentee tonight, Jeff Loper. Scott marched with Phantom, Regi with Scouts and Brenda with Crossmen and Florida Wave.

    The three mellos are Patrick Laxson (Dutch Boy), Brian Cowell (Southwind) and yours truly (Star of Indiana).

    Brenda was at Wave when I marched sop. Thought it was her, but my eyes are not what they used to be. Tell her hello for me.

    Brent, your 3 mellos are freakin sweet! In tune and got some power! I mean some kinda tasty. Would any of you three want to come give my mello line a clinic?

    Glad to see you on the field. You know, I'm only 3 hours away. Hmmm...now where does the mouthpiece go again? If I only had the time.

  6. Continuing the saga:

    Intermission (announced as a non intermission, but it still was a break.)

    The gentle patter of hit and miss raindrops begins to patter, giving those of us who brought rain jackets time to put them on. The rain gets stronger during Southwind's show, but stays gentle for the rest of the show.

    Southwind (DI, Score 57.75), Lexington, KY - Music from The Mummy...... Horns punch you between the eyes with sound (Are those G bugles out there?). This show will end up being a favorite of 2004. Opener is in your face. However, drill in the opener stayed REAL clumped up in front of the hash. The best way to describe this show was mushy. Sound is there, marching is there, but it didn't seem as defined. My kid loved the guard. The product is enjoyable, and I do have to admit they are further along then I've seen them in late July in the past. Also, the baris are strong and balanced. With some cleaning, this show will move up the bar. Good job!!!

    Troopers (DI, Score 56.5), Casper, WY - Americana at its best. The addition of the scarf=good. You look like the Troopers. Naffier can score some parts. Some of the thickest sounds on the night (when executed). Saw at least 3 sop holes (and yes, THEY march sops) that once filled, will be a big boon to the balance. When the corps was spread out, you could really hear some hesitation in the horns, losing some of the oomph, but overall a very nice show. Taps is the emotional highlight, tugging at the heartstrings with a lush horn sound and great staging. Like I commented earlier, the corps seems awfully spread at times, especially for a smaller hornline. Mag 7 had the old fart band directors in front of me tapping along (It's okay, I'm the president of that old fart bd chapter) and at the end of Mag 7, many in my section leaped to their feet. This show has a lot of potential and if the brass continue to develop both sound and feet, gonna be nice come August.

    Madison Scouts (DI, Score 77.5), Madison, WI - Madison is for real. The opener is hot and has a lot of room to get hotter. The ballad left me flat, but was well played. Emotionally needs something. Malaga was smokin!!! The entire corps projection picked up about 10 notches. They're selling it already. Drill has some very exposed areas that will have to be addressed (the rotating company front and the files getting into it were not the marching highlights of the night) but still garnered a great response from at least me. Of course, Madison pulls out an old trick - Let's see just how long and sustained and loud we can play at the end. Well folks, they do and they can. Drill is booking. This will be one of those worn out tracks on both the CD and DVD. Percussion is tight and the front ensemble has a spirit to them that I haven't seen since......dare I say it..... 88? And the guard - Guys, THIS is what every guard should aspire to as far as attitude. Like I mentioned, I don't really pay attention to the guard, but these boys MAKE you pay attention. Oozing with attitude. They were selling their show, and I was buying. Two thumbs way up. Once the fire from Malaga spreads into the first half of the show.....watch out. Placement wise, with cleaning (and they have more to clean right now than Phantom) Madison could be taking out Rockford on a more regular basis. You felt like a Scott Stewart Madison, just cleaner. Watch out for these guys, they have plenty to clean and plenty of talent.

    Phantom Regiment (DI, Score 78.5), Rockford/Loves Park, IL - Apponosia (sp?) 876 - Tango music ala Phantom. This show is so well played from a bass perspective. Lush chords and full, phat sounds. Guard is good, but after Madison, they didn't grab me. This show is good and wel performed, but I need a few more reads to let it grow on me. Nothing stood out, but it was all good. Also, best sounding snares on the night (from a tonal point).

    Placements were as I expected, along with the spreads (tight with PR/Mad and SW/Troop). The only disappointment numberwise on the night was Memphis' score. Thought their numbers were low, but when you're the only DII, oh well. Once they meet some others on the road.....we'll see.

    Overall Impressions:

    Music City - Nice jump into the DCA arena. (and yes, the sop I was asking about, we marched together......many moons ago.)

    Court of Honor - WOW!

    Canos - Keep at it, you'll get there.

    Memphis - Another WOW!

    Southwind - You're cleaner than I expected. Just keep on cleaning and refining.

    Madison - Mad's back. With some cleaning and some emotion at the top of the show..... YOWZA!

    Phantom - Great sounds, well executed, but needs an emotional jump start. The spark is there, just kindle the flame.

    Best of luck to all the corps.

    Rain, so no victory concert (drying out those unis). A well run contest that was a good foray back into DCI for Memphis. I'll be back next year.

  7. Troopers - Naffier's touch is nice. Some nice sounds. But I felt let down in Magnificent s\Seven visually. JB - If you read this and don't mind some constructive criticism, trash the vis in Mag 7 of the sunburst......hornline is WAAY too spread here. Taps is OMG sweet.

    Dont mind the thoughts at all --and thank you ....

    As for Sunburst---I agree---horrible sound set for Brass---However it is the effect wanted and seems to get response desired ....SO am looking at it ..but doubt that it will go away. But again thank you for your thoughts.



    Hey, you're the boss! I know they haven't had a lot of shows yet, so I'm sure it'll get stronger, but right now I think it's eating your lunch in the brass performance and especially brass effect categories.

    Good to see Troop doing well. I hope I get to see you guys again live towards the end of the season.


  8. Well, after contemplating NOT going to the show (Since it's 2 1/2 hours away and rain has been..... well...let's just say we've seen a lot of rain here in the South over the last two weeks), I loaded my daughter and one of her friends in the car and off to Memphis. Well, Southaven, MS, which is cool for me. I needed my early show to see me through until later in the season when drum corps comes back to the South. And away we go!!!

    Soap Box Corner: I had the luxury of being surrounded by all of the cliche' bad drum corps "fans". To the kids (and I do mean kids) from the University of Memphis - Really not sure if anything short of the return of Christ would have impressed you. And to the one ### who screamed "Go Rebecca" or whatever when Scouts were on the field - Thanks for removing any doubt that I had that you guys might just be rough around the edges. My daughter and her friend commented that you guys reminded of junior high boys at their school. I commented that our jr. high boys would have actually have been more mature. To the dad and the 3 teenage girls sitting beside us: Being an Ole Miss fan, I had bad enough vibes seeing Mississippi State shirts on some of you. However, I can always let something like that slide. But when the two teenage girls decided to talk (and I mean LOUDLY) through both Southwind and Troopers, I can't help but ask WHY you were even there? At least when I lost my cool and asked the young ladies to zip it right before Madison went on, it seemed like you understood the words "shut up". And last, to the idiots who felt the need to have umbrellas in the stands: Go buy yourself a rain poncho.

    Facility was the stadium at Desoto Central HS in Southaven, MS. Between the hashes was in really bad shape. Lots of sand showing. One more gripe and I'll shut up: Next year, consider having the section between the 40 and 30 as reserved also. It was a feeding frenzy for seats up there.

    And now, the review, for your entertainment.

    We arrived at the site at around 4:00, bought tickets and went to check out Memphis Sound in rehearsal. It was good to see Matlock, KT and Kelly out there teaching and having fun with it. Wandered over to catch the run of Madison (weren't they supposed to actually do a clinic?) Did the souvies and ventured up to the general admission seating to stake our claim. #2 side, close to the top (row 28?), on the 35.

    Music City Legend (DCA Standstill Exhibition w/Limbo Line), Nashville, TN - To Brent and the cats out there making this dream a reality: Good job! Under 20 brass, 6 percussion. Opening with a unique arrangement of Tennessee Waltz, my fear was that they were going to try to overblow. For the most part, they stayed within their limits. GOOD FOR YOU! Go to Rio was tasty and the limbo line was a crowd fav. The three mellos out there.......Holy Mellos Batman! These three were ROCK SOLID!!! Some fine sounds from those three. Add a few more sops to balance what you have and you guys are rocking. (BTW - What's the name of the second sop in the arc? I marched with someone back in the day that reminded me of that person.)

    Court of Honor (DIII, Score 51.65), Atlanta, TN - Folks, Atlanta has themselves a bonafide corps (AGAIN)! Using music from "Seussical the Musical", they do a great job with this. Opener is an eye opener. The percussion/ horns solo section (ala Cadets) works and will work even better once they get this even tighter. The chant "Green Eggs/ Sam I Am" quasi SCV New Era and Cavies chant......heh. Cool. The show runs out of steam towards the end, but it's early. And before I forget - Best soloist of the night - Baritone cat from CoH. Dude, you made that horn sing. I know not your name, but I'll remember that sound. Outstanding!!! I'm really looking forward to seeing this group again. Saw Ginger and Alan Armstrong (sorry Alan, Ginger gets top billing - she's a LOT better looking than you....heh.) out on the sidelines. Good people making good things happen. Kudos CoH!!!!

    Americanos (DIII, Score 45.30), Menasha, WI - Latin....hmmm.....Well, we are the Americanos. These kids are really trying, but I'm afraid thay haven't been given the tools yet. I'm a brass guy by trade, so when I really notice a guard, it's for one of two reasons; 1) They're performing at a level and projecting in a manner that I have no other choice but to pay attention to them and 2) they are so poorly staged that they become a distraction. If I really don't notice a guard, it usually means they are integrated so well with the corps proper. Sorry, but the 4 1/2 guard with Canos are a distraction. Horns are not balanced and what is the idea behind a pit of 13? Anyway, the kids are really giving it their all, but the staff needs to focus on the fundamentals to propel this corps forward. Keep up your heads and stay after it Canos. I know you guys will pull this together.

    Memphis Sound (DII, Score 57.65), Memphis, TN - An original production ala blues. Personal point - I caught grief last year for saying corps such as Memphis need to play accessible music, not all original stuff. I still believe that. However, Memphis is doing a good job with this original by arranger Terry Jolley. This corps is growing up. Also, Memphis, along with CoH and Phantom, have some of the best looking unis in DCI. Full battery and a big hornline. Some nice sounds and they can cook. The weakest link with the corps are the guard (which had some moments of surety and then....well.) and fundamental marching style throughout the corps proper. Saw a lot of foot shuffle going on and some foot phasing. Upper body carriage has some individuals doing a great job and others getting by. The good news is, these things can be fixed. Will Memphis make it into Div II finals? Will they win? I don't know. What I can say is that they are much improved over last year and have the vehicle to make even mor eimprovement. These kids are really selling their product, and they almost have me believing it. Memphis, no blues here. Keep on improving. Good things are happening in the land of Elvis.

    Taking a cue from Galen, I'll finish up the Div I's later.......tokeep you coming back:


    Southwind - Like the music, but things seem cramped, esp the opener.

    Troopers - Naffier's touch is nice. Some nice sounds. But I felt let down in Magnificent s\Seven visually. JB - If you read this and don't mind some constructive criticism, trash the vis in Mag 7 of the sunburst......hornline is WAAY too spread here. Taps is OMG sweet.

    Madison - When the corps proper performs at the level that the guard is projecting.....look out!!! This guard caught my attention with their ATTITUDE. I've seen attitude before, but never at this level (includes 95 Mad).

    Phantom - Nice horn sounds and the show is nice. Nothing Sticks out, but I know this show will take multiple viewings. Quality is there.

    Must sleep. Will make more comments on DI tomorrow.

  9. Soprano (back when I marched) - Bach 1 1/2C (On lead, nontheless)

    Trumpet - Bach 1 Megatone gold plated

    Wewere never forced to use a particular mpc. However, I start all of my trumpet players on a 3C in beginning band and most of my HS players are on 1 1/2C with a few on 1's.

    Is there any particular reason you're switching our HS players to the larger pieces? Also, have you found that any that have changed couldn't handle the larger size?

    I start my trumpets on the larger mouthpiece (3C) after talking with one of the best jr high directors in the area who says she always started her kids on bigger mouthpieces. As far as handling it on the HS level, my kids have had no problem with range on the larger mouthpieces. The real payoff is in concert season when a big, open, natural trumpet sound is a welcome sound.

  10. Soprano (back when I marched) - Bach 1 1/2C (On lead, nontheless)

    Trumpet - Bach 1 Megatone gold plated

    Wewere never forced to use a particular mpc. However, I start all of my trumpet players on a 3C in beginning band and most of my HS players are on 1 1/2C with a few on 1's.

  11. you may want to check out the Bluecoats website (www.bluecoats.com). They are selling their entire brass line at the conclusion of the 2004 season. This means order now, get the euphs after DCI finals.

    The euphs and mellos have been gone for awhile. Thanks anyway.

  12. Phil Campbell High School is looking for the following items:

    1) Black bibber pants - 50-100 pairs or so.

    2) 2 Kanstul F Mellos

    3) 2 Kanstul Bb Euphs

    4) 2 Kanstul Bb Baris

    We have 100+ pairs of white bibbers that have been used 2 years (Half of which have never been worn) for sale or trade.

    Anyone interested, contact me by email at Directorofbands1@yahoo.com

    Bobby Patrick

    Phil Campbell HS, AL

    Still looking for some black bibbers and 2 Kanstul Bb Euphs.

  13. Bump.

    After a lot of interest, nobody has carried through on purchasing these pants. Please, buy them! They're in great shape and I hate seeing equipment just sitting around and not getting used. Approximately 100-110 pairs of Demoulin white bibbers. Originally were $70 a pair. Buy them all for $2000, which will include shipping. That's the best deal I can give (less than $20 a pair). Email me at directorofbands1@yahoo.com if you're interested.

    Bobby Patrick

    Phil Campbell HS, AL

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