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Posts posted by Jessika

  1. Is the Blue Devils organization cool with you posting all this information? I mean....you are a current member of BDB right?

    Um. To butt in with my $0.02. Family Day already happened. It's like sending the paparazzi to a Hollywood premiere and seeing all the photos the next day in the paper. If everyone wanted badly enough to see the new uniforms, all that would have had to happen is a trip to Concord to see what we were presenting to the public. Which is why I had no problem posting pictures on the BD forums, one of which has already been copy-posted into this thread.

    Here are the other two pics I posted. You can see how the stripe on the jacket is supposed to connect with the stripe on the pants.



  2. Well yah. 'Nuff said is right. I figure I should include what I already had in mind. I was thinking 1991 Vanguard (Miss Saigon), 1988 Sky Ryders (Sound of Music, has anyone else done this?), 1999 Crown (Jekyll and Hyde), and 1999 Madison (Jesus Christ Superstar) because he's performed in productions of each of those musicals. And then there's the obvious choices, such as 1989 Vanguard (Phantom) and 1989 Cadets (Les Miserables).

    Is there anything that I'm missing?

  3. Hey! I would greatly appreciate some advice, any input would help!!

    I'm making a CD for a friend's birthday. He's a very talented vocalist and stage actor, and completely into theater, but knows nothing about this crazy thing that I obsess over, called drum corps. I thought a good way to expose him to drum corps is give him a CD or two of stuff he actually wouldn't mind listening to.

    What are the best shows that are based off of the scores from musicals?

  4. You have to decide whether it's worth it or not. I've travelled across the country to march before (like, east-west coast) and I worked my butt off at my part-time job to pay for plane tickets and tour fees and stuff. If you really want it, it's possible. Look into sponsorships as well.

    As others have pointed out, though, you could always wait until later in the year and fill a hole. You'll go into complete and total corps withdrawal, yes, but it's better than not marching at all.

    And as for my not-so-shameless plug, BDB will take ya and give you a home. Pinky swear. :)

  5. OMG! That was a moment of brilliance by our band there...lol!!

    Haha, sorry I posted that pic without asking, I just thought it was always so classic!

    And Matt... YES. Haha. Just kidding. We all know Fresno Band really isn't that great. But we DO know how to be so absolutely AWESOME and have a GREAT time doing it! LOL.

    Large contingent of corps kids in that band too. Way cool. And way different to what I was used to in high school, heh.

  6. Fundraising is a good idea, in my opinion, as long as it's handled in a logical, organized, and FAIR manner. I once heard a story about a corps introducing a fundraiser to the members in April, long after they had set their tour fee amount at the beginning of the season, and told them that if they didn't participate, the amount would be tacked on to their tour fee.

    I think this is what Eddie is trying to get at, and I think it's just wrong. The corps has already told their members "you have to pay $X to participate", and then later decided to increase that amount. It's great that they found a way to fundraise money, but it's simply unethical to do this to kids so late in the season.

  7. Don't forget Fresno State in the Liberty Bowl on Saturday!

    You can't miss Scott Dean (BD) as he hit notes that only a Bulldog could hear!

    Umm just so y'all know. Scott Dean isn't in the marching band anymore.

    This year we had Greg Potter. Renegades lead sop extraordinare. Equally as awesome!

    I was at the Liberty Bowl! Yay! I saw myself on TV in two of the 4 or 5 shots the Fresno band got. How cool!

  8. Ok, not to speak for the corps and not to rain on anyone's parade,

    but if you read a little further down the page on their forums,

    they state that although the staff was hyping the fact that they

    could potentially have an all-vet hornline, they are still conducting

    auditions the same as always. If you are a quality player,

    you have the potential to get a spot.

    Okay, not to rain on YOUR parade, but everyone knows that. Plus, tell me a division one corps that didn't have any ageouts in 2005. Of course they have to have auditions. And of course it's not possible to have an all-vet hornline, even IF none of them aged out.

    People take things too seriously around here. :beer:

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