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Posts posted by MelloDisciple

  1. Crown started a few intonation issues in pre show but they fixed quickly gotta love cxold weather. They had a better show then the other nighrt in rome. Didn't seem to have the ensemble issues where I was sitting as they did in rome. Saw some individual errors which is typical the cleaner you get. I actually see cadets cleaner visually then crown right now with exception of the ending of cadets show.

    That's a little disheartening Mr. Turner.

  2. Why Carolina Crown's brass doesn't seem to get the numbers from the judges:

    Average Ages:

    1 Blue Devils 20.37

    2 Santa Clara Vanguard 20.00

    3 The Cavaliers 19.94

    4 The Cadets 19.92

    5 Blue Knights 19.86

    6 Madison Scouts 19.86

    7 Phantom Regiment 19.76

    8 Colts 19.75

    9 Bluecoats 19.72

    10 Southwind 19.63

    11 Carolina Crown 19.53

    12 Spirit of JSU 19.48

    13 Blue Stars 19.33

    14 Pacific Crest 19.30

    15 Crossmen 19.21

    16 Glassmen 19.14

    17 Boston Crusaders 19.00

    18 Cascades 18.91

    19 The Academy 18.72

    20 Troopers 18.44

    I don't recall the exact brass score, but look it up if you like. I do know that in 2003 when the majority of the current brass staff was put into place the brassline posted a score in Sevierville the first night out that was good enough for 22nd place in comparison to the rest of the Div I corps competing around the country at that time. That brassline made finals in Orlando. This is why the brass staff should stay.

  3. Your argument would make sense if we were talking about the government taking away the rights of society at large, but we aren't. We all have the right in general to drink beer, just as we all have a right to have a video camera, etc., but it is DCI's call whether to allow either of those things at their events. DCI has a tremendous responsibility on its hands and it has the right to decide what it wants to allow and prevent in order to accomplish the objectives it wishes to accomplish, which will be ultimately in the best interests of the fans in its estimation.

    My argument makes sense. If you choose to attempt to discredit my point by negating technical details such as misinterpreting the analogies then I won't argue with you. Should DCI allow the sale of alcohol at shows? DCI should not prohibit the legal sale of alcohol when available. Since DCI doesn't have the right to provide alcohol they aren't in a position to allow or disallow the sale or consumption of it in a stadium possessing the right to do so.

  4. Normally I wouldn't care if they served beer, but at finals a nice guy who sat behind us all 3 nights started to get progressively louder. Around the time when Crown came on, my daughter asked him to please be quiet, and he got quite aggravated A fist-fight almost broke out. So now I vote for no alcohol.

    Yeah, that's a great solution. After this poor guy (if not his daughter) gets punched in the mouth, people have to stand up and yell for security during the beautiful opening of Crown's show that many people have come thousands of miles to see and hear, as others around them have to jump up and pull this idiot away, people falling over seats, hurting themselves, yelling and scuffling through the opener, preventing hundreds of people around them from enjoying the show and distracting the attention of thousand within view of incident, security shows up and has to break it up, shout people down, determine who started it throughout the second number, and then drag the screaming culprit (and hopefully not any of the innocent people who tried to break it up) out of the crowded row and down the aisle during the third number as the medical personnel arrive and treat this guys bleeding mouth during william tell and help him down the stairs with his daughter during the finale. But all that was worth it so that you didn't have to adjust your "lifestyle and enjoyment."

    These "freedom" arguments might be reasonable in other contexts but they are badly misplaced here. This isn't a matter of the government telling you you can't have a beer in your own home, at a bar or a restaurant or any other venue that wants to provide it to you. It is a matter of DCI having the right to decide what is in the best interest of the activity, the organization and its fans.

    Seems to me that in the best interest of the activity, DCI shouldn't let that violent fellow purchase alcohol. Perhaps in the future they should keep a watchful eye on him since he has a history of violence and substance abuse.

    The argument you made is very clear. I, myself, have heard the argument many times over that one person can ruin it for everyone. Fortunately we live in a country where the rights of the individual do not supersede the whole. Everyone is not punishable by law for the conduct of others. If a teacher molests a student all teachers are not henceforth banned from the presence of children. That teacher who committed the sex offense is charged and prosecuted. If someone is stabbed to death, knives are not then prohibited by law.

    The choice of an idiot is still a choice. Whether that idiot chose to make his decisions under the influence was his right. When his actions effect the rights of another person he then forfeits those rights. The alumni in the other deck on the other side of the field watching his oldest son march his age-out season while having a beer with his fellow alumni and old friend is not allowed to do so because that bonehead can't control himself? Alcohol has the same effect every time. If you drink irresponsibly and go too far it can impair your judgment. Alcohol does not randomly target an individual in order to induce a crime.

  5. I understand your arguments and agree with them 100%. I do think, however, that talking about this being an all age event really refers to the fact that it is essentially a youth activity where most of the performers are not of drinking age. Sure, MLB games are all age events, but the focus there is on watching adults perform their skills, where in this situation you really only have a small percentage who are of age.

    I also agree that the vast majority of responsible adults should not be punished for those who can't control their behavior. If I try to monitor my actions and get punished because of the actions of others, why should I even try to act responsibly? The least fair thing to do is to treat all people the same. DCI should not remove alcohol because some can't consume it responsibly. How can be ever learn to be mature citizens if we remove things that might lead them to act without regard for others. Let them act out and then drop the hammer on them. It's the American way.

    Right on. Funny though...its ok to watch adults while being under the influence but in order to view the youth we must take extra precaution not to look at them with intoxicated eyes. Will it rub off if we do?

  6. In those days, execution was only judged for the first 11 1/2 minutes, but GE was judged until the end of the show. There was a gun at the 11:30 mark, the execution judges would raise their clipboards to signal that they were done and leave the field. Then the corps would do a "re-entry" and let it all out. Nice way to end the show.

    In any case, nobody was going to beat BD that year.

    p.s. even though SCV raised the roof (er, half roof :)), the most intense performance that night was Garfield. Their soloist (Al Chez) hit a triple F in the opening fanfare and the rest of the show was on fire. I think they moved up from 5th to 3rd, passing Madison and Phantom. Awesome.

    The same Al Chez playing lead in Paul Schaeffer's orchestra?

  7. It baffles me that the point made for not allowing alcohol sales at a DCI show is that it is an all age or family oriented event. Sporting events such as ball games are all-age wouldn't you say? I was aware that the temperance movement ended already.

    Last time I checked the age limit of legal consumption in the US was still 21. If underage persons cannot purchase or consume an alcoholic beverage anyway then why is it unnecessary or inappropriate for someone that is of legal age to do so? Alcohol consumption by someone of legal age in the presence of someone who isn't hasn't been censored at sporting events, concerts, theme parks, or restaurants. It is a privilege as an adult over 21 to consume an alcoholic beverage. It should not be taboo to do so in the presence of those who cannot.

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