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Posts posted by drmcornut

  1. Another thing that DCI MUST do...publish the sheets online.  Let the fans know what the rules are.  Heck, even the NFL publishes its rule book.  DCI must do the same.  This will remove the "secrecy" that some people feel surround the process.

    I asked about this in another thread and got no reply.

    So, how could I see the sheets right now? Would I have to get hired on staff of a corps or train to be a judge? (both highly unlikely :P )

    I like your judging system. It looks well balanced.


    -wishing there were a spellcheck for posts

  2. OK, I'll say it...

    Wouldn't the other option be, oh, I don't know, SLOTTING?? 

    It bothers some of you that he would rank the 'coats drums lower than they had been scoring this season.  It bothers me that some people don't think the 'coats can have a 5th place performance in drums one night and a 9th place performance the next night.

    What if this scenario happens - say the Blooo drums finish first tonight (as they have shown they can do this year).  Couldn't the Cadet borg then start screaming - "We were on top in drums almost all year, and the Bluecoats were way back in the pack.  That judge is a *^$!!"

    I'm almost, I don't know, encouraged when a judges numbers are way off the average.  Seems to me they are calling it like they see it.

    You make an excellent point.

    However, a judges numbers can also be off average when that judge isn't using the criteria the way it was intended.

    Does anyone know where or even if the judges sheets can be seen by the average fan? Not one from last night, just an unused sheet. I know the criteria for the point ranges are very detailed and specific and I would love to play "desk chair" judge armed with more information.


  3. Debbie Torchia knows the business. She's the judge on the 2003 DVD Audio. She's VERY VERY much committed to the sheets. And a nice lady, too.

    Yes, I know she tends to be pro-BD/Cadets, but in that regard, that's not always bad.

    the suff I saw hinted at her disliking Scouts and Crown. Maybe sour grapes on the part of those who didn't like her scores?

    Aww heck, we all disagree with a judge now and then... don't we :P


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