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Hello Everyone,

My name is Kenny Chiocchi "AKA Pebbles" My god I hated this name, Pox on all of you for giving it to me =p. Gotta remember I was 4' 5" at the time. Plus having two brothers with the name Boulder and rocky I guess pebbles was next in line. LOL

Here are my memories with the Saints Drum & Bugle Corps.

Once upon a time I was 8 years old. My two older brothers Gary, and Mark some how wound up in this drum corps named The Saints. At this age I was kind of young to really not know what it was. But I do remember when I was 6 years old My inspiration for playing the trumpet was doing a book report on Louis Sachmo Armstrong. With the understanding on how he played his trumpet and the observation of my two brothers in the Saints, this is where I decided to join at age 9 in 1971. I can remember looking at my parents prior to age 9, they used to watch Mark and Gary play And I noticed the excitement in their faces to see their children Playing instruments and marching. It was this admiration that Also pushed me into joining the Saints Drum & Bugle Corps.

I dabbled with the trumpet in grade school, but by no means did I consider myself a horn player. I can recall being very nervous my first few weeks there. I was quite overwhelmed with all these new people that belonged here. At first everyone thought I was too young to learn the bugle. So I was placed in the color guard and I stood next to someone holding the American flag, for life of me I can not remember who this person was However, there is a pic on the saints web site of a parade and you can clearly see me at the front of the whole corps. But, the picture cuts off the person who I was marching next to. Being placed in the color guard all in all I did not really mind as I was now a proud member of the Saints Jr. Drum and bugle corpse.

The next year I was placed in the horn section as a second Soprano. My god was I nervous as hell. I really didn’t know how to read music or play it. This is where I really learned how Tom Bucky Swan was. At 9 years old, I was deathly afraid of him. I think it was the mustache =p. Be that as it may, I remember the cool side of him. Back then it didn’t matter if you can read music. It was all letters with Tommy. What I mean is he placed an "X" on the song sheet if he wanted you to push the valve and and "R" if he wanted you to push down on the rotor. Pretty cut

and dry, the hard part was making sure you squeezed your lips the right way to get the correct note.

I wont go one any further unless you all would like me to...but here are some other things I can clearly remember.

UMMMMMM being 10 and on the coed bus....boy was I lucky..

UMMMMMM going to I think work weekend and the bus breaking down having to push it up the hill.

UMMMMMM stopping the buses because I had to pee very bad....they were ###### at me...no pun intended =p

UMMMMMM Oh my god...I remember Marybeth Hamitlton from the Townsmen, Gary Fastuca was hot on her trail. I was in love with her...she reminded me of Goldie Hann...LOL I was 12 years old what the hell did I know.... Im sure she has not changed one bit.

UMMMMMM I remember my bugle got stolen man I was on the #### list for that one.

UMMMMMM I remember my pants falling down at a show.

UMMMMMM I remember seeing older girls in their bra's LOL when I was 10 on the coed bus. =p

UMMMMMM I remember Mr. Kubanak putting his foot up my ### when I made a mistake in the Woodbridge parking lot.

UMMMMMM I remember Gary Kadash taking me to Woodbridge Center mall during field break and pulling out a bag, stapler, and a phony receipt and taking a whole bag a yo, yo's, from woodbridge center using me as his look out and never giving me one....######## =p

UMMMMMM I remember the work weekends at some barracks place. In someone’s room with the boys on one side girls on other...turn out the lights and kiss who you want. LOL

UMMMMMM I remember spending all my money in Mass. starving and went to a diner and ordered food. Took the receipt went to the bathroom and flushed it and walked out. Man I was scared as hell doing this, I was only 13 I think.

UMMMMMM I remember we did a parade in Mass. we called the town Mayberry. While marching and as we passed the grandstand we started to whistle the Andy Griffith show song.

UMMMMMM I remember my whole time in the corpse Mouse wanted to always kick my ###, as I was a smart ###. He was much bigger than me. But as I grew older and seen him at Mike Wargo's Party I understood why his name was mouse...=p no offense Tom...

UMMMMMM I do agree Sue Brady was one of the prettiest girls I’ve ever seen...:)

UMMMMMM I remember the drum line practicing in the kitchen of the annex while we had both rooms LOL.

My god there are so so many more memories....I have to say for myself it was not always peaches and cream. However, these memories will forever stick in my mind. And now I can honestly say I really miss it all...I miss all the people and friends as they were absolutely my extended family. We all had a blast and I can say it was the best times of my young life.

I miss everyone and hope all is well with everyone all over the United States or wherever you are.


Kenneth Chiocchi

aka (pebbles)


Edited by Kenny
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