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Everything posted by ZSDAvenger

  1. obviously early, but Ive got a feeling that 86 BD and 89 PR are likely to make the cut.
  2. the irony here is that there are just as many young people who dislike the old folks who think THEY know it all. Funny how that works. Old folks know better by far what it WAS like to march corps than any young person. I love how this lets some of these old people think that they also know what it IS like to march corps now. I predict SCV moves up a spot or two, BD moves up a spot or two, and that the top 4 remains the same just in a different order.
  3. D3 Avenger? um ok.... I play clarinet in my drum corps....for fUnzieS!!1! LOLOLOLZ! please.
  4. Undulating is the term that the current BD members use.
  5. no no, undulating...when you 'get down' while playing. 'squat thrust' if you will. Watch the clip during the chord resolution and you'll see guys 'gettin down'. Some corps write it into their shows....Im just asking if anyone has ever seen another line besides BD do this in horn arc or unscripted in a show.
  6. hahah! b**bs There we go...thats what I was waiting for. You never guys never fail to deliver!
  7. Does any other corps besides BD ever undulate in the horn arc? Im not sure that Ive ever seen another hornline do that besides them. also, early season 2004 BD Victory Performance. (google video)
  8. this thread makes me laugh.....no matter what anyones opinion is of corps today....I feel confident in saying that from the training I've received in corps in the recent couple years (in a perennial top 3 Div 1 corps no less)....that I could march and play circles around you old guys with my supposed lack of precision and execution that corps apparently gave up years ago. I say this to be silly, but somewhat seriously none the less. You guys are funny! Keep it up.
  9. you mean that was Hoppy operating the boom camera!?! I dunno man...I think there are just as many poorly chosen camera angles as there are "propagandic" angles (is that even a word). You know when you watch your favorite shows on multi-cam...they always just happen to be filming the pit mallets during a sweet drill move...something like that.
  10. Im not so sure about that...take a look at BD/SCV scores early season vs. Cavs/Cadets early scores....mostly east is higher early season, if I recall.
  11. haha...I never marched div 2, let alone academy... you can watch the videos and see the striking difference...kindve hard to argue the evidence on tape. And Id still say ECJ is weakier visually than Academy as well....regardless of difficulty. I don't believe there to be any Academy members in here tooting their own horns....at least none of em do it publicly.
  12. Sounds like you didn't see Academy's show. I'll disagree with that statement. You want to talk about easy visual program? Watch ECJ 2005!
  13. Torn8o, which solos did you play? All the bari soloists were fantastic, so if I do say so myself, you did Mr. Barns justice with your playing.
  14. the soprano and bari duet in the ballad....Oh...it just melts me.....I can listen to that ballad and that show over and over again.... Didn't the weather affect other corps' guards the way BD's guard was affected?
  15. correct. During TOC in 04, we were able to sample off of everyones food trucks....it was neat...felt really odd standing in line at another truck, I'll tell ya. I liked everything I had from the trucks I ate off....though, Im not a fan of how some of the corps give you pre-plated meals through a window....I like to eat as much as my plate can carry....which I wasn't able to off of the cavaliers truck..or maybe that was SCV's truck..I can't remember.
  16. Get ready for it, as the Glendale Arena is the last major DCI Regional w/ all Div 1 corps, the week before finals in Pasadena. Retractable roof AND retractable field. (Grass field that rolls outside for sun.)
  17. To all the southerners on these boards, I mean no disrespect...and I feel I can say what Im about to say, as I was born in the south and lived there for many years (no longer, thank heavens) DCI Finals should NEVER be in the south. Ugh, my worst tour memories in regards to climate for every year I marched always involves the south. Be it Lousiana, ALABAMA ( TROY!! :sshh: :sshh: ), Mississippi.... its just miserable. Northeast, most of the midwest, and anywhere on the westcoast is where finals needs to be. always. my 2 cents.
  18. Im a bit late to the conversation, but Im going to chime in anyways. Ive seen 05 ECJ's finals performance and, being an Arizona resident I get to see much of the Academy.... Additionally...I have the div 2/3 05 dvds....and I'll Im going to say...much to the chagrin of all the ECJ kids who simply won't have it the Academy could do as well as people are predicting......Academy will beat everyone else. Ive seen both groups, and I'd venture to say that Academy's last performance in 05 was noticeably better than ECJ's 05 finals performance. PEACE OUT!
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