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Posts posted by BDguardsman

  1. How about some of the Stan Getz music from the album titled "Focus". I know it is Sax heavy but, it has some really awesome music. Reminds me a lot of some "abstract jazz" like "Adventures in Time" or even resembles some Don Ellis music.

    Maybe it has been done already. Fits the likes of BD and Bluecoats.

  2. I remember the dance was a big part of our additions in BD back in the early 90's as well as flag technique. I later asked if I could be in one of the rifle features and was offered a spot. But, most people in BD have had lots of winterguard experience and we had to use all three pieces of equipment throughout the show.

  3. I really enjoyed BD perfomance tonight. It felt the performance. AT the same time Cavaliers has one of the best shows I have ever seen from them ever! I am a great fan of the Godfather, talk about emotion. The robot thing is cool too. I just don't know how to judge two completely awesome shows...

    By the way PHantom. ....... they were so aswsome

  4. Wow!!! just went outside for the first time today....YIKES!!

    I live in Palm Springs California and it is seriously storming all around the city. Southern CA, doesn't usually get weather like this in July and August....

    It is really humid too, this is usually a dry desert.....hmmm.

    wonder if this is the problem, oh well, my friend just called from San Antonio and said Crown and BK were great!!! I am so jealous, he flew there in his own private plane, lucky #####!

  5. Funny story about the guard guys in BD '92. In the "Man Loves a Woman" sequence, the guys actually had red spandex shorts under our black pants. In one regional we took off the pants along with the girls. It was quite a site. Someone mentioned that you couldn't tell the guys from the girls. :laugh: Needless to say, we kept them on for the rest of the season. :P

  6. Thanks for the review! I love the style, made me feel like we were sharing some drinks after the show. :blink:

    Of the corps that I won't get to see live this year, BK is the one I most wish that I could. They're music is right up my alley, and if you can appreciate the show without liking the music, I have a feeling I'll be more than pleased.

    Yeah, I like the piano concerto. they do a unique version of it, but it is very recognizable. They begin with the second movement which is one of my favorites and then they disperse the themes throughout the show. There is even a cadenza in the pit.

  7. check out "From the press box" site. If you look at season scores for the recent seasons it should give you an idea. The scores in the last couple of years look pretty progressive throughout the season. Even when the west meets up with the mid-west and east coast corps.

    IMO I think that BD and SCV just have pretty darn good shows this year.

  8. I listened twice and missed the my humps thing both times. Oh well.

    if you look down the suggested links on the side there is a link to Vanguards show too :)

    I like the Black eyed peas segment. It is part of the radio surfing theme.

    Yeah, I noticed the SCV show from this year on his site also. I watched it. I have seen all the west coast group several times this season. I like SCV this year, but I love BD this year.

    Back to Crossmen. I am really looking forward to seeing them live this year.

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