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Everything posted by coats1952

  1. Gary i will work on that.J do have some serious health problems and sometimes they get in the way and i don't pay attention.I am just trying to take a problem in the town and make it right. Thanks Carl
  2. Sorry it's not CNN or FOX but a new local news station and has nothing to do with Josh who never tried out for drum corps but is doing what the station wants.I got them involved along with a private investigation co. that owns tv 22.As for the prosecuter he lost the election and it will be the new one that will end this.Look past people doing the news and look what they have found but you have to watch everything and think about the kids who lost money and how many other corps is haveing the same problem.
  3. No drum corps and no ax to grind just breaking the news.At this time we have a lawyer working on getting someone apointed by the courts because he says he is still on the board he has the keys.No one has been in the hall since June so who knows how mutch debt they are in, what might be missing and the status of the 2 houses they own.Also the prosecuter has been involved since April and you half to work around them.
  4. Check out this link. It is for a local news orginization that has done some investigation into allegations against Mike King and the Marion Cadets. It has some very interesting information about things brought to the County Prosocuters attention and hopefully the backing of the drum corp community might help the process along. http://www.marionohio.tv/index.php?page=htn Most of the new info is in the back half of the story.
  5. show demand yes but physical in a different way.I remember standing on the inspection line for 45 mim. in Miami at noon in August at the 1970 natls.THere was no cool uniforms for comfort we had 100% wool west point style that was a oven and there were people droping everywere.And lets not forget we competed for prize money so every show had a parade that you had to march in somedays 2 before the contest to make extra money.Plus we started in May.Boy do i sound old but we all have stories and thats why we do it.
  6. It was a few years at the Canton show and BD was undefeated and the Cadets were on and i just told my son that they beat BD and they whipped backwords and the first trumpet fell followed by ten or so.The only thing missing was someone screeming fumble.
  7. The Dir. has stepped down but still holds the keys and directs all questions to a board member but will not give out her number but wil pass your noumber on but no one gets a call back.The hall is locked ,bingo has not run since late June ,no phone no electric and no one paying bills they just get bigger.After [if] the bills get paid and the three properties are sold the eqipment might be all thats left.When it hits the local news i will post the link and everyone's questions will have answers
  8. No there is no contact between the two .If you send a letter to the star it is for the corps and the directors deals.The eqep. can be used by the drum line,guard or enen the schools if needed.It was purchaced by the community and should be donated back to them.E.O.R is a seperate group.
  9. If everyone would like to help end this .Please send letters of support to the marion star.com to turn this over to the new drumline and indoor guard. They can and will use the equipment that has been sitting for 4 years.Also ask that the director to be held accountabe for his actions.Other media links are Marion on line and tv 22, one voice can't be herd but together we can make noise Carl
  10. We purchased Reading Buccaneers battery not a year old yet and we have the use of Hardings pit plus some from the other scools in the area.We are excited about everything and below is what we own. 10 snares, stands harness and covers for all 5 tenors 6 basses Carl
  11. No computer has been down for a week but i think the repairman who fixed it last night was.
  12. let me know we can use all the help we can get.
  13. Hi Phil and thanks for the support but now it's just Carl.
  14. Thanks Jim but not all the answers but i will say things are getting close.I am happy to anounce that Marion now has a winter drum line with no ties to the Cadets.Auditions are on Nov. 9th at PLeasant high school from 12 to 6 and they will be know as E.O.R. Essence Of Rythm. so bring on the questions. Carl Gannon
  15. 1974 Marion Cadets practice all day and dinner was popcorn and apples.
  16. No phone it says it has been changed.I wonder if the director is starting to feel the heat
  17. As i posted before that is false.My father marched in the Marion Cavaliers and they folded in 1959.In 1960 the same groupe of people started the Cadets and always has been a jr corps.
  18. The Marion Cadets are not involved.They have no web site ,no staff and no kids .The only thing they have is director making $30,000 a tear. Carl
  19. Great points and everyone should be calling the Marion Star,Mayor's office tv 22 in support of making them show proof of what they claim they have done.You can yell all you want in your home town but others from out of town speak up then they take notice.
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