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Posts posted by bdon15

  1. I would even take standard DVD's of 13-25 corps from the 70's to 90's. I collected most of the 800 series corps specific videos and can attest to the quality of some of the shows. The Boston compilation from 82-94 is great as is the Troopers and Dutch Boy series. The only series I really wanted was the Crossmen. I believe that a high camera version of their '79' show was in their compilation. I transferred the 800 video series to DVD and my semi-finalist 75-89 audio collection to CD. The quality is good but I bet what DCI would put out would be considerably better. I have heard that many prelim tapes from the 70's were destroyed in a fire. There has to be collectors out there that could loan DCI the missing tapes to be re-mastered.

    I would pay (dearly) for a good copy of 1980 prelims, specifically the 15th place corps that year.

    Anyone have it?

  2. Wouldn't it have messed up the (surviving) four bass drummers who had already re-learned the parts, to have him back in the line? and what about the hole in the drill, they would have already filled in that hole and possibly put a shiny black oxford, size 10 up his...

  3. OK, I'm trying to piece this together:

    So far, it has been said by the Bridgemen side in another post (Topic: 1977 Bridgemen, i was curious and found out about the DQ, page 2, posted by gmanbay41) that they did indeed have two members marching in the corps who would have turned 22 during the 1977 season. But (and maybe I'm reading this wrong), they never intended to have them actually march past their 22nd birthday, which I'm assuming took place sometime before DCI Finals. They had two other people with them who were ready to take their place once they turned 22. At the DCI Midwest show, those two "overaged" people were pulled from the show and the corps performed with 2 blanks.

    Here's where I start getting curious...I'm not sure if those two "overaged" people remained with the corps and didn't march anymore, or if the other two people filled their spots immediately, or what. That has never been specified, and it's kind of important to the rest of the story.

    Then the corps gets to Denver for Nationals and they are told they won't be allowed to perform because they marched two overaged members during the season. And somehow, DCI is the one who didn't handle this correctly? My question is...why were the Bridgemen marching two people during the season who they knew were going to turn 22 before Finals in the first place??? If that's indeed what they did, then I have no sympathy for them, no matter how much I love the corps and their show. This is sheer stupidity in action, and they would have no one to blame but themselves for putting their corps and their members in this position to be questioned.

    I'm most likely going to get skewered for this, but until that question can be answered, that's my position on the matter.

    What would be interesting is if someone (anyone?) could come up with a copy of the rules that were in affect for the 1977 season. Was it that difficult to interpret?

    Sounds like a nice little project for Byline :smile:

  4. Ok, I know my response is going to be unpopular with some folks…but it is what it is, MY opinion.

    I don’t think the Bridgemen program would fly with the finals weekend crowd. There are aspects to the show that are extremely unbalanced. Their guard is almost non-existent to the size of the hornline and drumline. It doesn’t make for good field coverage, nor visual program/GE.

    Let’s admit it, the DCI finals weekend crowd is drum corps knowledgable. They know that even in the time frame the corps came from, 7 guard members (they had 7 on the floor in Plymouth ~ not sure what is the # for this season) won’t cut it in a presentation of their field show.

    Say what you will about Cab’s Alumni being a re-hash of the same old ~ same old. BUT their guard/GE package and visual program have shown huge improvements over the last 5 years, while Bridgemen’s has shrunk and regressed.

    I have to agree with Liz.

    As a member of the '07 corps, it was great playing the old tunes and musically we did a decent job, visually the show was a mess. Some of the design choices seriously warranted a "What were they thinking?" possibly even a WTF or two.

    I bought the dvd from the DCA weekend show which is the end of the season and corps are at their cleanest.

    I watched it with my sister who covered her eyes during much of it saying she couldn't look at it.

    Part of me wanted to pop her upside the head for being so brutally honest, yet I could not objectively disagree because it was painful to watch. The guard was awful in every aspect.

    Musical: 7/10

    Visual: 1.5/10

  5. If I'm reading you correctly, you're wondering why the Allentown performance isn't on the Fan Network. If that's the case, it's only been a few years that DCI has had the technology available to film many of the shows during the the season and put them up on the Internet. There was no demand for that to be done back in 1980.

    But in the meantime, you might want to be checking out DCI.org on Monday, October 24.

    Yes Mike, you are reading me correct... and I know there was no Fan Network in 1980 :blink: but 80 Allentown, and many other years were filmed and DCI does have the video (somewhere in their storage, according to one of their reps) which could be included in the historical section on the FN.... Who wouldn't love to see that?

    Edit for p.s..

    Didn't mean to hijack your thread, Allentown is my favorite venue, hands down :thumbup:

  6. Marksmen, Seattle Washington performed with the music “The Show Must Go On”.


    I remember this Marksmen show, the first part was done with no audio, much like old school military maneuvers. The only audio you heard was the slapping of the rifles, the wind of the flags and the Captain's commands, I remember the timing was quite impressive.

    Then "The Show Must Go On" (music of Three Dog Night) During the "fun-house" music segment, the rifles aimed and fired at the flag members, much like the shooting gallery at a carnival.

    Their Guard Captain, Jill Hudson later became Drum Major for the Imperials in 1980.

  7. Correction: Bridgemen plugged in once, back in 06 (I believe) and only one part of the pit. I know we needed no plugs (three pronged or other) this year.

    Bridgemen were plugged in during 2007 for sure. I have the dvd from (Ra-Cha) that year and the amp raised hell at the beginning of the drum break in MFT's, there was about 4-5 seconds of super cringe inducing feedback. I'm pretty sure I threw up.

  8. The telecast that year was only of the Top 12 at DCI finals, but it was live and ran for four hours. There was a set of 1980 prelims videotapes that DCI produced and sold commercially, but I don't think it was the entire Top 25. The only Associate corps I remember seeing on those prelims tapes (which the band director I taught guard for at the time had; he may not have had the entire set) were Blue Stars, Troopers and Freelancers.

    The Imperials rounded out the top 15 behind Troopers, Freelancers took 19th that year so (perhaps) all the prelims shows were available on video at some time in the past.

    For sure 1980 was an amazing year, corps still marching mallets and timpani, guards still in corps uniforms.... all those things about to change, very soon.

    Reward (still) being offered to anyone who has a copy of Prelims :thumbup:

  9. I have stumbled upon a set of 5 VHS tapes of the PBS broadcast of DCI from 1980. Each tape is 60 minutes, but the cases do not list the corps,..........does anyone out there have info on what corps are on the tapes?

    PBS Broadcast was the full top 12 but that set you have could very well be the 1980 top 15 from Prelims (if the camera is fixed, Hi-Cam with no on field close ups).

    If so then the (15th place) Seattle Imperials are on there and I have been looking for years so please keep us posted, especially if you want to auction it off... :thumbup:

    Edit to show image:

    Gary, this is the POV of the Prelims set of tapes (if that is what you have). This pic (80 Imperials) was taken directly behind the video camera which you can see.


  10. pages.jpg

    The Pages of The Wausau Story.

    I especially love parade pics from the "old days" when small town main streets were alive with activity and department stores.

    Woolworths anyone? lunch counter or booth...where they served your milkshake in a tall glass and gave you the leftover shake in the shiny steel container from the blender.

  11. The farthest NW you can go for drum corps this year!! Same groups as Hillsboro, hopefully the JUDGES WILL DRINK COFFEE AND WAKE UP!!! It's ok to score the corps liberally! Ok off the soapbox, here's the lineup:

    It really is too bad that the "Seattle" show is actually about 40 minutes south of Seattle, it's just barely outside of Tacoma, which smells like a fart.

    Seriously, there's a pulp mill nearby and the locals call it "The Tacoma Aroma"!!!

  12. REAL shakos were made with a wire or wicker frame and could breathe through the covering fabric, and also often had air vents.There were available in conventional diametrical hat sizes, incremented in 1/8ths.

    Today's shakos are built over a plastic pot, with NO ventilation. And they are available in only a few generic sizes S M L XL.

    Genuine shakos fit much better, and stayed put.

    Plastic shakos flop all over the place, hence the chinstrap is worn Dork-o style.

    LOL... the corps I was in didn't wear shako's but my HS band had the Dork-o-style shako's with the cheap plastic chinstrap that resembled an undercooked slice of bacon in the way it kinda curled up on some edges, then curled the other way. Total Dork-O!

  13. I have no affiliation with the Blue Devils other than a few friends who play and tech with them. Nonetheless, it is really getting annoying hearing the general DCI public making the entire corps out to be selfish, arrogant terds hell bent only on winning. The people in that organization worked their respective butts off and have earned everything they have gotten. As far as their 2010 show, there is no such thing as bad music, just familiar and unfamiliar. If you don't like it fine, but don't try to take away anything from what they accomplished. As far as cockiness goes, if you were a two time defending world champion you would be very proud as well.

    Closed minds should be accompanied by closed mouths. In general, it's time to move on. doh.gif

    They've won two times? when was the second? :smile:

    Seriously, they've won 14 times. :worthy:

    • Like 2
  14. I appreciate the help. I'll be looking into that.

    I'm going to be making a list, and I'll post it when I've done it. It will probably only be from Murfreesboro on, and some shows. But anything helps.

    You can (usually) contact that town's Chamber of Commerce or City Hall for visiting groups information.

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