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Posts posted by MN DCI Fan

  1. I understand that the question under examination is whether music is an art form, but I thought I'd post this topic that I started a while back. In my opinion the topics are connected in a relevant manner.

    A Simple Poll

    By the way, I voted yes. Music is most definitely an art.

    "Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent." ~Victor Hugo

  2. Please explain to me how every single World Class score goes up from San Antonio to Murfreesboro except the Colts their score went down.... (Oh sorry Madison stayed the same another Trooper competitor). Seems to me there is some #### judging going on....Can anyone guess why? Of course you can but my question is who will have the guts to say it. Oh and by the way the Colts have improved since San Antonio....but according to the judges they are the only corps out there to actually get worse. It's beyond fishy is flagrantly shameful and lends a cloud of doubt to any conclusion to the 12th spot this season.

    Unless it's the Colts?

  3. As "the other guy" being inducted into the HOF this year, all I can say is that what has me flabbergasted and speechless the most is how George wasn't inducted into the Crossmen Hall of Fame years ago. And hey, I understand that the relationship between the Crossmen and YEA was not perfect. I don't think many will dispute that. There were many ups and many downs for sure. But the undeniable fact remains that without George and YEA getting involved, the Crossmen would have folded in the autumn of 1995. It is also undeniable that YEA spent well over a million dollars over the years helping to keep the Crossmen alive, when they certainly could have just done nothing and rid themselves of another east coast competitor once and for all.

    If the author wants to stop supporting the corps because of this, that is his or her right. All I can ask is this...how grateful are you that the Crossmen are still on this earth, giving so many young people the chance to be a part of such a rich and proud legacy spanning over three decades? Truly, how grateful are you that the drum corps universe still counts the Crossmen as one its active participants when so many other great corps have faded away forever? There are certainly many many people to thank for the fact that the Crossmen are still here for us to discuss all these years later. George is most definitely one of those people, and as such, I'd like to think that EVERY Crossmen, no matter what they might think of the man (whom most have probably never even met), could find the strength within themselves to say THANK YOU for his very significant contributions to the efforts of keeping the Crossmen in existence.

    I'm honored to be inducted into the Crossmen Hall of Fame alongside George Hopkins.


  4. Back in MY day, we didn't have the "interwebs." We stood on our roofs and yelled scores from house to house until we knew who won, AND WE LIKED IT! And we didn't have "computers." We have empty cereal boxes with little elves, who ran back and forth calculating scores with their mini-abacuses. And instead of moniitors we had thin sheets of cellophane and candles. AND WE LIKED IT!


  5. At this point, I'm surprised that more people think BAC will top PR than BD will best HNC. BD hasn't been touchable all year, while BAC and PR have swapped places a few times. Just interesting to me.

    I went with BD and PR. And I freely admit that my vote for PR is a bit of homerism. Here's hoping that their adjustments clean up and stick!

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