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Everything posted by G-horns

  1. Please use the proper corps name: Skyliners Alumni Thank you. (Yeah, its a small thing but...)
  2. I'd ask Bayonne where they will be. My info was forwarded by Sky Alumni and originated by the show sponsors.
  3. From what you are saying, even a late night rehearsal within the city limits could be shut down if a complaint is made.
  4. Has it occurred to anyone that this ordinance might extend to all events, even inside the stadium? The first weekend of the New Haven CT Jazz fest they had to shut down the last act early to meet a 9:00 noise ordinance requirement.
  5. Starting the Alumni Spectacular and hour earlier would mean 9:00 a.m. So now you want the churches to complain??? Besides, I ain't gettin' my sorry arse out of bed at Oh Dark Thirty just so someone can park and bark at the other end of a looooong day. You want a solution? Five Class A and five Open Class finalists. Show starts at 5 and is over before the lights go on. Done.
  6. Treasure Island might bring out the "tree huggers". We'd be disturbing the wildlife. Otherwise, it would be a good site. I can see the traffic backup at the exit off the bridge now....
  7. So I guess someone else will be at the Seaside site? (Anyone from Hurcs have info?)
  8. Okay, folks. I don't have enough fingers and toes to count the number of corps that have policies that address members posting internal corps communication on the internet. I'm pretty sure that's what HBD is talking about. Maybe it's time for everyone take a deep breath, relax, and think before posting on this topic. We're all drum corps people - a unique group to say the least. You don't stay in this activity for decades (5 of 'em for me) if you're not passionate about it. Sometimes passion can over-rule common courtesy and common sense. Let's not let something like this drive wedges between people and/or corps. We all need each other to keep the activity alive. That is all. Good Night.
  9. If this keeps up, he may not have to buy any beverages in Rochester next week.
  10. I have to disagree with you about hiring only "top-notch" staff. Wayne Downey had to start somewhere. So did all of the other "top-notch" people. That's where having a good management team is important. Just as in business, good corps managers have to identify and hire capable qualified staff. By the same priciple, good managers fire staff that isn't doing the job - regardless of who they are. (Here's the edit) Good staff will be willing to take input from members who have knowledge and/or experience. Everyone is part of the team. If the staff ignores valid member input and insists on being right 110% of the time, they are not part of the team. Shooting all your available cash on creative and instructional staff leaves nothing for travel to that big show that the corps MUST make in order to follow your "right now" plan. So what does the corps do? Go in the red just to make a show because the members expect it? Bad business. Remember what Bill Cook always preached, "Drum corps is a business."
  11. Yes, the members should be informed in advance BY THEIR CORPS ADMINISTRATION, not on DCP. Give the respective admins a chance to tell their corps at rehearsal this weekend. Then if someone wants to discuss it on the internet, no big deal in my mind. Publicly posting the information prior to the corps management having an opportunity to tell their troops isn't what I personally consider good form.
  12. Money in the bank is a nice way to end. Makes getting the next season underway a little less stressful, just a little. BTW, it's Larry, not Mike.
  13. My last post was meant as a general comment, not intended for any particular corps. Sorry if it didn't come out that way.
  14. Agreed. Leave it to the guys on the left coast to stir up ####.
  15. Along this line, don't tell an arranger to write for 40 horns unless you have 50. Don't tell a drill guy to write for a certain size unless you are at least 90% sure you'll have that many.
  16. I see another percussion "oops". Sky Alumni's Quartet and Jack Murray's snare time. (Jack's not THAT good.)
  17. WRONG! This doesn't even work for "Alumni" corps. I can drink a heck of a lot of beer, wine, or whatever else I fancy on what it costs me to get to ONE rehearsal.
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