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TomPeashey last won the day on November 1 2016

TomPeashey had the most liked content!

Profile Information

  • Your Drum Corps Experience
    do you have all night?
  • Your Favorite Corps
    Crusaders, Brigadiers, Fulton Gauchos
  • Your Favorite All Time Corps Performance (Any)
    Crusaders at Racine 1972 exhibition show
  • Your Favorite Drum Corps Season
    1965 kicked butt
  • Gender
  • Location
    Rochester, NY
  • Interests
    Drum Corps of any kind

    retired after a long corps career

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  1. Yes Terri, unfortunate for them but fortunate for DCA weekend naturally a hurricane scurrying around can mess up the weathermen, but... Current forecast for Fri Sat and Sun of DCA weekend is primo... mid 70's 0 chance of rain on Saturday and only 10% on Sunday... but hey, it's the weather... it can change... and for Texas... I hope it does!
  2. looking forward to seeing my many friends again... can't believe it's that time already...
  3. DCA released it via their social network... so it is true... I received an email PR release from DCA... unfortunately, for Kidsgrove fans in Europe, I understand it is not available internationally... I certainly hope that part of it is not true, but I fear it is...
  4. you do a great job Spandy I would recommend that you use the * when listing any score that DOES NOT use a DCA sanctioned panel This would include any DCI, DCE or DCUK shows... For your purposes those scores are "close" but really need to be taken with a BIG caution... DCE/DCUK shows are all on their own sheets... and do not relate properly... This should be noted wherever the asterisk is used just saying......
  5. special shout out to my "right hand" and babysitter... the invaluable Dee LeFrois Darch... see you at the banquet girl...
  6. Actually, it is an interesting point that from the 50's till the end of the tick system... one factor over every season that was rarely mentioned was how much time was spent watering down the charts before the championships based on the judges input via WHERE they were ticking us... this watering down often left the musicality by the wayside and gave a "sterile" program... just a random thought... and I won't even go into taking out passages that were played as well as the New York Philharmonic but had to be watered because many of the judges were simply "over-ticking" judge-able situations rather than REAL errors... I could go into many more reasons why "ticks" were a BIG negative... from one who taught judges how to tick....
  7. Several have contacted me about JAG - well known Audio/Video engineer for the activity... asking if I know if it's true that he has passed on. Unfortunately, I can verify that this is true. His mother had one of the CT guys contact a few people she knew were close to him and I was on the list. He had lung disease. There will be a mention in the next issue of Drum Corps World. At his request, there was no funeral or obit. Not sure of the exact date of passing but was around April 23 or so. One of the friends on his list who is in close contact with his mother is trying to determine if there are items in his audio/video library that should be salvaged for posterity. As many of you know, he frequently had a boom mic or camera in front of corps in both DCA and DCI... plus an extensive historical documentation of the US Marine Corps Drum and Bugle Corps. I'm not involved in this effort but wish them well.
  8. I was told it was cancelled... but that should be checked with the sponsors... I have announced the show for the last few years... If it was on, I'm fairly certain I would have been contacted
  9. BX5CM you are absolutely right... using a bone for an effect or a specific solo doesn't bother me... trying to march a complex drill while playing a slide trombone is absurd... I doubt anyone would try that junior or senior... furthermore most HS bands - at least those who are serious about marching - don't try it... valved bones work fine in 98% of all musical situations... and a good player can handle the other 2%... Mighty St. Joe's playing Lassus Trombone almost 50 years ago comes to mind...
  10. many didn't even know that my oldest son (Dan) existed... he NEVER even came around corps... both of his sisters (Sara Peashey Mascari and Sue Peashey Hammerle) did color guard (Patriots, Crusaders, Brigadiers) and winter guard (Patriots) then went on to become instructors themselves only stopping to have babies...
  11. Yes I know..... been a long time since drum corps days 60-65 with either Ridge Culver Statesmen or Crusaders... and even longer since Disney featured him on the Mickey Mouse Club in the late 50's Once in a while videos of that turn up... he was VERY young
  12. Yup... Frank... deserving indeed... and yes, I marched with him... a few thousand years ago... Last time I saw him was when he showed up at Vince Bruni's wake... I didn't make his birthday concert last year, but my brother got to make a snare drum clock that was presented to him that night...
  13. http://www.vfoutletcenter.com/ I think this change up is a great idea... BUT should warn our Brit friends to guard those credit cards as Reading is the Factory Outlet Capital of the world... SERIOUS shopping will be especially tempting to all your friends traveling with you... see the link above...
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