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Spartans DC Dad

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Everything posted by Spartans DC Dad

  1. I was concerned as well when I read DrumCorpsFan1981’s post earlier today. You see, I am a fan as well. I marched in Drum Corps for several years…back in the old days. I started when I was in the 3rd grade. I also taught for years and love the activity. Drum Corps has afforded me the opportunity to learn so much about life, leadership, respect and most importantly about people. I guess drum corps is truly hereditary, because my son now marches with the Spartans. And my wife (who by the way also marched in drum corps) is working her tail off on their chow truck while they are on tour. My experience in drum corps has also taught me to check facts, so that’s what I did. What else would a lonely and hungry dad do who is left at home while his family is on tour? So I called my wife who answers her cell phone from where else-the chow truck. I told her of my concern and she proceeded to give me the facts “from the field”. Spartans were housed directly at the facility where the Hilton Head competition was held. The school was opened all day to the general public for school-related activities. The school was also opened to all corps and spectators before, during and after the competition as it was used extensively for bathrooms, changing, etc. Obviously with people going through the facility all day and evening, it was hard to control access. My wife said it was a pretty busy location for a housing site. She also added that the local people and officials couldn’t have been more hospitable. Amidst all of this activity, a school official accused a member of the Spartans of stealing construction paper and art supplies. And he was thought to be the one responsible because he was “wearing a green shirt”. The member was devastated at the accusation and the Spartans staff along with the member cooperated with the authorities allowing them to thoroughly search the member’s belongings. The member was exonerated of any wrongdoing by the authorities. The Spartans staff and their members were not held accountable because of the number of people having access to the facility throughout the entire day and evening. I find it is always good to shine the light on things to get the facts. I’m sure that the Spartans and their staff appreciate DrumCorpsFan1981’s concern for them and the activity that we all love. That’s what is so great about drum corps, its fans and members; we can compete with each other on the field while continuing to applaud each other’s accomplishments. We help one another when equipment breaks down, feed one another while on tour and display a host of supportive measures not seen in any other competitive environment. My wife has told me that everywhere the Spartans travel, the local people remark about the work ethic and courteous behavior of the members as well as the professionalism of the staff. These traits are not limited to the Spartans. This is just what drum corps is all about.
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