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  1. Gee, it sounds like this is starting to turn into a fight about judging. Can we please stop? I have explained that I'm resolved to the situation. I've clarified that "the entire organization" probably doesn't express the same sentiments. That it's more MY OPINION. OK? OF COURSE the staff doesn't share their sentiments with the kids. But the kids aren't stupid; they know what's going on. If I had facts to back up my opinion, where would I present them? On this forum?...........I think not. Mixed in with the wonderful people who have helped me to "re-focus" on what the whole thing's about (thanks again) are a group of "passionate" individuals who want to fight. You win......I don't want to play.... I respectfully submit that the large majority of the "passionate" individuals who support the staus quo have been on the favorable side of that situation. Perhaps I would be the same way if the situation was reversed.......human nature? Although I am involved with a specific corps, I've come to realize that this could be about ANY corps. I know now what to tell my child. I can now do it in a cheerful and inspiring way. Thanks!!!!!!!! And oh......you can bait me all you want. This is my last post about this subject. I fear it will turn into something REALLY ugly. Too bad, because for a while there it was something beautiful and inspriing.
  2. Yep, I agree with that. I realize this is a sensitive issue for a lot of folks, and I've tried to keep the words as nice as possible. Sorry if I offended........I tend not to be very P.C. "Corruption? That's quite a claim! Any evidence?" Government Banking Industry Churches Schools PennDOT My local homeowner's association Cattle mutilations are up! :) By the way, I'm feelilng MUCH better now! Thanks to all the KIND people for NOT trying to flame me!
  3. To clarify: I never said we're getting "screwed". I said we were being treated unfairly. There IS a difference. And perhaps "personal agenda" is the wrong phrase as well. Maybe it's more correct to say "undue influence of PERSONAL taste". I think that might be more to what I was thinking. I purposefully tried to keep the affiliations neutral because I was looking for help with MY PERSONAL situation. No need to bring the rest of the corps into it, or have any positive/negative perceptions attached to any certain corps. These are MY PERSONAL opinions, and not those of the corps. I don't have "sour grapes"; I'm old enough to have taken my share of lumps in my life and know how to deal with that. I was searching for inspirational advice for my son, and thankfully I received it. Thanks again those who helped out. And no, I'm NOT talking about any top 3 corps. So enhance your calm, young man.
  4. dkadc, you are CORRECT, sir. I am certain that the corps management doesn't broadcast negativism, and only discuss the judging bias amongst themselves. Of course they put the best spin they can on it for the kids' sake. The corps has always recieved positive audience response; that's one of the strange things about the scores. How can a corps have such a great "general effect" on a crowd and get a low GE score? Anyway and AGAIN, I'm not going to get into a fight about the judging. Nice try, SOMF69. You will never convince me through your words what I have seen and heard with my own eyes and ears, and had demonstrated to me (by former judges) to be true. It is as it is. I will, instead, focus on the positive and the things under my control, as I will advise my child to do. Go ahead and read the link Alan Armstrong of Memphis Sound referred to earlier; that pretty much says it all (thanks Mr. Armstrong). So many people have responded to my post with really positive, encouraging advice. It's good to know that the activity has folks like that out there; these are the people that really keep it going strong and in the right direction. Hopefully, I'm learning to be one of you. I hope so.
  5. Thank you drumcorpsmom05, that was very inspiring. From your hints, I don't think we are talking about the same corp but you're right, we could be. For my part, I will try to look EVERYBODY in the eyes and smile.
  6. Thanks everyone for the positive responses. I know my child is enjoying the experience, and wants to return next year. I know my child's effort is 100%+, with no regrets in terms of performance. I appreciate your comments.............it helps. Thanks again.
  7. I’m the parent of a first-year child in a junior corps. I’m looking for help for words of consolation to say to my child. I need help because I’m having a hard time justifying the outcome of the season. My child belongs to a corps that is being treated unfairly by the judging community. I don’t want to start a fight about judging, etc…; suffice it to say it’s enough that everyone in the organization feels the same way. Right or wrong, that’s how they feel. Because I’m having a hard time finding the words to help my child understand, I am asking the people of experience in this community to help me find them. I want to promote this activity to my child in a positive light, but right now I am truly heartbroken over the way things are done in this activity by people with their own personal agendas. It’s not like in any other sport, where the outcome of the competition is based on quantifiable numbers (runs scored, goals scored, etc…). This activity relies so much on people’s opinions, and people are so easily corrupted. There are those that say it’s not about the scores, it’s about the experience the kids have along the way. I agreed with that whole-heartedly. But the success of a corps is still measured by the outcome of the “contest”, and when the outcome is unfair, it taints the experience. So please put down your keyboards, those that want to have a flame-fest about “fairness of contest”. This is not my concern anymore. I have resigned myself to the situation. The only responses I hoping for are those that can help me frame the words to speak to my child when that child wants to understand the reality. Or at least some words of motivation that SEEM sincere. I am so depressed; I don’t want to transfer that to my child. Can anybody help? REALLY help? Please be kind. And please don’t pick apart or paraphrase this post for any unintended offense to any person, place or thing. Let me apologize NOW for any unintended offense anyone might have taken. I am new at all this, and want to learn. I want my child to be happy and motivated. I want this GREAT activity to continue, and to be healthy. If I’m incorrect, please help me understand, and try not to be mean. Losers have feelings, too. This is NOT a slam to the kids in the other corps who are being scored higher; they are busting their butts and doing everything their instructors are asking. ANY kid who goes through this experience is MAGNIFICENT and deserves to be individually commended for their efforts. Especially this summer, with the incredible heat they’ve been through. These are ALL the GOOD kids.
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