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Everything posted by Martybucs

  1. Yes, but then you can let them make fun of you and hurl insults at you...again, in the spirit of the thread.
  2. definitely serious, but I'm talking soprano not a contra, and "fun", as in, although a Ferrari is a better, nicer sports car, it would be a bit of fun to run about in an old TR6.
  3. Next time tell them you were going to wear the badge but then you thought you'd rather have them, "guess who" in the spirit of the thread.
  4. Cheap, now Ortliebs, that was cheap and I thought it was tasty, too. "Joe's beer."
  5. Did you say, "Pearly Gates"? Not that I believe in any such thing, but...... Three men died on Christmas Eve and were met by Saint Peter at the pearly gates. "In honor of this holy season" Saint Peter said, "You must each possess something that symbolizes Christmas to get into heaven." The first man fumbled through his pockets and pulled out a lighter. He flicked it on. "It represents a candle", he said. "You may pass through the pearly gates" Saint Peter said. The second man reached into his pocket and pulled out a set of keys. He shook them and said, "They're bells." Saint Peter said "You may pass through the pearly gates". The third man started searching desperately through his pockets and finally pulled out a pair of women's panties. St. Peter looked at the man with a raised eyebrow and asked, "And just what do those symbolize?" The man replied, "These are Carols." (rim shot!)
  6. Wow, most Catholics spell better. I swear I'm kiddin I've never had a problem with most lay people that are part of any Catholic organization. Most corps BITD had poorly paid, (volunteer) staffs, whether they were associated with a church, VFW, Legion, whatever. Just in my personal experience, I never met a more arrogant, self important, condescending, snobbish group of people than the parish clergy where I grew up. Again, just my experience and opinion.
  7. I grew up in Delaware County, PA. I don't think there were any Catholic corps in the area. I went to Catholic schools and they way I was treated in those institutions, if a Catholic corps was the only option, I would not have participated.
  8. It actually took 2 or 3 of those Schaeffers, before you could "enjoy" it.
  9. I was just setting up the last line as a joke. Just proves I'm more bored than you, because I spend more time and work harder at it than you
  10. I don't know why people start threads like this one. It invites pointless speculation. Why is there a winner and why is there a loser? Do you really need to explain that? Do you have to go into why one corps wins and why one loses? Certainly, the staffs of the units involved look at these things and speculate and try to adjust accordingly. However, there are a lot of things that have to happen just right to win and to win consistently. If you analyze this in a public forum, you're going to insult someone because of some simplified and seemingly obvious observations. Why don't you make as much money as Bill Gates? Don't you work as hard? Are you dumber? Is what you do worthless? Do people just hate you? The answers to these questions must be the reasons that you aren't as successful. (OMG! I think I just figured out my life.......... )
  11. ...but not high guard...slackers! They have hit upon a winning formula, but I don't think you can say it's because the other corps are not practicing or working as hard as the Bucs. They have a unique set of circumstances going for them and are successful because of that, as well as the hard work. But to say that other corps aren't putting in the time - that also says not putting in the devotion. You would get an argument from just about everyone in drum corps over that one. I'm a Bucs fan and alumni. I also have a lot of friends in drum corps...they all give 100%+.
  12. Waiting for the "guess whoers" to discover this and start, humorously, demeaning one of their own that is said to be vertically challenged.
  13. Remember when they marched? Heh, heh, I am relaxed. I just asked a simple question. Sure upset some people, though.
  14. I'll assume some of what you say makes sense to someone. LOL on the first comment. It is what it was - no whining. I guess maybe it's whining if you refuse to see the truth - so be it. Your second paragraph doesn't pertain to anything I said. My point is the opposite. Maybe you need to read it again. I'm sure this group of Bucs is enjoying the fruits of their labor, as are probably all the corps or else they wouldn't do it, so that was a silly thing to say. What championship rings? Where did I mention something was a "political joke"?
  15. My bad, of course, the workings of DCA have been totally non-political throughout it's entire history. I should have considered the unbiased and fair minded nature of subjective judging before commenting. Again, my bad. ...and the Tour de France isn't dominated by Lance Armstrong or his team, just ask him after this weekend (lol), and the winner is determined by time not whether someone is "tired of what you're doing", or not. One of the many differences between sport and art.
  16. At what point does the general health and future of DCA take precedence over whether Bucs go undefeated or not?
  17. 1970 Brookhaven Crusaders. Why? That was my corps, we had an OK year and I would do it again. 1978 Reading Buccaneers. Why? It was my corps and we were having a down year. Every rehearsal, every performance, every minute together was a struggle for survival. I listen to that Firebird Finale and that double high F the sops held forever and pushing every last ounce of air out of my lungs doing it with my fellow Buccaneers. We knew we were out of the placement race, that performance was for us and the fans. I would do that again. Through all my years in drum corps, there have always been cooler songs, drills, equipment, and more winning seasons than I ever personally saw, but even if I could go back, I would spend every minute reliving the best shows of MY life.
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